
Rhodococcus (bactérie)

Rhodococcus est un genre de protéobactéries de la famille des Nocardiaceae.

Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après
Culture sur lame de Rhodococcus spp. observées au microscope optique sans coloration


Zopf 1891[1]

Ce genre regroupe une cinquantaine d'espèces. L'espèce type est Rhodococcus rhodochrous[2].

Liste d'espèces

Selon Catalogue of Life (14 août 2014)[3] :

  • Rhodococcus aetherivorans Goodfellow et al. 2004
  • Rhodococcus aurantiacus (ex Tsukamura and Mizuno 1971) Tsukamura and Yano 1985
  • Rhodococcus baikonurensis Li et al. 2004
  • Rhodococcus chubuensis Tsukamura 1983
  • Rhodococcus coprophilus Rowbotham and Cross 1979 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus corallinus (Bergey et al. 1923) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus corynebacterioides (Serrano et al. 1972) Yassin and Schaal 2005
  • Rhodococcus equi (Magnusson 1923) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus erythropolis (Gray and Thornton 1928) Goodfellow and Alderson 1979 (Approved Lists 1980)acceptĂ© Bacteria BIOS
  • Rhodococcus fascians (Tilford 1936) Goodfellow 1984
  • Rhodococcus globerulus Goodfellow et al. 1985
  • Rhodococcus gordoniae Jones et al. 2004
  • Rhodococcus imtechensis Ghosh et al. 2006
  • Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
  • Rhodococcus koreensis Yoon et al. 2000
  • Rhodococcus kroppenstedtii Mayilraj et al. 2006
  • Rhodococcus luteus (ex Söhngen 1913) Nesterenko et al. 1982
  • Rhodococcus maanshanensis Zhang et al. 2002
  • Rhodococcus marinonascens Helmke and Weyland 1984
  • Rhodococcus obuensis Tsukamura 1983
  • Rhodococcus opacus Klatte et al. 1995
  • Rhodococcus percolatus Briglia et al. 1996
  • Rhodococcus phenolicus Rehfuss and Urban 2006
  • Rhodococcus pyridinivorans Yoon et al. 2000
  • Rhodococcus rhodnii Goodfellow and Alderson 1979 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus roseus (ex Grotenfelt 1889) Tsukamura et al. 1991
  • Rhodococcus ruber (Kruse 1896) Goodfellow and Alderson 1977 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Rhodococcus tukisamuensis Matsuyama et al. 2003
  • Rhodococcus wratislaviensis (Goodfellow et al. 1995) Goodfellow et al. 2002
  • Rhodococcus yunnanensis Zhang et al. 2005
  • Rhodococcus zopfii Stoecker et al. 1994

Liste des espèces et non-classés

Selon NCBI (14 août 2014)[4] :

  • Rhodococcus aetherivorans
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus aetherivorans I24
  • Rhodococcus artemisiae
  • Rhodococcus australis
  • Rhodococcus baikonurensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus baikonurensis JCM 18801
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus baikonurensis NBRC 100611
  • Rhodococcus boritolerans
  • Rhodococcus canchipurensis
  • Rhodococcus cerastrii
  • Rhodococcus cercidiphylli
  • Rhodococcus coprophilus
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus coprophilus NBRC 100603
  • Rhodococcus corynebacterioides
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus corynebacterioides NBRC 14404
  • Rhodococcus defluvii
  • Rhodococcus erythropolis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis CCM2595
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis DN1
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis JCM 9803
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis JCM 9804
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis JCM 9805
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis NBRC 15567
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis PR4
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis R138
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis SK121
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus erythropolis XP
  • Rhodococcus fascians
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians 02-815
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians 02-816c
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians 04-516
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians 05-339-1
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians 05-561-1
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A21d2
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A25f
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A3b
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A44A
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A73a
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A76
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians A78
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians D188
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians GIC26
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians GIC36
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians LMG 3602
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians LMG 3605
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians LMG 3616
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians LMG 3625
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus fascians NBRC 12155 = LMG 3623
  • Rhodococcus globerulus
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus globerulus NBRC 14531
  • Rhodococcus gordoniae
  • Rhodococcus hoagii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus equi 103S
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus equi ATCC 33707
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus equi NBRC 101255 = C 7
  • Rhodococcus imtechensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus imtechensis RKJ300 = JCM 13270
  • Rhodococcus indicum
  • Rhodococcus jialingiae
  • Rhodococcus jostii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus jostii NBRC 16295
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus jostii RHA1
  • Rhodococcus koreensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus koreensis JCM 10743 = NBRC 100607
  • Rhodococcus kroppenstedtii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus kroppenstedtii DSM 44908
  • Rhodococcus kunmingensis
  • Rhodococcus kyotonensis
  • Rhodococcus maanshanensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus maanshanensis NBRC 100610
  • Rhodococcus marinonascens
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus marinonascens NBRC 14363
  • Rhodococcus nanhaiensis
  • Rhodococcus opacus
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus opacus B4
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus opacus M213
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus opacus PD630
  • Rhodococcus percolatus
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus percolatus NBRC 100626
  • Rhodococcus phenolicus
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus phenolicus JCM 14914
  • Rhodococcus polyvorum
  • Rhodococcus pyridinivorans
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus pyridinivorans AK37
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus pyridinivorans JCM 10940 = NBRC 100608
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus pyridinivorans NAM81
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus pyridinivorans SB3094
  • Rhodococcus qingshengii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus qingshengii BKS 20-40
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus qingshengii JCM 15477
  • Rhodococcus rhodnii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodnii LMG 5362
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodnii NBRC 100604
  • Rhodococcus rhodochrous
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous ATCC 17895
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous ATCC 21198
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous BKS6-46
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous J3
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous J38
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous J45
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus rhodochrous NBRC 16069
  • Rhodococcus ruber
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus ruber BKS 20-38
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus ruber Chol-4
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus ruber NBRC 15591
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus ruber UKMP-5M
  • Rhodococcus triatomae
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus triatomae BKS 15-14
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus triatomae NBRC 103116
  • Rhodococcus trifolii
  • Rhodococcus tukisamuensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus tukisamuensis NBRC 100609
  • Rhodococcus wratislaviensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus wratislaviensis IFP 2016
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus wratislaviensis NBRC 100605
  • Rhodococcus yunnanensis
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus yunnanensis NBRC 103083
  • Rhodococcus zopfii
    • non-classĂ© Rhodococcus zopfii NBRC 100606 = JCM 9919

Notes et références

Liens externes

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