
Liste des conférences plénières des congrès européens de mathématiques

Cette liste des conférences plénières des congrès européens de mathématiques donne les orateurs des conférences plénières ainsi que l'intitulé de leurs exposés lors des congrès européens de mathématiques qui ont lieu tous les quatre ans depuis 1992.

1992 Paris

1996 Budapest

  • Noga Alon Randomness and pseudo-randomness on discrete mathematics[2].
  • Gérard Ben Arous Large deviation as a common probabilistic tool for some problem of analysis, geometry and physics.
  • Boris Dubrovin (en) Reflection groups quantum cohomologies and Painleve’s equations.
  • János Kollár Low degree polynomial equations: arithmetic, geometry and topology.
  • Jacques Laskar The stability of the Solar System.
  • Dusa McDuff Recent progress in symplectic topology.
  • Alexander Merkurjev K-theory and algebraic groups.
  • Vitali Milman Surprising geometric phenomena of high-dimensional convexity theory.
  • Stefan Müller Microstructures, geometry and the calculus of variations.
  • Jean-Pierre Serre Correspondences and dictionaries in geometry and number theory.

2000 Barcelone

  • Robbert Dijkgraaf (de), The Mathematics of M-Theory[3]
  • Hans Föllmer, Probabilistic aspects of financial risks.
  • Hendrik W. Lenstra, Flags and lattice basic reduction.
  • Yuri Manin, Moduli, motives, mirrors.
  • Yves Meyer, The role of oscillations in non-linear problems.
  • Carles Simó (de), New families of solutions in N-body problems.
  • Marie-France Vignéras, Local Langlands correspondance for GL(n,Q_p) modulo l ≠ p.
  • Oleg Viro, Dequantization of real algebraic geometry on logarithmic paper.
  • Andrew Wiles, Galois representations and automorphic forms.

2004 Stockholm

2008 Amsterdam

2012 Cracovie

2016 Berlin

  • Karine Chemla : How has one, and how could one, approach the diversity of mathematical cultures?[7]
  • Alexander Gaifullin (de): Flexible polyhedra and their volumes
  • Gil Kalai: Combinatorics of boolean functions and more
  • Antti Kupiainen: Quantum fields and probability
  • Clément Mouhot: DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser and Hörmander theories: new interplays
  • Daniel Peralta-Salas (de): Existence of knotted vortex structures in stationary solutions of the Euler equations
  • Leonid Polterovich: Symplectic rigidity and quantum mechanics
  • Peter Scholze: Perfectoid spaces and their applications
  • Karen Vogtmann: The topology and geometry of automorphism groups of free groups
  • Barbara Wohlmuth: Complexity reduction techniques for the numerical solution of PDEs.

2020/21 Portoroz

  • Peter Bühlmann (de) : Statistical Learning: Causal-oriented and Robust[8]
  • Xavier Cabré (de) : Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9
  • János Pach : Escaping the curse of dimensionality in combinatorics
  • Franc Forstnerič : Minimal surfaces from a complex analytic viewpoint
  • Alice Guionnet (Bernoulli Lecture) : Bernoulli Random Matrices
  • Gitta Kutyniok : The Mathematics of Deep Learning
  • Monika Ludwig: Geometric Valuation Theory
  • Alfio Quarteroni : The Beat of Math
  • Karl-Theodor Sturm : Metric measure spaces and synthetic Ricci bounds
  • Umberto Zannier (de) : Torsion in algebraic groups and problems which arise

Notes et références

(de) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en allemand intitulé « Liste der Vortragenden auf den Europäischen Mathematikerkongressen » (voir la liste des auteurs).

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