National Action
National Action est une organisation politique anglaise d'extrême droite néo-nazie et terroriste[12] - [13] - [14] formée en 2013 et issue du mouvement de jeunesse du British National Party.
National Action | ||||||||
Présentation | ||||||||
Chef | Chris Lythgoe | |||||||
Fondation | 2013 | |||||||
Scission de | Parti national britannique | |||||||
Siège | Warrington, Royaume-Uni | |||||||
Fondateurs | Benjamin Raymond Alex Davies[1] |
Alliés | Division Atomwaffen[2] - [3] Misanthropic Division[4] Mouvement de résistance nordique[5] - [6] - [7] Ordre des neuf angles[8] - [9] |
Positionnement | ExtrĂŞme droite[2] | |||||||
Idéologie | Néonazisme[2] Néofascisme[2] Fascisme britannique[2] Ultranationalisme Islamophobie Antisémitisme Homophobie |
Adhérents | 60 à 100 (estimation en 2016)[10] | |||||||
Site web | | |||||||
| ||||||||

Drapeau de l'Action nationale.
Elle défend des idées antisémites, homophobes et islamophobes, et prône le recours à la violence[15].
- « MP murder plotter’s group wanted to wipe out non-whites by any means, court told », ITV (TV network), (consulté le )
- H. E. Upchurch, « The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the “Skull Mask” Neo-Fascist Network », Combating Terrorism Center, West Point, New York, vol. 14, no 10,‎ , p. 27–37 (lire en ligne [archive du ] [PDF], consulté le )
- « New Hitler youth is enemy at the gates », The Times,‎ (lire en ligne [archive du ]
, consulté le )
- « Misanthropic Division » [archive du ], sur FOIA Research, (consulté le )
- Kevin Rawlinson, « Neo-Nazi groups recruit Britons to fight in Ukraine » [archive du ], sur The Guardian, (consulté le ) - « Vastarintaliike! » [archive du ], National Action (consulté le )
- « Vuodetut viestit paljastavat: Natsijärjestö PVL yritti kosiskella isoa yleisöä ja käänsi samalla selän kaikista radikaaleimmille seuraajilleen » [archive du ], Finnish Broadcasting Company (consulté le )
- Potter, Nicholas (6 January 2021) "The Pan-European "Ikea Fascism" of Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen" « »( • Wikiwix • • Google • Que faire ?), Belltower.News "Internationally, the Nordic Resistance Movement is extremely well connected: According to the broadcaster Yle, between 2011 and 2017, around 20 members of the movement were users of the international neo-Nazi forum Iron March. Here, the NMR came into contact with neo-Nazi parties such as Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) in Greece and Casa Pound in Italy, but also with far-right terrorist groups such as the now-banned National Action in the United Kingdom. In 2015, members of National Action visited the Finnish chapter of NMR. In a blog entry on the British terror group’s website, which has since been taken offline, the head of National Action, Benjamin Raymond, describes a lengthy stay in Finland: He stayed in one of the movement’s shared apartments, gave a speech at Koti, which since 2012 has been the headquarters of the Finnish NMR in the city of Turku, and took part in the group’s hikes. In a photo in Helsinki with members of the NMR, Raymond can be seen posing with an assault rifle. He praises the organisation, discipline and “community feel” of the Swedish and Finnish NMR chapters, as well as mentioning other international comrades from Greece who had also travelled to Finland. The British-Finnish Mikko Vehvilainen, formerly a sergeant in the British Army, has also served as an important link between the two groups: He was a member of National Action and the Finnish NMR before being sentenced to eight years in prison in 2018 for his membership in National Action."
- « Order of Nine Angles - The People VS The 'Elite': State of Hate 2019 » [archive du ], sur HOPE not hate, (consulté le )
- "From satanic paedophile cults to baking competitions" « »( • Wikiwix • • Google • Que faire ?), , 21 September 2022, Amadeu Antonio Foundation
- Dipesh Gadher, « Neo-Nazis face ban after Cox murder », The Sunday Times,‎ (lire en ligne
- James Poulter, « The Obscure Neo-Nazi Forum Linked to a Wave of Terror », Vice,‎ (lire en ligne)
- « Proscribed Terrorist Organisations » [PDF] document, sur, Home Office, p. 15
- Lucy Sheriff, « Meet New Neo-Nazi Group National Action Which Just Wants To 'Piss People Off' », The Huffington Post,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
- Simon Wright, Ben Glaze et Colin Cortbus, « Exposed: Rise of Hitler-loving National Action group who want to 'ethnically cleanse' the UK », Daily Mirror,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
- Amandine Alexandre, « Les groupuscules néonazis n’ont jamais été aussi menaçants au Royaume-Uni », Mediapart,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
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