Wilt L. Idema
Wilt L. Idema, né le 12 novembre 1944, est un chercheur et sinologue néerlandais enseignant à l'Université Harvard spécialisée dans la littérature chinoise.

Naissance | |
Nationalité | |
Formation | |
Activités |
A travaillé pour | |
Membre de | |
Directeur de thĂšse |
Anthony François Paulus Hulsewé (en) |
Distinction |
Wilt L. Idema obtient son diplÎme de premier cycle de l'Université de Leyde, département des langues et cultures chinoises, en 1968. Il étudie ensuite au département de sociologie de Université Hokudai, Sapporo, Japon en 1968-1969 et à l'Institut de recherche en sciences humaines de l'Université de Kyoto.
Il obtient son doctorat Ă l'UniversitĂ© de Leyde le 30 octobre 1974, oĂč sa thĂšse, Chinese Vernacular Fiction, the Formative Period, est achevĂ©e sous la direction d'A. F. P. HulsewĂ©.
CarriÚre académique
Idema enseigne ensuite à son alma mater au Département de langue et culture chinoises. Il est promu professeur de littérature et de linguistique chinoises en 1976. Il occupe ensuite plusieurs postes à responsabilité à l'Université de Leyde, tels que président du département des langues et de la culture chinoises et doyens d'autres départements.
Il est professeur invitĂ© Ă l'UniversitĂ© d'HawaĂŻ Ă Manoa, Ă l'UniversitĂ© de Californie Ă Berkeley et Ă l'Ăcole pratique des hautes Ă©tudes de Paris. Depuis 2000, il est professeur de littĂ©rature chinoise Ă l'UniversitĂ© Harvard. Il est Ă©galement co-rĂ©dacteur en chef de la revue T'oung Pao, de 1993 Ă 1999, Ă©diteur de la Sinica Leidensia de 1997 Ă 2006 ou du Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies de 2000 Ă 2003[1].
En 2009, certaines de ses collĂšgues publient un volume d'Ă©tudes en son honneur intitulĂ© Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music Essays in Honour of Wilt Idema. L'introduction dit qu'Idema "intĂšgre magistralement la traduction Ă la contextualisation historico-culturelle, dans ce qui, au fil des ans, est devenu un style unique et reconnaissable"[2]. Ils font remarquer que son Ćuvre "est exceptionnelle par son caractĂšre inclusif et sa capacitĂ© Ă laisser les diffĂ©rentes pĂ©riodes historiques, genres et problĂšmes discuter entre eux"[3].
Dans une revue de littérature chinoise, Robert E. Hegel déclare : "Les études de Wilt L. Idema dans Chinese Vernacular Fiction: The Formative Period sont des déclarations définitives sur la littérature vernaculaire en général, sur la nouvelle et sur le pinghua[4] - [5]".
En 2015, Idema est l'un des vingt sinologues à remporter le 9e prix spécial du livre de Chine, un prix de niveau national mis en place par l'Administration générale de la presse et des publications (GAPP)[6].
Vie privée
Lui et sa femme ont deux enfants[7].
Liste partielle issue de l'Université Harvard[8].
- The Immortal Maiden Equal to Heaven and Other Precious Scrolls from Western Gansu. Amherst, New York: Cambria Press (2015).
- Wilt L. Idema and Stephen H West, The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays, World Scientific, (ISBN 978-981-4508-68-1, DOI 10.1142/8817)
- China's Educational Revolution. in John Gardner (ed.), Authority, Participation and Cultural Change in China Cambridge University Press, (1973). pp. 257â89.
- "Storytelling and the Short Story in China," T'oung Pao LIX (1973): 1 - 67.
- . Chinese Vernacular Fiction, the Formative Period, Sinica Leidensia Xiii. (Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1974). Google Book
- "Some Remarks and Speculations Concerning P'ing-Hua," T'oung Pao LX (1974): 121 - 72.
- . Feng Meng-Long, De Drie Woorden, Vijf Chinese Novellen, Vert. En Ingel. Door W.L. Idema, Oosterse Bibliotheek Deel 2. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1976). ISBN
- "Stage and Court in China: The Case of Hung-Wu's Imperial Theatre," Oriens Extremus XXIII (1976): 175-90.
- . Verzinsels Zijn Geen Letterkunde. Het Literatuurbegrip in Het Traditionele China, Oratie. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976). ISBN
- "Diseases and Doctors, Drugs and Cures. A Very Preliminary List of Passages of Medical Interest in a Number of Traditional Chinese Novels and Related Plays," Chinese Science II (1977): 37 - 63.
- . Hanshan, Gedichten Van De Koude Berg, Zen-Poëzie, Vert. Envan Nawoord Voorzien Door W.L. Idema, Chinese Bibliotheek Deel 8. (Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers, 1977). ISBN
- "The Mystery of the Halved Judge Dee Novel," Tamkang Review VIII (1977): 155 - 70.
- "Performance and Construction of the Chu-Kung-Tiao," Journal of Oriental Studies XVI (1978): 63 - 78.
- . Pu Songling, De Beschilderde Huid. Spookverhalen, Vert. Uithet Chinees En Ingel. Door W.L. Idema, B.J. Mansvelt Beck, N.H. Van Straten, Oosterse Bibliotheek Deel 9. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1978). ISBN
- . Vinger Gods, Wat Zijt Gij Groot. Een Bloemlezing Uit Het Werk Van De Domineedichters Nicolaas Beets, J.P. Hasebroek, Bernard Ter Haar, J.J.L. Ten Kate, Eliza Laurillard, Samengest. En Ingel. Door Anton Korteweg En . (Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers, 1978).
- W.L. Idema, Aad Nuis and D.W. Fokkema. ed., Oosterse Literatuur. Een Inleiding Tot De Oosterse Bibliotheek. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1979). ISBN
- "Shih ChĂŒn-Pao's and Chu Yu-Tun's ChâĂŒ-Chiang Ch'ih. The Variety of Mode within Form," T'oung Pao LXVI (1980): 217 - 65.
- "Zhu Youdun's Dramatic Prefaces and Traditional Fiction," Ming Studies X (1980): 17 - 21.
- "Dutch Sinology and the Study of Chinese Traditional Vernacular Fiction," Zhongguo gudian xiaoshuo yanjiu zhuanji III (1981): 25-40.
- "The Wen-Ching YĂŒan-Yang Hui and the Chia-Men of Ming-Châing Ch'uan-Ch'i," T'oung Pao LXVII (1981): 91-106.
- with Stephen H. West . Chinese Theater 1100-1450. A Source Book. MĂŒnchener Ostasiatische Studien. Steiner, 1982. ISBN
- . Bai Xingjian, Het Hoogste Genot, Vert., Ingel. En Toegel. Door W.L. Idema, Cahiers Van De Lantaarn No. 19. (Leiden: De Lantaarn, 1983). ISBN
- . De Vorsten Van Het Woord. Teksten over Dichterschap En Poëzie Uit Oosterse Tradities. Studies En Vertalingen, De Oosterse Bibliotheek Deel 21. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1983). ISBN
- "The Illusion of Fiction," CLEAR V (1983): 47 - 51.
- . Mijnheer Dong, Het Verhaal Van De Westerkamers in Alle Toonaarden, Uit Het Chinees Vert. En Ingel. Door W.L. Idema, Deoosterse Bibliotheek Deel 22. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1984). ISBN
- "The Story of Ssu-Ma Hsiang-Ju and Cho Wen-ChĂŒn in Vernacular Literature of the YĂŒan and Early Ming Dynasties," T'oung Pao LXX (1984): 60 - 109.
- "YĂŒan-Pen as a Minor Form of Dramatic Literature in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries," CLEAR VI (1984): 53 -75.
- . Zingend Roei Ik Huiswaarts Op De Maan, Gedichten Van Meng Haoran, Wang Wei, Li Taibai, Du Fu En Bai Juyi, Uit Het Chinees Vert. (Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers, 1984).
- . The Dramatic Oeuvre of Chu Yu-Tun (1379-1439). (Leiden: E.J.Brill, Sinica Leidensia, 1985). ISBN
- . Wie Zich Pas Heeft Gebaad Tikt Het Stof Van Zijn Kap.Gedichten in Fu-Vorm Uit De Tweede Eeuw V. Chr.- Vijfde Eeuw N.Chr. (Leiden: De Lantaarn, 1985).
- and Lloyd Haft. Chinese Letterkunde. Inleiding, Historisch Overzicht, Bibliografieën. (De Meern: Spectrum, 1985). ISBN
- . Bai Juyi, Gans, Papegaai En Kraanvogel. Gedichten Uit Het Oude China. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1986).
- Bai Juyi, Lied Van Het Eeuwig Verdriet. (Baarn: Arethusa Pers, 1986). ISBN
- Dichter En Hof, Verkenningen in Veertien Culturen. (Utrecht: HES, 1986). ISBN
- Popular Literature. Part II: Prosimetric Literature. in (ed.), The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986). pp. 83 - 92.
- Feng Zhi, Reis Naar Het Noorden, Een Gedicht. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1987).
- "Poet Versus Minister and Monk: Su Shi on Stage in the Period 1250-1450," T'oung Pao LXXIII (1987): 190 -216.
- "The Orphan of Zhao: Self-Sacrifice, Tragic Choice and Revenge, and the Confucianization of Mongol Drama at the Ming Court," Cina XXI (1988): 159 - 90.
- Du Fu, De Verweesde Boot, Vert. En Toegel. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1989).
- Area Studies in the Nineties: Prima Donna of Member of the Chorus? in E. ZĂŒrcher and T. Langendorff, (ed.), The Humanities in the Nineties, a View from the Netherlands (Amsterdam: Swets and Zeitlinger, 1990). pp. 337 - 53.
- . Cannon, Clocks and Clever Monkeys: Europeana, Europeans and Europe in Some Early Ch'ing Novels. in (ed.), Development and Decline of Fukien Province in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Sinica Leidensia Xxii (Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1990). pp. 459-88.
- "Emulation through Readaption in YĂŒan and Early Ming," Asia Major III (1990): 113-28.
- . The Founding of the Han Dynasty in Early Drama: The Autocratic Suppression of Popular Debunking. in E. ZĂŒrcher, (ed.), Thought and Law in Qin and Han China, Sinica Leidensia Xxiii (Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1990). pp. 183 - 207.
- . Liederen Van Li Qingzhao. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1990).
- . ed., Thought and Law in Qin and Han China, Studies Dedicated to Anthony Hulsewé on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, Sinica Leidensia Xxiii. (Leiden: E.J.Brill, Sinica Leidensia Xxiii, 1990).
- "Zhu Youdun's Plays as a Guide to Fifteenth Century Performance Practice," Chinoperl Papers 15 (1990): 17 - 25.
- Edited and Translated with an Introduction by Stephen H. West and Wilt L. Idema ; with a Study of Its Woodblock Illustrations by Yao Dajuin. The Moon and the Zither: The Story of the Western Wing. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991). (ISBN 0520068076).
- "Data on the Chu-Kung-Tiao, a Reassessment of Conflicting Opinions," T'oung Pao LXXIX (1993): 69-112.
- . De Man Met De Kroezende Baard, Chinese Verhalen Uit De Tang-Dynastie. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1993).
- . Dierenverhaal En Dierenfabel in De Traditionele Chinese Letterkunde. in (ed.), Mijn Naam Is Haas (Ambo: Baarn, 1993). pp. 222-37.
- . The Ideological Manipulation of Traditional Drama in Ming Times: Some Comments on the Work of Tanaka Issei. in H. Chun-Chieh and Z. Erik, (ed.), Norms and the State in China (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993). pp. 50 - 70.
- . Mao Dun and Speenhoff, or How a Fallen Woman from Rotterdam Started a New Life in Shanghai. in H. Lloyd, (ed.), Words from the West, Western Texts in Chinese Literary Contexts.Essays to Honor Erik ZĂŒrcher on His Sixty Fifth Birthday (Leiden: CNWS, 1993). pp. 35 - 47.
- . Mijn Naam Is Haas. Dierenverhalen in Verschillende Culturen. (Baarn: Ambo, 1993).
- . Skulls and Skeletons in Art and on Stage. in Blusse, Leonard and Zurndorfer, Harriet, (ed.), Conflict and Accommodation in Early Modern Asia, Essays in Honour of Erik ZĂŒrcher (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993). pp. 191 - 215.
- . Traditional Theatre in Modern Times: The Chinese Case. in C. C. Barfoot and B. Cobi, (ed.), Theatre Intercontinental, Forms, Functions, Correspondences (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993). pp. 11 - 24.
- Begeerde Draken, De in Alle Toonaarden Van Liu Zhiyuan. (Leiden: CNWS, 1994).
- De Burger Schuddebuikt, Een Bloemlezing Uit Het Werk Van De Luimige Dichters. (Amsterdam: Querido, 1994).
- Sexuality and Innocence: The Characterization of Oriole in the Hongzhi Edition of the Xixiangji. in (ed.), Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1994). pp. 21 - 59.
- and Stephen H. West. Lan Caihe Niandai Ji Qi Shiliao Jiazhi. in Z. Tang, (ed.), Shoujie Yuanqu Guoji Yantaohui Lunwenji (a Collection of Essays for the First International Symposium on Yuanqu). Shijiazhuang: Hebei Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994). pp. 594 - 98.
- and Stephen H. West. Story of the Western Wing (Xixiangji) (Romance of the Western Chamber). in M. Barbara Stoler, (ed.), Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective, a Guide for Teaching (Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1994). pp. 347 - 60.
- and Dutch Sinology: Past, Present and Future. in W. Ming and C. John, (ed.), Europe Studies China, Papers from an International Conference on the History Ofeuropean Sinology (London: Han-shan Tang Books, 1995). pp. 88 - 110.
- Satire and Allegory in All Keys and Modes. in H. C. Tillman and H. W. Stephen, (ed.), China under Jurchen Rule (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995). pp. 238 - 80.
- Time and Space in Traditional Chinese Historical Fiction. in H. Chun-Chieh and Z. Erik, (ed.), Time and Space in Chinese Culture (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995). pp. 362 - 79.
- Wang Shifu, the Story of the Western Wing. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995). ISBN
- Bai Xingjian, Het Hoogste Genot, Gevolgd Door De Genoegens Van De Liefde (Anoniem), Vertaald. (Leiden: Plantage, 1996).
- De Mooiste Verhalen Uit Het Oude China. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1996).
- De Volle Maan Van Het Verleden, Klassieke Chinese Gedichten. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1996).
- Language, Writing and Literature: East Asia. in J. Herrmann and E. ZĂŒrcher, (ed.), History of Humanity, Vol. Iii, from the Seventh Century Bc to the Seventh Century Ad (Paris: UNESCO/London: Routledge, 1996). pp. 76 - 79.
- Vrouwenschrift: Vriendschap, Huwelijk En Wanhoop Van Chinese Vrouwen, Opgetekend in Een Eigen Schrift. (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1996). ISBN
- Why You Never Have Read a Yuan Drama: The Transformation of Zaju at the Ming Court. in S. M. Carletti, M. Sacchetti and P.Santangelo, (ed.), Studi in Onore Di Lanciello Lanciotti (Napoli: Istituto Universiatorio Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, 1996). pp. 765 - 91.
- "Zelfbeeld En Tegenbeeld, of De Liefde Voor Het Westen in Een Voormalige Hypokolonie," Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap 1-2 (1996): 18-23.
- Zwarte Magie in De Rode Kamer. in (ed.), Bezweren En Betoveren, Magie in Literatuur Wereldwijd (Ambo: Baarn, 1996). pp. 73-83.
- and Lloyd Haft. Chinese Letterkunde, Een Inleiding. (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1996).
- "The Pilgrimage to Taishan in the Dramatic Literature of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries," CLEAR 19 (1997): 23 - 57.
- Zheng Banqiao's Tien Liederen Met Een TaoĂŻstischestrekking. in (ed.), Vijfhonderd Opzichters Van Vijfhonderd Bibliotheken Doven De Lichten. Gedichten Uit China, Taiwan, Korea En Japan (Leiden: Plantage, 1997). pp. 32-43.
- and Lloyd Haft. A Guide to Chinese Literature. (Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies, 1997). (ISBN 0892640995)
- "Confucius Batavus: Het Eerste Nederlandse Dichtstuk Naar Het Chinees," Literatuur 99.2 (1998): 85-89.
- Een Chinese Avonturenroman: De Reis Naar Het Westen. in (ed.), Op Avontuur! Aspecten Van Avonturenverhalen in Oost En West. Zutphen (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1998). pp. 44-57.
- Female Talent and Female Virtue: Xu Wei's NĂŒzhuangyuan and Meng Chengshun's Zhenwenji. in W. Hua and A. Wang, (ed.), Ming Qing Xiqu Guoji Yantaohui Lunwenji (Taipei: Zhongyang yanjiu yuan, Zhongguo Wenzhe yanjiusuo choubeichu, 1998). pp. 549 - 71.
- Het Chinese Vrouwenschrift: Het Eigen Schrift En De Eigen Literatuur Van De Vrouwen Van Jiangyong (Hunan). in (ed.), Verslagen Van Het Rug-Centrum Voor Genderstudies (Gent: Academia Press, 1998). pp. 53-68.
- Meng Ch'eng-Shun. in William H. Nienhauser, Jr., (ed.), The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998). pp. 112 - 17.
- Op Avontuur! Aspecten Van Avonturenverhalen in Oost En West. (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1998).
- Robert H. Van Gulik (1910-1967). in W. W. Robin, (ed.), Mystery and Suspense Writers. The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998). pp. 933 â 41.
- De Onthoofde Feministe. Leven En Werk Van Schrijvende Vrouwen in Het Chinese Keizerrijk Van De Vroege Tweede Eeuw V. Chr. Tot De Eerste Jaren Van De Twintigste Eeuw. (Amsterdam: Atlas, 1999).
- Guanyinâs Acolytes. in A. M. D. M. Jan and M. E. Peter, (ed.), Linked Faiths. Essays on Chinese Religions and Traditional Culture in Honour of Kristofer Schipper (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999). pp. 205 â 26.
- Guanyin's Parrot, a Chinese Animal Tale and Its International Context. in C. Alfredo, (ed.), India, Tibet, China, Genesis and Aspects of Traditional Narrative, Orientalia Venetiana Vii (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1999). pp. 103 â 50.
- Male Fantasies and Female Realities: Chu Shu-Chen and Chang YĂŒ-Niang and Their Biographers. in Zurndorfer, (ed.), Chinese Women in the Imperial Past. New Perspectives (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999). pp. 19 â 52.
- Performances on a Three-Tiered Stage: Court Theatre During the Qianlong Era. in B. Lutz and S. Erling von Mende und Martina, (ed.), Ad Seres Et Tungusos, Festschrift FĂŒr Matin Gimm, Opera Sinologica 11 (Wiesbanden: Otto Harrosowitz, 2000). pp. 201 â 219.
- Prinses Miaoshan, En Andere Chinese Legenden Van Guanyin, De Bodhisattva Van Bermhartigheid. (Amsterdam: Atlas, 2000). ISBN
- Lloyd. Haft. Letterature Cinese. (Venezia: Cafoscerina, 2000). ISBN
- Bai Juyi, Gedichten En Proza. (Amsterdam: Atlas, 2001). ISBN
- The Life and Legend of Cui Hao. in N. Christina, R. Heiner and S. Ines-Susanne, (ed.), China in Seinen Biographischen Dimensionen. Gedenkschrift FĂŒr Helmut Martin (Wiesbanden: Harasowtiz Verlag, 2001). pp. 65 â 74.
- "Proud Girls," Nan NĂŒ, Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 3:2 (2001): 232 - 48.
- Traditional Dramatic Literature. in M. Victor, (ed.), The Columbia History of Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001). pp. 785â847; 1126-31.
- "The Filial Parrot in Qing Dynasty Dress: A Short Discussion of the Yingge Baojuan [Precious Scroll of the Parrot]," Journal of Chinese Religions 30 (2002): 77 - 96.
- "LĂŒ Tâien-Châeng and the Lifestyle of the Chiang-Nan Elite in the Final Decades of the Wan-Li Period," Studies in Central and East-Asian Religions 12/13 (2002): 1 - 40.
- Dutch Translations of Classical Chinese Literature: Against a Tradition of Retranslation. in C. Leo Tak-chung, (ed.), One into Many: Translation and the Dissemnation of Classical Chinese Literature (Amsterdam/Ned York: Editions Rodopi, 2003). pp. 213 â 42.
- "Banished to Yelang: Li Taibai Putting on a Performance," Minsu quyi 145 (2004): 5 - 38.
- BlasĂ© Literati. in (ed.), LĂŒ Tâien-Châeng and the Lifestyle of the Chiang-Nan Elite in the Final Decades of the Wan-Li Period (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004). pp.
- Boeddha, Hemel En Hel. Boeddhistische Verhalen Uit Dunhuang. (Amsterdam: Atlas, 2004).
- Zang Maoxun as a Publisher. in A. Isobe, (ed.), Higashi Ajia Shuppan Bunka Kenkyu-: Niwatazumi/Studies of Publishing Culture in East Asia âNiwatazumiâ (Tokyo: Nigensha, 2004). pp. 19 â29.
- Beata Grant. The Red Brush. Writing Women of Imperial China. (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2004). ISBN
- "Educational Frustration, Shape-Shifting Texts, and the Abiding Power of Anthologies: Three Versions of Wang Can Ascends the Tower," Early Medieval China 10-11.2 (2005): 145 - 83.
- Emperor and General: Some Comments on the Formal and Thematic Continuities between the Vernacular Stories from Dunhuang and the Vernacular Stories from Later Dynasties. in (ed.), The Harmony and Prosperity of Civilizations (Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 2005). pp. 114 â 27.
- "Li Kaixianâs Revised Plays by Yuan Masters (Gaiding Yuanxian Chuanqi) and the Textual Transmission of Yuan Zaju as Seen in Two Plays by Ma Zhiyuan," CHINOPERL Papers 26 (2005): 47 - 66.
- "The Many Shapes of Medieval Chinese Plays: How Texts Are Transformed to Meet the Needs of Actors, Spectators, Censors, and Readers," Oral Tradition 20/2 (2005): 320 - 334.
- "ââWhat Eyes May Light Upon My Sleeping Form?â: Tang Xianzuâs Transformation of His Sources, with a Translation of âDu Liniang Craves Sex and Returns to Life.â," Asia Major Third Series 16 (2005): 111 - 45.
- âCrossing the Sea in a Leaking Boatâ: Three Plays by Ding Yaokang. in (ed.), Trauma and Transcendence (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2006). pp. 387 - 426.
- Drama after the Conquest. in (ed.), Trauma and Transcendence (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2006). pp. 375 - 85.
- âSuiqing Shui Jian: Du Liniang, Meigui Gongzhu Yu Niâa Fuqin De Fannao,â in Tang Xianzu Yu Mudanting. in W. Hua, (ed.), Zhongguo Wenzhe Zhuankan (Taipei: Zhongyang yanjiu yuan, Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiusuo, 2006). pp. 289 - 312.
- Trauma and Transcendence in Early Qing Literature. (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006). ISBN
- Fighting in Korea: Two Early Narratives of the Story of Xue Rengui. in E. B. Remco, (ed.), Korea in the Middle: Korean Studies and Area Studies (Leiden: CNWS, 2007). pp. 341 - 58.
- "Madness on the Yuan Stage," Vergleichende Studien zur Japanische Kultur/Comparative Studies in Japanese Culture 14 (2007): 65 - 85.
- "Ding Yaokang, âSouthern Window Dream,â" Renditions 69 (2008): 20 - 33.
- Personal Salvation and Filial Piety. Two Precious Scroll Narrativers of Guanyin and Her Acolytes. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2008). ISBN
- Revisiting Meng JiangnĂŒ. in (ed.), Diliujie Guoji Qingnian Xuezhe Hanxue Huiyi Lanwenji: Minjian Wenxue Yu Hanxue Yanjiu (Taipei: Wanjuanlou, 2008). pp. 1 - 26.
- Meng JiangnĂŒ Brings Down the Great Wall: Ten Versions of a Chinese Legend. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008). (ISBN 9780295987835).
- and Erik ZĂŒrcher, Levensbericht. in (ed.), Levensberichten En Herdenkingen 2009 (Amsterdam: KNAW, 2009). pp. 101-108.
- Filial Piety and Its Divine Rewards: The Legend of Dong Yong and Weaving Maiden, with Related Texts. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2009). ISBN
- Heroines of Jiangyong: Chinese Narrative Ballads in Womenâs Script. (Washington: University of Washington Press, 2009). ISBN
- Meiguo Hafo Daxue Hafo Yanjing Tushuguan Cang Ming Qing FunĂŒ Zhushu Huikan. 5 Vo. in W. Yi and X. Fang, (ed.), (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2009). pp. 48+8+8 and 504+516+540+598+464.
- Personal Salvation and Filial Piety. Two Precious Scroll Narrativers of Guanyin and Her Acolytes. (Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2009). ISBN
- The White Snake and Her Son: A Translation of the Precious Scroll of Thunder Peak, with Related Texts. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2009). ISBN
- Zhu Youdun De Zaju. (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2009). ISBN
- and Yi Weide. Ying Mei Xuejie Dui Lidai Zhongguo NĂŒxing Zuojia De Yanjiu. in W. Yi and X. Fang, (ed.), Meiguo Hafo Daxue Hafo Yanjing Tushuguan Cang Ming Qing FunĂŒ Zhushu Huikan. Vol. 1 (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2009). pp. 20 - 48.
- Heroines of Jiangyong: Chinese Narrative Ballads in Women's Script. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2009). (ISBN 9780295988429).
- âBei-Mei Di Ming Qing Wenxueâ (the Study of Ming and Qing Literature in North America), in Zhang Haihui. in (ed.), Bei Mei Zhongguoxue: Yanjiu Gaishu Yu Wenxian Ziyuan (Chinese Studies in North America: Research and Resources) (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2010). pp. 636 â 652.
- The Butterfly Loversâthe Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai: Four Versions, with Related Texts. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2010).
- Dunhuang Narratives. in Kang-i Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, eds, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Vol. I: To 1375 (Cambridge University Press, 2010). pp. 373â380.
- "Four Miao Ballads from Hainan," CHINOPERL Papers 29 (2010): 143 - 182.
- "Het Mysterie Van De Gehalveerde Rechter Tie Roman," Boekerij De Graspeel (2010): 205 - 216.
- *Wilt L. Idema, Judge Bao and the Rule of Law: Eight Ballad-Stories from the Period 1250â1450, World Scientific, (ISBN 978-981-4277-01-3, DOI 10.1142/7327)
- Poetry, Gender and Ethnicity: Manchu and Mongol Women Poets in Beijing (1775-1875). in Grace Fong, (ed.), Hsiang Lectures on Chinese Poetry Vol. 5. (Montreal: Centre for East Asian Research McGill University, 2010). pp. 1 â 28.
- Prosimetric and Verse Narrative. in Kang-i Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, eds, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Vol. II from 1375 (Cambridge University Press, 2010). pp. 343 â 412.
- "Shi Hui, âNotes About Directing Married to a Heavenly Immortal,â" The Opera Quarterly 26.2-3 (2010): 435-445.
- Shiamin Kwa. Mulan: Five Versions of a Classic Chinese Legend, with Related Texts. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2010). ISBN
- with Stephen H. West. Monks, Bandits, Lovers, and Immortals: Eleven Early Chinese Plays. (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2010). ISBN
- The Biographical and the Autibiographical in Bo Shaojunâs One Hundred Poems Lamenting My Husband. in J. Joan and Y. Hu, (ed.), Beyond Exemplary Tales: Womenâs Biography in Chinese History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011). pp. 230 - 245.
- Bo Shaojun Baishou Kufushi Zhongdi Zizhuanxing Yu Zhuanji Xingzhi. in J. You, Y. Hu and J. Ji, (ed.), Chongdu Zhongguo NĂŒxing Shengming Gushi (Taipei: Wunan, 2011). pp. 317 - 342.
- An Eighteenth-Century Version of âLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtaiâ from Suzhou. in Mair, Victor (ed.), The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and Popular Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011). pp. 503 â 551.
- The Precious Scroll of Chenxiang. in Victor Mair, (ed.), The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and Popular Literature. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011). pp. 380 â 405.
- with Beata Grant. Escape from Blood Pond Hell: The Tales of Mulian and Woman Huang. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011).
- Shanxi Theater in the Period 1000-1300. in J. Shi and C. Willow Weilan Hai, (ed.), Theater, Life, and the Afterlife: Tomb DĂ©cor of the Jin Dynasty from Shanxi (Shanxi Provincial Museum/New York: China Institute Gallery, 2012). pp. 38 â 45.
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalitĂ© issu de lâarticle de WikipĂ©dia en anglais intitulĂ© « Wilt L. Idema » (voir la liste des auteurs).
- Wilt Idema Curriculum vitae (Harvard University).
- Maghiel Van Crevel, Tian Yuan Tan and Michel Hockx. Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. (Leiden ; Boston: Brill, Sinica Leidensia, , 2009). (ISBN 9047441419) (electronic) pp. 2-3
- Van Crevel, Tan and Hockx. p. 6
- "Traditional Chinese Fiction--the State of the Field", The Journal of Asian Studies 53.2 (1994): 405.
- « Wilt L. Idema's studies in Chinese Vernacular Fiction: The Formative Period are definitive statements on vernacular literature in general, on the short story, and on the long pinghua »
- èźžć©§, « Twenty foreigners win the 9th Special Book Award of China in Beijing », www.chinaculture.org (consultĂ© le )
- Wilt Idema Harvard University.
- "Wilt Idema: Publications" Harvard University
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