Jason Scott Sadofsky
Jason Scott Sadofsky (né le ), plus communément connu sous le nom de Jason Scott est un archiviste, historien des technologies, réalisateur, performeur et acteur américain. Il s'est fait connaître sous les pseudonymes Sketch, SketchCow, et The Slipped Disk.
Naissance | |
Nom de naissance |
Jason Scott Sadofsky |
Pseudonymes |
Sketch, SketchCow, The Slipped Disk, Jason Scott, Incendiary Bovine |
Nationalité | |
Domicile | |
Formation |
Emerson College (jusqu'en ) Horace Greeley High School (en) |
Activités |
Historien des médias, réalisateur, archiviste, podcasteur |
A travaillé pour | |
Blog officiel |
(en) ascii.textfiles.com |
Textfiles.com, Archive Team (d), BBS: The Documentary (d), Get Lamp, Just Solve the File Format Problem (d) |
Il a été qualifié de « figure de proue du monde de l'archivage numérique »[1].
Il est le créateur, propriétaire et animateur du site textfiles.com, qui archive les fichiers des anciens Bulletin Board System (BBS). Il a réalisé un documentaire en 2005 sur les BBS intitulé BBS: The Documentary[2], et un film en 2010 sur la fiction interactive : « Get Lamp »[3] - [4].
Jason Scott travaille également pour l'Internet Archive et a donné de nombreuses présentations lors de conférences sur la technologie, la préservation des sites web et l'archivage numérique.

- TEXTFILES, G-PHILES, AND LOG FILES: Remembering the 1980s Through ASCII – DEF CON 7, July 10, 1999
- TEXTFILES.COM: One Year Later – DEF CON 8, July 29, 2000
- So You Got Your Lame Ass Sued: A Legal Narrative – DEF CON 9, July 2001
- Documenting the BBS – Rubi-Con 4, April 2002
- History of Phreaking 101 – PhreakNIC 6.0, November 1, 2002
- Keynote: The Future is Now – Rubi-Con 5, March 28, 2003
- Apple II Pirate Lore – Rubi-Con 5, March 29, 2003
- 100 Years of the Computer Art Scene (with RaD Man) – Notacon 1, April 2004
- Saving Digital History: A Quick and Dirty Guide – H2K4, July 11, 2004
- BBS: The Documentary: A Preview – DEF CON 12, August 2004
- The History of the Coleco Adam (mp3) – Notacon 2, April 2005
- Why Tech Documentaries are Impossible (And why we have to do them anyway.) – DEF CON 13, July 31, 2005
- Fidonet Presentation and Q&A – ToorCon 7, September 17, 2005
- BBS Documentary Presentation – PhreakNIC 9.0, October 22, 2005
- ConCon: A History of Hacker Conferences – Shmoocon 2, January 13, 2005
- Your Moment of Audio Zen: A History of Podcasts – Notacon 3, April 7, 2006
- The Great Failure of Wikipedia – Notacon 3, April 8, 2006
- Retrocomputing (with Sam Nitzberg, Cheshire Catalyst, Sellam Ismail) – H.O.P.E. Number Six, July 2006
- Underground Documentaries: The Art of the Interview and the Access (with Julien McArdle) – H.O.P.E. Number Six, July 2006
- Wheel of Internet Knowledge – Phreaknic X, October 2006
- Mythapedia – STM (Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers) Innovations Seminar, December 1, 2006
- Wikipedia, Brick by Brick – Notacon 4, April 27, 2007
- The Edge of Forever – Making Computer History – DEF CON 15, August 4, 2007
- Making a Text Adventure Documentary – DEF CON 16, August 10, 2008
- Keynote speech – KansasFest, July 22, 2009
- That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars – DEF CON 17, July 30, 2009
- Atomic Porn: What is the smallest particle of erotica? – Arse Elektronika 2009, October 2, 2009
- DistriWiki: A Proposal – May 11, 2010
- You're Stealing It Wrong! 30 Years of Inter-Pirate Battles - DEF CON 18, July 31, 2010
- Archive Team: A Distributed Preservation of Service Attack - DEF CON 19, August 6, 2011
- DEF CON Documentary Trailer - DEF CON 20, July 27, 2012
- Wanted: Dead or Alive – Webstock, February 15, 2013
- Making Of The DEF CON Documentary - DEF CON 21, August 2, 2013
- From COLO to YOLO: Confessions Of The Angriest Archivist — Bacon, May 16, 2014
- Thwarting the Peasants: A Guided and Rambunctious Tour Through the 2600 DeCSS Legal Files – HOPE X, July 19, 2014[6]
- So You Want To Murder a Software Patent – Derbycon, September 26, 2014[7]
Notes et références
- « Jason Scott: Past (Digital) Lives », sur FM4, ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Network)
- « BBS: The Documentary », Bbsdocumentary.com (version du 6 janvier 2012 sur Internet Archive)
- Ken Gagne, « The Grill: Jason Scott », IDG, Computerworld,‎ (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
- Get Lamp
- Casey Chan, « DEFCON: A Documentary About the World's Largest Hacking Conference », sur Gizmodo (consulté le )
- « [HOPE X] Schedule », hope.net (consulté le )
- « Derbycon Schedule », irongeek.com (consulté le )
Liens externes
- Ressources relatives Ă l'audiovisuel :
- Jason Scott – Site personnel (Archived)
- Collector's Trove of Podcasts, an interview with Jason Scott in Wired magazine online
- The Whole Lawsuit Thing – HarvardNetSucks account of the lawsuit.
- http://www.sadofsky.com/
- leahpeah interview with Jason Scott
- fsck interview with Jason Scott
- [vidéo] Jason Scott critiquing Wikipedia, 2006 sur Vimeo
- Jason Scott talking about acting