Cyclostrongylus est un genre de nématodes de la famille des Chabertiidae.

Règne | Animalia |
Embranchement | Nematoda |
Classe | Chromadorea |
Ordre | Strongylida |
Ordre | Chabertiidae |
Sous-famille | Cloacininae |
Tribu | Pharyngostrongylinea |
- Oesophagonastes Mawson[1], 1965
Les espèces sont des parasites de l’œsophage de wallabies en Australie[2].
Les deux espèces Cyclostrongylus alatus et Cyclostrongylus perplexus sont des parasites de Macropus rufogriseus, le wallaby à cou rouge.
- Cyclostrongylus alatus Beveridge, 1982
- Cyclostrongylus elegans Beveridge, 1982
- Cyclostrongylus gallardi Johnston & Mawson, 1939
- Cyclostrongylus irma Appan, Bergfeld & Beveridge, 2004
- Cyclostrongylus kartana Mawson, 1955
- Cyclostrongylus leptos Mawson, 1965
- Cyclostrongylus medioannulatus Johnston & Mawson, 1940
- Cyclostrongylus parma Johnston & Mawson, 1939
- Cyclostrongylus perplexus Beveridge, 1982
- Cyclostrongylus wallabiae Johnston & Mawson, 1939
- (en) Mawson, P.M. 1965, "Notes on some species of Nematoda from kangaroos and wallabies, including a new genus and three new species.", Parasitology, vol. 55, pp. 145-162
- (en) Phylogenetic relationships of species of the oesophageal parasitic nematode genera Cyclostrongylus and Spirostrongylus (Strongyloidea: Chabertiidae: Cloacininae) with their wallaby hosts (Marsupialia: Macropodidae). Neil B. Chilton, Florence Huby-Chilton, Anson V. Koehler, Robin B. Gasser and Ian Beveridge; Molecular and Cellular Probes, Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2016, Pages 93–99, DOI 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.01.004
- (en) Strongyle nematodes from Queensland marsupials. TH Johnston, PM Mawson - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1939
- (en) Some nematodes from Victorian and Western Australian marsupials. TH Johnston, PM Mawson - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1939
- (en) The genus Cyclostrongylus Johnston & Mawson (Nematoda Trichonematidae). P M Mawson, Transactions of The Royal Society of South Australia 1977 101, pages 19–20
Liens externes
- (en) Cyclostrongylus sur le site (consulté le )
- (en) Cyclostrongylus sut le site de l'Atlas of Living Australia (consulté le )
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