Rina Banerjee
Rina Banerjee, née en 1963 à Calcutta en Inde, est une artiste plasticienne contemporaine. Elle vit et travaille à New York.
Rina Banerjee

Naissance | |
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Domicile | |
Formation | |
Activités |
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Expositions personnelles
- 2011 : Musée Guimet, Paris.
- 2010 :
- Forever foreign, Haunch of Venison, London, England
- Without face: Cultivating the foreign, Armory Show, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, New York, USA
- Wild Things, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense, Danemark
- 2009 :
- 2008 : Art Unlimited, Galerie Obadia, Paris, Art Basel 39, Basel, Switzerland
- 2007 :
- The Wilderness Within, Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin
- Tokyo Wonder Site, curated by Kayoko Lemura, Shibuya-Tokyo
- Shcontemporary, solo show Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Shanghai, China
- Foreign Fruit, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris
- 2006 :
- Silver pearl girls and Gardens, VOLTA show 02, NP Gallery, Basel
- Fantasies Without Travel Will Travel, AMT Gallery, Como, Italy
- 2002 : Phantasmal Pharmacopeia, curated by Suzette Min, Painted Bride Art center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- 2001 :
- Phantasmal Pharmacopeia, Debs & Co. ;New York, USA
- Antenna, Bose Pacia Modern, New York, USA
- 2010 :
- San Jose museum of art, San Jose, California
- Finding India, Moca, Taipei, Taiwan
- Devi Foundation, Delhi, Inde
- Roundabout, City gallery Wellington, New Zealand
- Bring me a Lion, Hunt Gallery, Webster University, St. Louis, MO, USA
- Fantasmagoria, le monde mythique, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France
- The road of marvels, path of elegance, Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium
- 2009 :
- Marvellous reality, oganized by Gallery Espace, at Lalit Kala Academi, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi
- Rina Banerjee & Raquid Shaw, Thomas Gibson Ltd., London UK
- Anomalies, Rossi & Rossi gallery, London, Commissaire Jaishri Abindanchi
- Wonderland-Through the looking glass, Kade, Amersfoot, Nederland
- Mythologies, Haunch & Venison, London, England
- 2008 :
- Pretty is as pretty does, by Laura Heon, Site Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA
- Dyed Roots: the new emergence of culture, curated by Camilla Singh, Mocca Toronto, (Museum of contemporary Canadian Art).
- Les Fleurs du Mal, (The flowers of evil still bloom), Cueto Project, New York
- Distant Nearmess, The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, curated by Bruce Hartman, Overland Park, Kansas City, USA.
- Gallery Bodhi Art, Mumbai, War is everywhere, Inde, curated by Shaheen Merali.
- Indian Focus, Espace Claude Berri, Paris.
- Smithsonian Museum, Sackler Museum of Asian Art, Washington, USA
- Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, Kansas city, with Rina Banerjee, Barti Kher and Subhod Gupta,
- Dessins de la Collection Florence et Daniel Guerlain, services culturels, Ambassade de France, New York, USA
- Exploding the Lotus, Co-curated by Jaishri Abichandani and Jane Hart, Art and Culture Center for Hollywood, USA.
- 2007 :
- An Archeology, The Anita Zabludowicz Art Collection, London
- I fear I believe, Gallery Espace, New Delhi
- 2006 :
- Frieze Art fair 2006, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, London
- Berlin Art Forum 2006, Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin
- Sheboygan, John Micheal Kohler Arts Center, Wisconsin, USA
- Tsumari-Echigo Exhibition 3rd Triennial, Japan, curated by Fram Kitawaga
- 2005 :
- Black Moon Island, One in the Other - Contemporary International Drawing, London, UK
- Agra, Peabody Essex Museum, curated by Karina Corrigan, w/catalog,Salem, Massachusetts, USA
- Looking in the Eye of the Beholder, Rotunda Gallery, curated by Janine Cirincione, Brooklyn, NY
- Greater New York Show, PS1/Moma, curated by Klaus Biesenbach and staff, w/catalog (essay by Sarah Keesler), Queens, New York
- Fatal Love: Exhibition of South Asian Contemporary Art Now, Queens Museum of Art, curated by Peranna Reddy and Jaishri Achandani, Queens, New York
- Suspended Ornament, Suite 106 Gallery, New York, USA
- Smack-Mellon, Sunset/Sunrise, curated by Courtney Martin and Amanda Church, w/catalog, Smack-Mellon Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, New York
- Space, Brooklyn, New York
- 2004 :
- Open House, Brooklyn Museum of Art, curated by Charlotta Kotic, w/catalog, Brooklyn, New York
- Specificity, Riva Gallery, curated by Donald Odita, w/catalog, New York, New York
- K48 Klubhouse, Deitch Projects, Brooklyn, NY
- Yankee Remix, Artists Take on New England Massachusetts, Museum of Modern Art, curated by Laura Heon, North Adams, Massachusetts
- ARCO, curated by Omar Chahoud Lopez, w/catalog, Madrid
- 5 x 5 Contemporary Art on Contemporary Artists, curated by Shamim Momin, w/catalog, Whitney Museum of American Art, Phillip Morris Space,New York
- 2000 :
- Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Biennial 2000, w/catalog, New York
- Au Weidersien, Admit One Gallery, Chelsea, New York
- Exoticism was for sale, Prokect room, Debs and Company
- Good Business is the Best Art, Bronx Museum, curated by Lydia Yee and Marisol Nieves, Bronx, New York
- 1999 : R.A.W. Bodies of Resistance, curated by Barbara Hunt w/catalog, Hartford, Connecticut
- 1997 : A.I.M. (Artists in the Market Place), Bronx Museum, curated by Marisol Nieves and Lydia Yee, Bronx, New York
Articles de presse
- Beaux Arts Magazine, “La FIAC, Nos coups de cœur“, Isabelle de Wavrin & Laurène Flinois, 11/2010.
- Arts Libre, “Une panoplie de Belges à ArtBasel“, Claude Lorent, 11/06/2010.
- Haunch Of Venison, “Rina Banerjee, Forever-Foreign“, 09/04-15/05/2010
- Arts Libre, “Sept galeries belges à New York“, Claude Lorent, 5-11/03/2010.
- Art India, “Space Shifters“,03/2010,Volume XIV, Issue IV
- Armory publicity – Artslant new york, « Rina Banerjee »
Liens externes
- Site officiel
- Ressources relatives aux beaux-arts :
- Notice dans un dictionnaire ou une encyclopédie généraliste :
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