
Liste d'étoiles du Sagittaire

Cet article recense les étoiles situées dans la constellation du Sagittaire, classées par magnitude apparente décroissante.


Dés. B F Var HD HIP α δ Mag. app. Mag. abs. Dist. (al) Type Notes
ε Sgrε201690229018518h 24m 10,35s−34° 23 03,51,79−1,44145B9.5IIIKaus Australis ; étoile binaire
σ Sgrσ341751919285518h 55m 15,92s−26° 17 47,72,05−2,14224B2.5VNunki, Sadira
ζ Sgrζ381766879350619h 02m 36,72s−29° 52 48,42,600,4289A3IVAscella ; étoile binaire
δ Sgrδ191684548993118h 20m 59,62s−29° 49 40,92,72−2,14306K3IIIKaus Media, Kaus Meridionalis, Media ; étoile binaire
λ Sgrλ221699169049618h 27m 58,27s−25° 25 16,52,820,9577K1IIIbKaus Borealis
π Sgrπ411785249414119h 09m 45,83s−21° 01 24,72,88−2,77440F2II/IIIAlbaldah ; étoile triple
γ2 Sgrγ2101651358863518h 05m 48,52s−30° 25 25,12,980,6396K0IIIAlnasl, Nash, Alwazl, Nushaba, Zujj al Nushshaba
η Sgrη1676188964218h 17m 37,73s−36° 45 40,63,10−0,20149M2IIIVariable irrégulière à longue période
φ Sgrφ271733009204118h 45m 39,35s−26° 59 26,83,17−1,08231B8.5III
τ Sgrτ401777169386419h 06m 56,44s−27° 40 11,33,320,48120K1/K2III
ξ2 Sgrξ2371757759308518h 57m 43,78s−21° 06 23,83,52−1,77372G8/K0II/III
ο Sgrο391772419368319h 04m 40,93s−21° 44 28,93,760,61139K0IIIManubrij
μ Sgrμ131669378934118h 13m 45,81s−21° 03 31,83,84>3000B2III:Polis ; étoile multiple ; variable de types α Cyg et Algol
ρ1 Sgrρ1441815779516819h 21m 40,38s−17° 50 50,13,921,06122F0III/IVVariable de type δ Sct
β1 Sgrβ11814549524119h 22m 38,29s−44° 27 32,13,96−1,36378B9VArkab Prior ; étoile binaire
α Sgrα1818699534719h 23m 53,15s−40° 36 56,33,960,38170B8VRukbat, Rucba, Rukbat al Rami, Alrami
ι Sgrι1881149803219h 55m 15,68s−41° 52 06,34,120,30189K0III
β2 Sgrβ21816239529419h 23m 13,06s−44° 47 58,74,271,13139F2IIIArkab Posterior
θ1 Sgrθ11891039841219h 59m 44,17s−35° 16 34,54,37−2,02617B2.5IVBinaire spectroscopique
62 Sgrc62V38721897639868820h 02m 39,46s−27° 42 35,64,43−1,26448M4IIIVariable irrégulière à longue période
υ Sgrυ461816159517619h 21m 43,62s−15° 57 18,04,52−4,031672B2Vpe + A2IaSPrototype des binaires déficientes en hydrogène ; variable de type PV Tel
X Sgr3X1615928707217h 47m 33,63s−27° 49 50,74,53−3,061076F7IICéphéide
59 Sgrb1591886039816219h 56m 56,82s−27° 10 11,54,54−3,301207K3III
HD 1656341656348883918h 08m 04,96s−28° 27 25,34,55−0,59348K0IIICNpvar
52 Sgrh2521847079646519h 36m 42,39s−24° 53 00,84,590,77189B8/B9VÉtoile binaire
γ1 Sgrγ1W1649758856718h 05m 01,22s−29° 34 48,34,66−4,362076G0Ib/IICéphéide
HD 1678181678188967818h 18m 03,19s−27° 02 33,54,66−2,00700K3III
ω Sgrω581883769806619h 55m 50,23s−26° 17 58,94,702,8278G3/G5IIITerebellum
4 Sgr41639558811617h 59m 47,56s−23° 48 57,64,74−0,89436B9V
HD 1898311898319876120h 03m 33,41s−37° 56 25,84,77−0,70405K4III
21 Sgr211694209028918h 25m 21,04s−20° 32 29,84,81−1,50597A1/A2VÉtoile binaire
60 SgrA601890059835319h 58m 57,18s−26° 11 45,04,84−0,25340G8II/III
HD 1729101729109191818h 44m 19,36s−35° 38 30,94,86−0,84451B2V
ν1 Sgrν1321749749276118h 54m 10,18s−22° 44 41,44,86−3,911852K1IIAinalrami ; étoile triple
ψ Sgrψ421799509464319h 15m 32,40s−25° 15 23,84,86−0,16330K0/K1III+..Étoile triple
56 Sgrf561866489729019h 46m 21,82s−19° 45 39,24,870,88205K0III
43 Sgrd431805409482019h 17m 38,09s−18° 57 10,44,88−1,20535K0III
1 Sgr11664648915318h 11m 43,33s−23° 42 04,24,960,59244K0III
HD 1900561900569884220h 04m 19,56s−32° 03 22,64,990,00324K1III/IV
HD 1637551637558806017h 59m 05,28s−30° 15 10,85,00−2,29934K5/M0III
ν2 Sgrν2351751909284518h 55m 07,07s−22° 40 16,55,000,41270K1Ib/IIÉtoile binaire
61 Sgrg611888999825819h 57m 57,02s−15° 29 28,55,010,25292A2V
ξ1 Sgrξ1361756879305718h 57m 20,48s−20° 39 22,85,02−5,925015B9.5Ib
χ1 Sgrχ1471823699547719h 25m 16,45s−24° 30 30,45,020,87221A4IV/VÉtoile binaire
55 Sgre2551860059695019h 42m 31,09s−16° 07 26,35,061,42175F3IV/V
1706809080618h 31m 26,30s−18° 24 09,55,121,04213B9/B9.5V
29 Sgr291741169239018h 49m 40,11s−20° 19 29,15,22−1,59749K2III
1710349101418h 33m 57,76s−33° 00 59,55,28−3,902233B2III/IV
15 Sgr151672648943918h 15m 12,91s−20° 43 41,85,29B0/1Ia/abÉtoile binaire
54 Sgre1541856449680819h 40m 43,34s−16° 17 35,35,300,92245K1III
θ2 Sgrθ21891189842119h 59m 51,28s−34° 41 51,55,301,89157A4/A5IV
V3961 SgrV39611874749774919h 51m 50,59s−39° 52 27,65,320,24339A0pVariable de type α2 CVn
Gl 7831914089946120h 11m 11,61s−36° 05 50,65,326,4120K2VÉtoile binaire proche
V4050 SgrV40501687339007418h 22m 53,08s−36° 40 10,25,33−1,06619B7Ib/IIVariable de type α2 CVn
7 Sgr71645848838018h 02m 51,10s−24° 16 56,75,37−2,281105F2/F3II/III
1704799076318h 31m 04,85s−32° 59 20,45,370,22350A5V
28 Sgr281734609211118h 46m 20,59s−22° 23 31,95,37−2,601278K5III
χ3 Sgrχ3491824169550319h 25m 29,67s−23° 57 44,75,45−0,50505K3III
1832759586519h 29m 52,17s−26° 59 07,85,461,00254K1/K2III
1849859653619h 37m 34,48s−14° 18 05,25,463,01101F7V
14 Sgr141670368936918h 14m 15,91s−21° 42 47,25,49−0,46505K2III
24 Sgr241711159100418h 33m 53,49s−24° 01 56,25,49−4,623432K3III
1770749366719h 04m 25,06s−31° 02 49,35,49−0,63546A0V
1861859706319h 43m 33,45s−15° 28 10,85,492,67120F5V
1761629322518h 59m 23,80s−12° 50 25,75,51−0,48514B4V
1794979443719h 13m 15,52s−12° 16 57,05,51−0,68565K3III
1865009726019h 46m 01,22s−31° 54 30,75,51−0,61545B8III
1656878881618h 07m 48,40s−17° 09 15,55,521,10249K0III
1688389012418h 23m 28,82s−36° 14 16,85,520,57319K0III
1660238902018h 10m 05,81s−30° 43 43,05,530,31360K1III + (F)
1753179288218h 55m 31,02s−16° 22 34,35,563,03104F5/F6IV/V
V4024 SgrV40241781759399619h 08m 16,70s−19° 17 25,05,56−2,801531B2VVariable de type γ Cas ; étoile Be
50 Sgr501826299556419h 26m 19,13s−21° 46 36,15,57−0,59556K1/K2III
18 Sgr181692339026018h 25m 01,51s−30° 45 23,05,58−0,93653K0III
1808859498619h 19m 39,99s−35° 25 17,15,59−3,171842B4III
1812409507719h 20m 38,16s−22° 24 09,45,591,81186A6:m...
κ1 Sgrκ119357110046920h 22m 27,48s−42° 02 57,75,601,23244A0V
HD 1704331704339068718h 30m 11,84s−18° 43 42,95,630,86293K0III
1767049349819h 02m 27,69s−24° 50 47,05,630,99276K2III
51 Sgrh151V55481845529640619h 36m 01,65s−24° 43 08,55,640,89290A1m...Variable de type δ Sct
κ2 Sgrκ219380710059120h 23m 53,19s−42° 25 22,55,640,36370A3VÉtoile possédant un fort champ magnétique
1892459847020h 00m 20,16s−33° 42 09,95,654,0568F7V
1826819561919h 26m 56,47s−29° 44 35,25,661,46225B8/B9V
1848359649619h 37m 03,33s−18° 13 51,75,660,00442K0III
33 Sgr331749479274718h 54m 00,09s−21° 21 35,35,68−2,951734G8/K0II
63 Sgr631897419863320h 01m 58,58s−13° 38 14,15,690,80309A1IV
1830079582319h 29m 23,77s−43° 26 41,75,701,91187Am
1826459555719h 26m 11,03s−15° 03 11,75,71−1,40862B7IV
1644028829818h 01m 54,38s−22° 46 49,05,72B0Iab...
1824779548519h 25m 21,56s−13° 53 50,25,72−1,01723K2III
1636528803817h 58m 55,68s−36° 51 30,35,740,49365G8III
1633188783617h 56m 41,82s−28° 03 55,35,762,25164A7III/IV
Y SgrY1686088996818h 21m 22,99s−18° 51 35,95,76−2,231294F8IICéphéide
1719619140518h 38m 30,72s−23° 30 17,45,780,01465B8III
1793239443419h 13m 13,67s−25° 54 24,35,79−3,272117K2III
1891989851220h 00m 48,32s−45° 06 46,65,800,59359A8III
1677208960918h 17m 11,63s−17° 22 25,95,81−1,721045K2III
1731179197418h 44m 49,60s−25° 00 39,15,82−1,11793B8III
ρ2 Sgrρ2451816459518819h 21m 50,83s−18° 18 29,45,840,63359K0III
1720519143818h 38m 53,45s−21° 03 05,45,855,2842G5V
19421510073820h 25m 26,82s−28° 39 47,85,86−0,24541G8II/III
57 Sgr571877399778319h 52m 12,01s−19° 02 41,55,880,98312K0III
9 Sgr91647948846918h 03m 52,44s−24° 21 38,65,89−5,014939O6VfÉtoile binaire ; dans la nébuleuse de la Lagune
V4089 SgrV40891840359623419h 34m 08,48s−40° 02 04,75,890,26435A5IV-IIIVariable de type Algol
HD 1698301698309048518h 27m 49,48s−29° 49 00,85,903,10118F8VPossède deux exoplanètes (b & c)
1753609293118h 56m 00,67s−23° 10 25,45,91−1,27891B6III
1822869545619h 25m 04,05s−29° 18 33,25,911,32270K3III
1718569134718h 37m 54,43s−21° 23 51,25,931,01314A5IV
1775179376319h 05m 41,18s−15° 39 37,45,93−1,20869B8IIIsp...
1651858869418h 06m 23,64s−36° 01 11,35,944,7457G3V
1891959846120h 00m 15,92s−37° 42 06,25,951,02316G8/K0III
16 Sgr161672638944018h 15m 12,97s−20° 23 16,75,96B0.5Ib/IIÉtoile multiple
1768849353719h 03m 03,80s−19° 14 44,45,96−2,331482K0II/III
1854679676019h 40m 07,15s−23° 25 44,65,970,45415K0III
1648708855018h 04m 50,39s−35° 54 04,95,980,79355K2III
1636858801217h 58m 39,05s−28° 45 32,75,99−2,061331B3II/III
1778179385519h 06m 52,12s−16° 13 45,26,00−1,19893B7V
1895619857520h 01m 23,84s−22° 44 14,26,011,10313K0III
RS SgrRS1676478963718h 17m 36,25s−34° 06 26,06,03−1,13881B3/B4IV/VVariable de type Algol
1821809540819h 24m 30,17s−27° 51 57,36,03−2,001315B2Vnn
1870989751519h 49m 11,53s−28° 47 19,46,042,75149F3V
V4387 SgrV43871673568947018h 15m 30,76s−18° 39 41,76,05−4,353928Ap SiVariable de type α2 CVn
1778469392519h 07m 30,84s−28° 38 12,46,05−1,19916K3IIIBinaire spectroscopique
19418410076420h 25m 48,01s−40° 47 45,56,080,91352K3III
1757949313418h 58m 21,31s−31° 02 09,16,090,46436K3III
1809289492919h 19m 00,15s−15° 32 09,26,090,09517K4III
1785559414419h 09m 48,13s−19° 48 12,46,110,71392K1III
1835459596519h 30m 54,04s−21° 18 43,96,11−1,781235A2V
1869849742319h 48m 03,01s−13° 42 12,86,112,13204A6:IIIm...
1891409848520h 00m 26,47s−43° 02 36,06,11−1,531101M0IIIVariable suspectée
1746319264318h 52m 37,05s−29° 22 46,46,120,22493K1III
1661978908618h 10m 55,35s−33° 48 00,26,13B2II/III
1819259539619h 24m 21,45s−43° 43 19,46,13−0,12579M1/M2III
V4333 SgrV43331847059644019h 36m 26,06s−18° 51 10,46,131,80240F0VVariable de type δ Sct
1692369029018h 25m 21,70s−35° 59 31,36,140,39461K0III
1758929314018h 58m 24,83s−22° 31 46,36,141,67255A1V
1860429706719h 43m 37,62s−37° 32 19,46,14−0,95853B8IV/V
1686469001218h 22m 00,13s−28° 25 47,86,150,33475A3III
1616648709917h 47m 45,60s−22° 28 40,06,18−2,541811G3/G5IbVariable suspectée
63 Oph(63)1629788770617h 54m 54,04s−24° 53 13,56,18O7/O8III
1676668962218h 17m 24,08s−28° 39 07,36,180,75397A5V
V4028 SgrV40281685748998018h 21m 31,36s−24° 54 55,06,19−1,571164M3IIIVariable semi-régulière probable ; 70 G. Sgr
1699909049418h 27m 56,48s−17° 48 01,36,19−0,01567B8III/IVVariable suspectée
1915849957020h 12m 23,86s−42° 46 47,36,201,08344K2III
1640288812518h 00m 00,08s−20° 20 22,26,22−0,88858K0III
1655168876018h 07m 11,35s−21° 26 38,26,22−4,354234B1/B2Ib
26 Sgr261725469168918h 41m 51,61s−23° 50 00,16,222,20208A3m...
V4200 SgrV42001880889794419h 54m 17,82s−23° 56 24,36,225,4646K3/K4VVariable de type BY Dra
19443310085220h 26m 53,14s−37° 24 09,56,243,25129K1IVÉtoile binaire
1765379342319h 01m 37,74s−22° 41 43,36,25−2,101523K3III
HD 1799491799499464519h 15m 33,15s−24° 10 44,86,254,0988F8VGumala ; possède une exoplanète (b)
V4199 SgrV41991815589515919h 21m 37,11s−19° 14 03,96,25−0,34679B5IIIÉtoile de type B à pulsation lente[1]
6 Sgr61643588825818h 01m 23,12s−17° 09 24,76,27−2,501852K2III
1845749636519h 35m 33,46s−12° 15 11,06,271,14346K0III
1889819835119h 58m 56,37s−30° 32 17,76,272,18214K1IIIBinaire spectroscopique
1699389051018h 28m 06,17s−26° 45 25,86,281,69269A3/A4V
1746309263518h 52m 28,32s−26° 39 02,26,280,91386G8/K0III
V4198 SgrV41981778639388719h 07m 08,33s−18° 44 17,36,28−0,45724B8VÉtoile de type B à pulsation lente[2]
1788409427219h 11m 18,80s−29° 30 08,16,280,34502B8/B9V
30 Sgr301743099248018h 50m 50,50s−22° 09 43,66,291,91245F2IV
1642458829418h 01m 48,30s−36° 22 40,16,30−0,42721B7/B8II/III
1693989033618h 25m 54,61s−33° 56 44,56,30−1,05962B7III
1780759399319h 08m 14,56s−24° 39 26,56,30−0,27672B9.5V
1924339987820h 15m 50,59s−30° 00 19,16,30−1,431148K4III
V4434 SgrV44341924729992020h 16m 23,61s−36° 27 12,76,30−0,78851M4IIIVariable irrégulière à longue période
V3894 SgrV38941617568716317h 48m 27,84s−26° 58 29,86,31−1,401136B3VnVariable de type β Lyr
1698519047818h 27m 43,76s−26° 38 05,16,311,87252A7V
1728759190118h 44m 07,93s−36° 43 05,66,311,11357K0III
1765939341819h 01m 33,52s−15° 16 57,46,310,14559K0III
1893889857920h 01m 26,76s−40° 48 51,36,311,64280A2/A3V
V3879 SgrV38791728169178118h 42m 55,11s−19° 17 02,96,32−1,551221M4IIIVariable semi-régulière
1663938911418h 11m 14,79s−19° 50 30,86,331,09365A2V
1814019521119h 22m 09,57s−42° 00 57,46,331,36321K1III
53 Sgr531854049672919h 39m 49,46s−23° 25 39,46,330,85406A0V
V4405 SgrV44051734259207918h 46m 01,15s−19° 36 22,96,34−0,43738M2/M3IIIVariable semi-régulière
1732829201618h 45m 18,64s−21° 00 05,66,352,58185F5/F6VBinaire spectroscopique
1762469331519h 00m 24,78s−24° 56 32,26,35−0,62809K0III
HD 1676651676658962018h 17m 23,66s−28° 17 19,06,364,0097F8VPossible exoplanète ou naine brune
1714169117218h 35m 59,64s−29° 41 56,76,36−1,201058K1III
1761239323418h 59m 26,78s−18° 33 59,06,37−0,66830G5/G6II
1769039354319h 03m 06,99s−19° 06 10,96,371,82265F5V
1659788901018h 09m 59,96s−32° 43 09,46,391,15365K0III
1792019437219h 12m 28,02s−21° 39 30,06,390,66457K0III
V4381 SgrV43811657848887618h 08m 38,59s−21° 26 58,46,42−3,413019A2/A3IabProbable variable de type α Cyg
1900099878520h 03m 44,33s−22° 35 44,36,442,64188F7V
1753909297218h 56m 27,23s−31° 41 20,46,45−0,30731K2III
HR 70721739289230118h 48m 45,41s−18° 36 04,26,46−0,48795A1V + K1IIIÉtoile binaire
19330210033220h 20m 51,87s−35° 40 25,46,460,79444K3III
1871509748419h 48m 50,17s−12° 19 09,76,47−2,041638K5III
V505 SgrV5051879499784919h 53m 06,39s−14° 36 11,16,471,14380A1VVariable de type Algol
1881589801219h 55m 05,11s−33° 02 46,56,47−1,461259K2/K3III
1632458778217h 55m 54,96s−18° 48 07,66,481,25363A1V
HD 1813211813219514919h 21m 29,70s−34° 58 59,66,484,8868G1/G2VVariable suspectée
1835779609519h 32m 14,11s−44° 32 47,36,483,37137F6V
V4190 SgrV41901713699113218h 35m 21,31s−20° 50 25,66,491,64304F0IV/VVariable de type δ Sct
25 Sgr251712379106618h 34m 32,76s−24° 13 20,66,53−3,453228F2II
65 Sgr651904549895320h 05m 26,33s−12° 39 54,26,531,07402A0V
RY SgrRY1800939473019h 16m 32,76s−33° 31 20,36,58−5,649056CpVariable de type R CrB
17 Sgr171675708956718h 16m 35,37s−20° 32 40,16,890,55605A7:
χ2 Sgrχ2481823919548619h 25m 22,34s−24° 24 43,57,27−0,531185B7IV
HD 1906471906479911520h 07m 19,67s−35° 32 19,17,784,11177G5VPossède une exoplanète
Ross 154V12169240318h 49m 49,36s−23° 50 10,410,4413,089,68M3.5V7e plus proche étoile ; étoile éruptive
OGLE-TR-1017h 51m 28,25s−29° 52 34,914,935000G or KExoplanète détectée par transit
Étoile du PistoletV464717h 46m 15,30s−28° 50 04n/a25000Hypergéante ; membre de l'amas du Quintuplet
S217h 45m 40s-29° 00 28n/a26000Orbite le trou noir supermassif Sgr A*
EPIC 21939451719h 15m 24,659s-16° 51 22,323Binaire à éclipses ; 2 naines jaunes

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  1. (en) « Detail for V4199 Sgr », sur The International Variable Star Index, AAVSO (consulté le )
  2. (en) « Detail for V4198 Sgr », sur The International Variable Star Index, AAVSO (consulté le )
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