George Gauld
George Gauld (1730-1782) était un géomètre et cartographe, originaire d'Écosse, travaillant pour l'amirauté britannique, a qui l'on doit de nombreuses cartes représentant les côtes de Floride[1], des Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique, ainsi que des précis de navigation[2].
George Gauld
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Côtes de la Floride Occidentale et de la Louisiane - Carte de George Gauld (1778)
Ses principaux travaux
- An accurate chart of the coast of West Florida, and the coast of Louisiana; from Sawaney River on the west coast of East Florida to 94⁰ 20' west longitude, describing the entrance of the river Mississippi, bay of Mobile, Pensacola harbour &c. ; George Gauld; Great Britain. Admiralty; London: W. Faden, 1803. (OCLC 61253470)
- Observations on the Florida Kays, Reef and Gulf with directions for sailing along the Kays, from Jamaica by the Grand Cayman and the west end of Cuba : also a description with sailing instructions of the coast of West Florida between the Bay of Spiritu Santo and Cape Sable ; George Gauld ; London : W. Faden, 1796. (OCLC 8467057)
- An accurate chart of the Tortugas and Florida Keys of Martyrs ; George Gauld; London : Printed for W. Faden, 1790. (OCLC 39126256)
- An account of the surveys of Florida, &c. with directions for sailing from Jamaica or the West Indies, by the west end of Cuba, and through the Gulph of Florida. To accompany Mr. Gauld's charts. ; George Gauld ; London, W. Fadden, 1790. (OCLC 1572908)
- A chart of the bay and harbour of Pensacola in the Province of West Florida. ; George Gauld; London: J.F.W. Des Barres, 1780. (OCLC 5483785)
- A general plan of the harbours of Port Royal and Kingston Jamaica with the channels leading thereto, and the kays and shoals adjacent; including Wreck Reef &c ; George Gauld; Charles Knatchbull; John Willet Payne; 1772. (OCLC 79791535)
Notes et références
- (en) « George Gauld, A general description of the sea-coasts, harbours, lakes, rivers et of the province of West Florida », American Philosophical Society (consulté le )
- George Gauld, surveyor and cartographer of the Gulf Coast ; John D Ware; Robert Right Rea; Jay I. Kislak ; Gainesville : University Presses of Florida, 1982. (OCLC 7947565)
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