
Frances Clarke Sayers

Frances Clarke Sayers (Topeka, 1897-1989) est une auteure américaine spécialisée dans la littérature enfantine.

Frances Clarke Sayers
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Liste détaillée
Joseph W. Lippincott Award ()
MĂ©daille Regina (en) ()
Library Hall of Fame ()
California Library Hall of Fame (d)


  • (Avec Helen Sewell), Bluebonnets for Lucinda. New York: Viking, 1934.
  • Mr. Tidy Paws, New York: Viking Press, 1935.
  • (Avec Helen Sewell), Tag-Along Tooloo. New York: The Viking Press, 1941.
  • Sally Tait, New York: Viking Press, 1951.
  • Ginny and Custard, New York: Viking Press, 1951.
  • (Avec Evelyn Sickels, eds, Anthology of Children’s Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, rd edition, 1958, 4th edition, 1970.
  • (Avec Marjeanne Jensen Blinn), Summoned by Books: Essays and Speeches by Frances Clarke Sayers. New York: Viking Press, 1965.
  • Forward. From Two to Five. By Kornei Chukovskii. Brisbane: Jacaranda, 1963.
  • Introduction. Grimm’s Fairy Tales. By Jakob Grimm. New York: Follett, 1968.
  • (Avec Gunnar Anderson), Oscar Lincoln Busby Stokes. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970.
  • Anne Carroll Moore: A Biography. New York: Atheneum, 1972. Twenty years earlier, Sayers's old mentor, too, battled the rising tide of vulgarity — Ursula Nordstrom (en)'s revolutionary "good books for bad children" at Harper & Row.

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