

Liste des genres

Selon la classification de Faubel :

  • Adenoplana Stummer-Traunfels, 1933
  • Coronadena Hyman, 1940
  • Discocelis Ehrenberg, 1836
  • Thalamoplana Laidlaw, 1904


  • Laidlaw, 1903 : Suggestions for a revision of the classification of the polyclad Turbellaria. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1903-1904 48-1-4 pp. 1-16.
  • Faubel, 1983 : The Polycladida, Turbellaria. Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part I. The Acotylea. Mitteilungen des hamburgischen zoologischen Museums und Instituts 80 pp. 17–121.
  • Tyler, Schilling, Hooge & Bush 2006 : Turbellarian taxonomic database. Version 1.5 Base de donnĂ©es

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