Arthrobotrys oligospora
Arthrobotrys oligospora est une espèce de champignons de la classe des Orbiliomycetes. C'est un organisme modèle pour étudier les interactions entre nématodes et champignons carnivores.
Arthrobotrys oligospora
Dessin par M. Piepenbring des pièges à nématodes d'Arthrobotrys oligospora
Règne | Fungi |
Division | Ascomycota |
Sous-embr. | Pezizomycotina |
Classe | Orbiliomycetes |
Ordre | Orbiliales |
Famille | Orbiliaceae |
Genre | Arthrobotrys |
- Orbilia auricolor (A. Bloxam) Sacc. (1889)
- Arthrobotrys superba var. oligospora (Fresen.) Coemans (1863)
- Didymozoophaga oligospora (Fresen.) Soprunov & Galiulina (1951)
C'est l'un des prédateurs connus du ver modèle Caenorhabditis elegans[1].
- (en) Varvara D.Migunova & Boris A.Byzov, 2005. Determinants of trophic modes of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora interacting with bacterivorous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Pedobiologia, Volume 49, Issue 2, 31 March 2005, Pages 101-108, DOI 10.1016/j.pedobi.2004.08.003.
- Fresenius, Georg (1850). "Beiträge zur mykologie". p. 18.
- (en) Niu Xue-Mei & Zhang Ke-Qin, 2011. Arthrobotrys oligospora a model organism for understanding the interaction between fungi and nematodes. Mycology. 2 (2): 59–78, DOI 10.1080/21501203.2011.562559.
- (en) Duddington C. & Wyborn C., 1972. Recent Research on the Nematophagous Hyphomycetes. Botanical Review. 38 (4): 545–562, DOI 10.1007/bf02859251.
- (en) Dreschler Charles, 1937. Some Hyphomycetes That Prey on Free-Living Terricolous Nematodes. Mycologia. 29 (4): 447–552, DOI 10.2307/3754331.
- (en) Zhang Ke-Qin Hyde Kevin, Zhang Ying, Yang Jinkui & Li Guo-Hang, 2014. Nematode-trapping Fungi. New York: Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 213, 215, 222, 316.
- (en) Domsch Klaus, Gams Walter & Traute-Heidi Anderson, 1980. Compendium of soil fungi. New York: Academic Press (London) LTD. pp. 60–63.
- (en) Duddington C., 1955. Fungi That Attack Microscopic Animals. Botanical Review. 21 (7): 377–439, DOI 10.1007/bf02872434.
- (en) Barron George, 1977. The Nematode-Destroying Fungi. Guelph: Canadian Biological Publications Ltd. pp. 27–37, 93–95, 106, 111.
- (en) Alexopoulos Constantine, Mims Charles & Blackwell Meredith, 1996. Introductory Mycology (4th ed.). Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 235.
- (en) Nordbring-Hertz Birgit, Jansson Hans‐Börje & Stålhammar-Carlemalm Margaretha, 1977. Interactions Between Nematophagous Fungi and Nematodes. Ecological Bulletins. 25: 483–484.
- (en) Nordbring-Hertz Birgit, 2004. Morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora – an extensive plasticity of infection structures. Mycologist. 18 (3): 125–133, DOI 10.1017/s0269915x04003052.
- (en) Degenkolb Thomas & Vilcinskas Andreas, 2016. Metabolites from nematophagus fungi and nematicidal natural products from fungi as an alternative for biological control. Part 1: metabolites from nematophagous ascomycetes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100 (9): 3799–3812, DOI 10.1007/s00253-015-7233-6.
- (en) Dreschler Charles, 1934. Organs of Capture in Some Fungi Preying on Nematodes. Mycologia. 26 (2): 135–144, DOI 10.2307/3754035.
Liens externes
- Ressources relatives au vivant :
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- (zh-Hant + en) Catalogue of Life in Taiwan
- (sv) Dyntaxa
- (en) EPPO Global Database
- (mul + en) iNaturalist
- (en) Index Fungorum
- (en) Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
- (en) MycoBank
- (en) NBN Atlas
- (nl) Nederlands Soortenregister
- (en + en) New Zealand Organisms Register
- (en) World Register of Marine Species
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