Confraternité réformée mondiale
La World Reformed Fellowship (WRF - Confraternité réformée mondiale) est une organisation internationale d'Églises réformées d'orientation plus conservatrice que celles qui sont rassemblées au sein de la Communion mondiale d'Églises réformées. Elle a été formée en 2000. Elle est présente dans 22 pays, et rassemble 34 Églises. Ses membres doivent adhérer à une des confessions de foi traditionnelle du Calvinisme, comme la Confession de foi de Westminster.
Confraternité réformée mondiale
Fondation |
Type |
Site web |
- Afrique du Sud :
- Christian Reformed Church of South Africa
- Church of England in South Africa
- Reformed Churches in South Africa
- Australie :
- Church and Nation Committee of The Presbyterian Church of Victoria
- Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Birmanie :
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Myanmar
- United Reformed Churches in Myanmar
- Bolivie :
- Presbyterian Church of Bolivia
- Brésil :
- Presbyterian Church of Brazil
- Canada :
- Colombie :
- République démocratique du Congo :
- Evangelical Reformed Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Presbyterian Church of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
- Croatie :
- Protestant Reformed Christian Church of Croatia
- États-Unis :
- Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church
- Evangelical Reformed Church Association
- Presbyterian Church in America
- United Christian Church and Bible Institute
- Inde :
- Presbyterian Church in India
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of India
- India Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Indonésie :
- Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia
- Italie
- Chiese Evangeliche Riformate Battiste in Italia
- Mexique
- National Presbyterian Church of Mexico
- Népal :
- Reformed Church of Nepal
- Nouvelle-Zélande :
- Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
- Ouganda :
- India Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Pakistan :
- United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
- Pérou :
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Peru
- Royaume-Uni
- Écosse : Associated Presbyterian Church
- Sierra Leone :
- Mount Zion Presbyterian Church of Sierra Leone
- Soudan :
- Sudanese Reformed Churches
Liens externes
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