Elizabeth M. Bright
Elizabeth M. Bright ( â ) est une chercheuse et physiologiste amĂ©ricaine qui a notamment collaborĂ© avec l'ocĂ©anographe Alfred C. Redfield pour Ă©tudier les effets des radiations sur diffĂ©rents modĂšles animaux.
Naissance | |
DĂ©cĂšs |
(Ă 82 ans) Lowell |
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ĂlĂ©ments biographiques
Elizabeth M. Bright est nĂ©e le Ă Chelsea, dans le Massachusetts, de David L. Bright et Emma Clark de Nouvelle Ăcosse. Son pĂšre est enregistrĂ© comme travailleur manuel[1]. Le , Ă Chelsea, Ă l'Ăąge de 17 ans, elle Ă©pouse Norman M. Menzies, ĂągĂ© de 20 ans, originaire d'Ăcosse, chaudronnier[2]. Bright est morte le Ă Lowell[3].
Woods Hole et Harvard
En 1912, Bright est embauchĂ©e par l'Institut ocĂ©anographique de Woods Hole, oĂč elle travaille comme chercheuse dĂ©butante au dĂ©partement de physiologie, tout en occupant un poste d'assistant chercheur Ă la Harvard Medical School, Ă©galement au dĂ©partement de physiologie[4] - [5]. De 1918 Ă 1924, Bright travaille avec l'ocĂ©anographe Alfred C. Redfield, Ă©tudiant les Nereis et d'autres modĂšles animaux et les effets sur la santĂ© des radiations. Ils publient 12 articles en collaboration[6].
- Redfield, Alfred Clarence, & Bright, E. M. (1918). A quantitative study of the effect of radium radiations upon the fertilization membrane of Nereis. American Journal of Physiology. 45: 374.
- Redfield, A. C., & Bright, E. M. (1919). Temperature Coefficient of the Action of Ă-rays Upon the Eggs of Nereis. The Journal of general physiology. 1(3): 255-259. (From the Laboratory of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole).
- Redfield, A. C., & Bright, E. M. (1919). The Relative Physiological Effects of Ă- and Îł-rays Upon the Egg of Nereis. The Journal of general physiology. 2(1): 25-29.
- Redfield, A. C., & Bright, E. M. (1919). The Relative Physiological Effects of ÎČ-rays of Different Velocities. The Journal of general physiology. 2(1): 31.
- Redfield, Alfred C., & Bright, E. M. (1921). The physiological changes produced by radium rays and ultraâviolet light in the egg of Nereis. The Journal of physiology. 55(1-2): 61-85.
- Redfield, Alfred C., & Bright, E. M. (1922). The effects of radium rays on metabolism and growth in seeds. The Journal of general physiology. 4(3): 297-301.
- Aub, Joseph C., Forman, Jonathan, & Bright, E. M. (1922). The effect of adrenalectomy upon the total metabolism of the cat. Am. J. Physiol. 61(326): 87.
- Aub, J. C., Bright, E. M., & Forman, J. (1922). The metabolic effect of adrenalectomy upon the urethanized cat. Am. J. Physiol. 61(349): 87.
- Aub, J. C., Bright, E. M., & Uridil, Joseph. (1922). Studies upon the mechanism of the increased metabolism in hyperthyroidism. Am. J. Physiol. 61: 300.
- Redfield, A. C., & Bright, E. M. (1923). Hemolytic Action of Radium Emanation. American Journal of Physiology. Legacy Content. 65(2): 312-318.
- Redfield, A. C., & Bright, E. M. (1924). The physiological action of ionizing radiations. American Journal of Physiology. Legacy Content. 68(2): 54-69; 354-378.
- McIver, Monroe A., & Bright, E. M. (1924). Studies on Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. American Journal of Physiology. Legacy Content. 68(3) 622-644.
- Hunt, H. B., & Bright, E. M. (1926). Studies on Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. American Journal of Physiology. Legacy Content. 77(2): 353-370.
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalitĂ© issu de lâarticle de WikipĂ©dia en anglais intitulĂ© « Elizabeth M. Bright » (voir la liste des auteurs).
- Massachusetts Births. (1841â1915). Database with images. FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FX6T-PYR : accessed 9 August 2015), Elizabeth M. Bright, 25 Sep 1893; citing Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, reference 341, Massachusetts Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 1,651,223.
- Massachusetts Marriages. (1841â1915). Database with images. FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N4FJ-C7X : accessed 9 August 2015), Norman M Menzies and Elizabeth M Bright, 29 Jan 1911; citing p 357 no 39, Chelsea, Massachusetts, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 2,409,942.
- Massachusetts Death Index. (1970â2003). FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VZYB-31Y : accessed 9 August 2015), Elizabet M Bright, 20 Oct 1975; from "Massachusetts Death Index, 1970â2003," database, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com : 2005); citing Lowell, Massachusetts. Death certificate number 047029. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health Services. Boston.
- Annual Report, Volumes 14-25. (1912). Marine Biological Laboratory. Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
- Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College. (1919). Harvard University.
- Williams, Peter J. le B. (2006). An Appreciation of Alfred C. Redfield and his Scientific Work. Limnology and Oceanography. 15(1).