
Tityus magnimanus


Cette espĂšce est endĂ©mique de l'État de FalcĂłn au Venezuela[1] - [2].


Le mĂąle holotype mesure 68 mm[3].

Publication originale

  • Pocock, 1897 : « Descriptions of some new species of scorpions o the genus Tityus, with notes upon some forms allied to T. americanus (Linn.). » Annals and Magazine of Natural History, sĂ©r. 6, vol. 19, p. 510-521 (texte intĂ©gral).

Liens externes

Notes et références

  1. Fet, Sissom, Lowe & Braunwalder, 2000 : Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998). New York Entomological Society, p. 1-690.
  2. Lourenço & Ramos, 2004 : New considerations on the status of Tityus magnimanus Pocock, 1897 (Scorpiones: Buthidae), and description of a new species of Tityus from the State of Roraima, Brazil. Revista IbĂ©rica de AracnologĂ­a, vol. 10, p. 285−291 (texte intĂ©gral).
  3. Pocock, 1897 : « Descriptions of some new species of scorpions o the genus Tityus, with notes upon some forms allied to T. americanus (Linn.). » Annals and Magazine of Natural History, sér. 6, vol. 19, p. 510-521 (texte intégral).
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