Les Assamiidae sont une famille d'opilions laniatores. On connaît plus de 460 espèces dans 253 genres.

Bandona boninensis
Liste des genres
Selon World Catalogue of Opiliones (03/04/2023)[1] :
- Aburistinae Roewer, 1935
- Aburista Roewer, 1935
- Aburistella Lawrence, 1947
- Bancoella Lawrence, 1947
- Banconyx Lawrence, 1947
- Sokodea Roewer, 1935
- Typhlobunellus Roewer, 1927
- Typhloburista Lawrence, 1947
- Acacinae Roewer, 1935
- Acaca Roewer, 1935
- Acanthacaca Roewer, 1952
- Assamiinae Sørensen, 1884
- Aboriscus Roewer, 1940
- Afroassamia Caporiacco, 1940
- Anassamia Roewer, 1935
- Assamia Sørensen, 1884
- Assamiella Roewer, 1923
- Assaphalla Martens, 1977
- Dawnabius Roewer, 1935
- Dhaulagirius Martens, 1977
- Gomezyta Roewer, 1935
- Gudalura Roewer, 1927
- Himalassamia Martens, 2021
- Metassamia Roewer, 1923
- Micrassamula Martens, 1977
- Neassamia Roewer, 1935
- Nepalsia Martens, 1977
- Nepalsioides Martens, 1977
- Parassamia Roewer, 1935
- Pechota Roewer, 1935
- Popassamia Roewer, 1940
- Puria Roewer, 1923
- Tavoybia Roewer, 1935
- Umtaliella Lawrence, 1934
- Dampetrinae Sørensen, 1886
- Apygoplus Roewer, 1912
- Cadomea Roewer, 1940
- Cardwella Roewer, 1935
- Dampetrellus Roewer, 1927
- Dampetrus Karsch, 1880
- Dongmolla Roewer, 1927
- Dunkeriana Roewer, 1912
- Euwintonius Roewer, 1923
- Granobunus Roewer, 1912
- Heteropygoplus Roewer, 1923
- Hyamus Thorell, 1891
- Macrodampetrus Roewer, 1915
- Mermerus Thorell, 1876
- Metadampetrus Roewer, 1915
- Metahyamus Roewer, 1923
- Metamermerus Roewer, 1920
- Metamosoia Roewer, 1915
- Metanothippus Giltay, 1930
- Mosoia Roewer, 1912
- Neonothippus Roewer, 1912
- Nothippulus Roewer, 1923
- Nothippus Thorell, 1890
- Octobunus Roewer, 1923
- Pahangius Roewer, 1935
- Paradampetrus Giltay, 1930
- Paranothippus Roewer, 1912
- Sermowaius Roewer, 1923
- Simalurius Roewer, 1923
- Sudaria Roewer, 1923
- Erecinae Roewer, 1935
- Aberdereca Goodnight & Goodnight, 1959
- Acanthophrysella Strand, 1911
- Allereca Roewer, 1961
- Angolyppa Lawrence, 1957
- Angopygoplus Lawrence, 1951
- Anjolus Goodnight & Goodnight, 1948
- Bambereca Kauri, 1985
- Bibundina Roewer, 1935
- Binderia Roewer, 1935
- Boeorix Thorell, 1889
- Bolama Roewer, 1927
- Buemba Roewer, 1935
- Bulobana Roewer, 1935
- Bundukia Lawrence, 1962
- Buniabia Roewer, 1961
- Callereca Roewer, 1940
- Cerea Sørensen, 1896
- Cereatta Staręga, 1992
- Cereipes Roewer, 1935
- Cereodiscus Roewer, 1940
- Cereoides Roewer, 1935
- Chilon Sørensen, 1896
- Coleutus Roewer, 1940
- Comereca Roewer, 1961
- Cryptopygoplus Staręga, 1992
- Djemia Roewer, 1935
- Dodabetta Roewer, 1929
- Ereala Roewer, 1950
- Erebalda Roewer, 1940
- Ereca Sørensen, 1910
- Erecabia Roewer, 1940
- Erecella Staręga, 1992
- Erecomma Roewer, 1940
- Erecongoa Roewer, 1950
- Erecops Roewer, 1940
- Erecula Roewer, 1935
- Eregonda Roewer, 1950
- Euboeorix Roewer, 1912
- Eupygoplus Roewer, 1915
- Fakoa Roewer, 1923
- Gapotus Roewer, 1935
- Irnia Roewer, 1935
- Ivocoryphus Lawrence, 1965
- Izea Roewer, 1927
- Kakontwea Roewer, 1951
- Kasaina Lawrence, 1957
- Kukkala Roewer, 1929
- Kungwea Roewer, 1961
- Lepchana Roewer, 1927
- Lubudia Roewer, 1951
- Lygippulus Roewer, 1954
- Lygippus Roewer, 1940
- Maccabeesa Roewer, 1936
- Mandaria Roewer, 1935
- Mbinia Santos & Prieto, 2010
- Merucola Roewer, 1935
- Metapygoplus Roewer, 1923
- Metereca Roewer, 1923
- Montereca Lawrence, 1962
- Neobaeorix Lawrence, 1962
- Neocoryphus Lawrence, 1965
- Neopygoplus Roewer, 1923
- Parapygoplus Roewer, 1912
- Propygoplus Roewer, 1923
- Pygoplus Thorell, 1889
- Roewereca Lawrence, 1962
- Sacesphorus Thorell, 1889
- Sijucavernicus Roewer, 1923
- Simienatus Roewer, 1957
- Tarnus Suzuki, 1969
- Termitereca Roewer, 1940
- Tetecus Roewer, 1935
- Thobala Roewer, 1940
- Tubereca Kauri, 1985
- Tundabia Roewer, 1935
- Valpara Roewer, 1929
- Vandarawella Roewer, 1935
- Wintonia Roewer, 1923
- Eupodaucheniinae Roewer, 1935
- Eupodauchenius Roewer, 1912
- Filopalpinae Martens, 2022
- Filopalpus Martens, 2022
- Hypoxestinae Roewer, 1935
- Adamauna Roewer, 1935
- Bandona Roewer, 1927
- Bwitonatus Roewer, 1950
- Cleoxestus Roewer, 1954
- Congonella Roewer, 1935
- Dicoryphus Loman, 1902
- Doloressus Roewer, 1935
- Dongila Roewer, 1927
- Findia Roewer, 1915
- Hypoxestinus Roewer, 1927
- Hypoxestus Loman, 1902
- Leleupiolus Roewer, 1951
- Lossida Roewer, 1935
- Lossidacola Roewer, 1935
- Mabwella Roewer, 1952
- Mecutina Roewer, 1935
- Metasesostris Roewer, 1915
- Musola Roewer, 1927
- Nkogoa Roewer, 1927
- Parasesostris Roewer, 1915
- Passula Roewer, 1927
- Podaucheniellus Roewer, 1927
- Podauchenius Sørensen, 1896
- Randilea Roewer, 1935
- Rhabdopygata Roewer, 1954
- Rhabdopygella Staręga, 1992
- Rhabdopygus Roewer, 1912
- Scabrobunus Roewer, 1912
- Sesostranus Roewer, 1935
- Sesostrellus Roewer, 1935
- Sesostris Sørensen, 1910
- Spinixestus Roewer, 1952
- Talaspus Roewer, 1935
- Tusipulla Roewer, 1935
- Viglua Roewer, 1940
- Irumuinae Kauri, 1985
- Irumua Roewer, 1961
- Machadoessa Lawrence, 1951
- Numipedia Kauri, 1985
- Typhlobunus Roewer, 1915
- Maruinae Roewer, 1935
- Polycoryphinae Roewer, 1935
- Anaimalus Roewer, 1929
- Ayenea Santos & Prieto, 2010
- Binderella Roewer, 1935
- Bueana Roewer, 1927
- Gulufia Roewer, 1935
- Harpenna Roewer, 1935
- Henriquea Roewer, 1927
- Kavalaica Roewer, 1927
- Kodaika Roewer, 1929
- Koyna Roewer, 1915
- Maracandellus Roewer, 1923
- Maracandinus Roewer, 1912
- Maracandus Simon, 1879
- Montalenia Santos & Prieto, 2010
- Mormuga Roewer, 1927
- Mudumalus Roewer, 1929
- Niefanga Santos & Prieto, 2010
- Oppalnia Roewer, 1927
- Paktongius Suzuki, 1969
- Palmanella Roewer, 1927
- Panchganius Roewer, 1935
- Parakodaika Goodnight & Goodnight, 1944
- Paramaracandus Suzuki, 1976
- Pashokia Roewer, 1927
- Phalcochina Roewer, 1927
- Polycoryphus Loman, 1902
- Procoryphus Roewer, 1950
- Pulchrandrus Kauri, 1985
- Pykara Roewer, 1929
- Santhomea Roewer, 1927
- Senarba Roewer, 1927
- Sonega Roewer, 1935
- Thomecola Roewer, 1935
- Uviranus Kauri, 1985
- Yadoa Roewer, 1935
- Zirolana Roewer, 1940
- Selencinae Roewer, 1935
- Cassifluminia Kury, 2017
- Euselenca Roewer, 1923
- Humbea Roewer, 1935
- Jaundea Roewer, 1935
- Metaselenca Roewer, 1912
- Paraselenca Roewer, 1923
- Sassandria Roewer, 1912
- Selenca Sørensen, 1896
- Selencasta Roewer, 1935
- Selencula Roewer, 1935
- Seuthes Roewer, 1935
- Seuthesplus Roewer, 1935
- Seuthessus Kauri, 1985
- Umbonimba Roewer, 1953
- Sidaminae Roewer, 1935
- Amhara Pavesi, 1897
- Blantyrea Roewer, 1912
- Bundelkhandia Turk, 1945
- Congolla Roewer, 1935
- Edeala Roewer, 1927
- Eusidama Roewer, 1913
- Fizibius Roewer, 1961
- Indosidama Turk, 1945
- Lisposidama Lawrence, 1962
- Lukandamila Roewer, 1961
- Metasidama Roewer, 1915
- Neosidama Roewer, 1915
- Orsimonia Roewer, 1935
- Scabrosidama Lawrence, 1962
- Sidama Pavesi, 1895
- Vilhena Lawrence, 1949
- sous-famille indéterminée
- Parazalmoxis Roewer, 1913
Systématique et taxinomie
Cette famille a été décrite par Sørensen en 1884.
Publication originale
- Sørensen, 1884 : « Opiliones Laniatores (Gonyleptides W. S. Olim) Musei Hauniensis. » Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, vol. 14, p. 555–646.
Liens externes
- (en) Référence BioLib : Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884 (consulté le )
- (en) Référence Catalogue of Life : Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884 (consulté le )
- (fr+en) Référence EOL : Assamiidae (consulté le )
- (fr+en) Référence GBIF : Assamiidae (consulté le )
- (fr+en) Référence ITIS : Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884 (consulté le )
- (fr+en) Référence ITIS : Assamiidae Sørensen, 1884 (consulté le )
- (en) Référence NCBI : Assamiidae (taxons inclus) (consulté le )
Notes et références
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