Zones naturelles protégées
Les zones naturelles protégées (anglais : Protected Natural Areas) sont des aires protégées du Nouveau-Brunswick, une province du Canada. La province possède 59 zones naturelles protégées qui sont tous géré par le ministère des Ressources naturelles du Nouveau-Brunswick[1]. Elles ont pour mission de protéger la diversité biologique de la faune et de la flore de la province[2].

Carte des aires protégées du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les zones naturelles protégées sont en vert pâle.
Zones naturelles protégées
Zone naturelle protégée | Superficie km2 |
Date de création | Comtés |
Allardville | 12,19 | 2014 | Gloucester |
Andersonville | 5,65 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Anse-de-Round-Meadow (Round Meadow Cove) | 0,42 | 2014 | Saint-Jean |
Anse-Dipper-Harbour-Back (Dipper Harbour Back Cove) | 0,14 | 2014 | Saint-Jean |
Anse-Gooseberry (Gooseberry Cove) | 1,98 | 2008 | Saint-Jean |
Baillie Settlement | 0,16 | 2008 | Charlotte |
Bantalor | 7,28 | 2014 | York |
Bellefond | 12,81 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Belleville | 0,13 | 2014 | Carleton |
Big Falls | 4,39 | 2014 | York |
Brantville | 2,62 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Bras-Sud-de-la-Rivière-Kedgwick (South Kedgwick River) | 0,53 | 2003 | Restigouche |
Brookvale | 10,63 | 2014 | Queens |
Bull Pasture Bog | 9,15 | 2003 | Sunbury |
Burgess Settlement | 4,14 | 2014 | Victoria |
Butte-à-Morrison (Butte à Morrison) | 3,76 | 2014 | Gloucester |
Cat Road | 0,57 | 2014 | Albert |
Caughey-Taylor | 1,89 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Colline-Hovey (Hovey Hill) | 0,40 | 2000 | Carleton |
Colline-McManus (McManus Hill) | 1,61 | 2000 | Kings |
Colline-Moose-Valley (Moose Valley Hill) | 10,01 | 2014 | Restigouche et Madawaska |
Dungarvon | 13,72 | 2014 | Northumberland |
East Cloverdale | 10,88 | 2014 | Carleton et York |
Estuaire-de-Musquash (Musquash Estuary) | 11,73 | 2008 | Saint-Jean |
Fen-du-Ruisseau-Two-Mile (Two Mile Brook Fen) | 1,17 | 2008 | Carleton |
Forêt-Décidue-de-Hells-Gate (Hells Gate Hardwoods) | 2,11 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Fourche-Upsalquitch (Upsalquitch Forks) | 9,41 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Gaspereau | 5,60 | 2014 | Sunbury |
Golden Ridge | 3,93 | 2014 | Carleton |
Gorge-Caledonia (Caledonia Gorge) | 29,61 | 2003 | Albert |
Gorge-de-la-Rivière-Jacquet (Jacquet River Gorge) | 260,74 | 2003 | Gloucester et Restigouche |
Gorge-de-la-Rivière-Point-Wolfe (Point Wolf River Gorge) | 8,40 | 1996 | Saint-Jean et Kings |
Grand-Lac (Grand Lake) | 104,63 | 2003 | Sunbury et Queens |
Île-Baie-du-Vin (Bay Du Vin Island) | 2,24 | 1996 | Northumberland |
Île-Foley (Foley Island) | 0,07 | 2008 | Madawaska |
Île-High-Duck (High Duck Island) | 0,21 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Île-Verte (Green Island) | 0,08 | 2014 | Carleton |
Île-Western-Green (Western Green Island) | 0,06 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Île-Whitehorse (Whitehorse Island) | 0,02 | 2008 | Charlotte |
Îles-de-la-Rivière-Sainte-Croix (St. Croix River Islands) | 0,06 | 2003 | Charlotte |
Îles-Green-Nord-et-Sud (North and South Green Islands) | 0,13 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Îles-Salkeld (Salkeld Islands) | 0,33 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Johnson's Mills | 1,48 | 2014 | Westmorland |
Lac-Alva (Loch Alva) | 222,17 | 2003 | Saint-Jean, Kings, Queens |
Lac-Angle-Hill (Angle Hill Lake) | 4,36 | 2014 | Carleton |
Lac-Burpee (Burpee Lake) | 8,97 | 2014 | Sunbury |
Lac-Cranberry (Cranberry Lake ) | 0,81 | 2003 | Queens |
Lac-Dowdall (Dowdall Lake) | 0,98 | 2008 | Saint-Jean |
Lac-First-Eel (First Eel Lake) | 1,01 | 2014 | York |
Lac-Glazier (Glazier Lake ) | 0,70 | 2003 | Madawaska |
Lac-Goose (Goose Lake ) | 15,69 | 2008 | Gloucester |
Lac-Halls-Shed (Halls Shed Lake) | 16,35 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Lac-Little-Tomoowa (Little Tomoowa Lake) | 1,19 | 2003 | Charlotte |
Lac-North (North Lake) | 0,58 | 2014 | York |
Lac-Skiff (Skiff Lake) | 4,79 | 2014 | York |
Lac-Spednic (Spednic Lake) | 257,07 | 2003 | York |
Lac-Williamstown (Williamstown Lake) | 2,12 | 2008 | Carleton |
Lacs-Adder (Adder Lake) | 4,54 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Lacs-Freeze (Freeze Lakes) | 3,15 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Lacs-Kennedy (Kennedy Lakes) | 226,30 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Lacs-Portage (Portage Lakes) | 4,41 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Lakeville | 0,62 | 2014 | Carleton |
Maxwell | 7,41 | 2014 | York |
McLean Settlement | 0,05 | 2014 | Kent |
Miscou-Grande-Plaine (Miscou Grande Plaine) | 1,20 | 2008 | Gloucester |
Mont-Akroyd (Mount Akroyd) | 13,29 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Mont-Denys (Mount Denys) | 0,95 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Mont-Elizabeth (Mount Elizabeth) | 0,94 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Mont-Tom (Mount Tom) | 1,63 | 2014 | Albert |
Montagne-Big-Bald (Big Bald Mountain) | 0,25 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Montagne-Blue (Blue Mountain) | 23,46 | 2003 | Victoria |
Montagne-Gover (Gover Mountain) | 0,63 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Montagne-Lewis (Lewis Mountain) | 1,33 | 2014 | Albert |
Montagne-Nalaisk (Nalaisk Mountain) | 4,80 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Montagne-Oak (Oak Mountain) | 0,93 | 2003 | Carleton |
Montagne-Oakland (Oakland Mountain) | 0,92 | 2014 | Carleton |
Montagne-Picadilly (Picadilly Mountain) | 1,38 | 2008 | Kings |
Montagne-Porcupine (Porcupine Mountain) | 4,18 | 2014 | Carleton et Victoria |
Montagne-Quisibis (Quisibis Mountain) | 1,57 | 2014 | Madawaska |
Montagne-Sqaw-Cap (Squaw Cap Mountain) | 16,69 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Nepisiguit | 118,95 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Nictau | 0,16 | 2014 | Victoria |
Ovenhead | 0,30 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Partridge Valley Est (Partridge Valley East) | 9,84 | 2014 | Queens |
Partridge Valley Ouest (Partridge Valley West) | 2,58 | 2014 | Queens |
Phillipstown | 0,04 | 2003 | Queens |
Pocologan | 1,01 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Pointe-Clark (Clark Point) | 1,16 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Pointe-McPhersons (McPhersons Point) | 1,66 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Pokeshaw | 0,003 | 2014 | Gloucester |
Popelogan Depot | 12,43 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Prés-Big (Big Meadows) | 9,29 | 2014 | Albert |
Prés-Semiwagan (Semiwagan Meadows) | 7,23 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Ragged Falls | 2,11 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Ravine Downs (Downs Gulch) | 4,47 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Réservoir-Canoose (Canoose Flowage) | 45,39 | 2003 | Charlotte |
Rivière-Bass (Bass River) | 1,08 | 2014 | Gloucester |
Rivière-Big-Salmon (Big Salmon River) | 11,22 | 2014 | Saint-Jean |
Rivière-Black (Black River) | 39,97 | 2003 | Kent, Northumberland |
Rivière-Cains (Cains River) | 2,06 | 2008 | York |
Rivière-de-Chute (River de Chute) | 0,25 | 2014 | Carleton |
Rivière-East-Branch-Portage (East Branch Portage River) | 108,97 | 2014 | Gloucester et Northumberland |
Rivière-Eel (Eel River) | 1,60 | 2008 | York |
Rivière-Little (Little River) | 8,53 | 2014 | Sunbury |
Rivière-Little-Salmon (Little Salmon River) | 7,34 | 2003 | Saint-Jean |
Rivière-Little-Southwest-Miramichi (Little Southwest Miramichi River) | 3,91 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Lower-North-Branch-Little-Southwest-Miramichi (Lower North Branch Little Southwest Miramichi River) | 8,21 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Magaguadavic (Magaguadavic River) | 21,1 | 2014 | Charlotte |
Rivière-Nashwaak (Nashwaak River) | 39,83 | 2014 | York |
Rivière-New (New River) | 2,09 | 2008 | Charlotte |
Rivière-North-Branch-Burnt-Church (North Branch Burnt Church River) | 4,99 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Northwest-Upsalquitch (Northwest Upsalquitch River) | 7,62 | 2014 | Restigouche |
Rivière-Patapedia (Patapedia River) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Rivière-Pokiok (Pokiok River) | 2014 | Victoria | |
Rivière-Quisibis (Quisibis Riverr) | 2014 | Madawaska | |
Rivière-Richibucto (Richibucto River) | 2014 | Kent | |
Rivière-South-Branch-Big-Sevogle (South Branch Big Sevogle River) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Rivière-South-Branch-Burnt-Church (South Branch Burnt Church River) | 14,82 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Tabusintac (Tabusintac River) | 20,53 | 2014 | Northumberland et Gloucester |
Rivière-Tauadook (Tauadook River) | 1,31 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Tay (Tay River) | 2,17 | 2008 | York |
Rivière-Upper-Dungarvon (Upper Dungarvon River) | 8,40 | 2014 | Northumberland |
Rivière-Upper-Salmon (Upper Salmon River) | 1,95 | 2014 | Albert |
Rivière-Verte-Nord (Green River North) | 4,64 | 2014 | Madawaska |
Rivière-Verte-Sud (Green River South) | 2014 | Madawaska | |
Ruisseau-Baker (Baker Brook) | 17,05 | 2014 | Madawaska |
Ruisseau-Bass (Bass Brook) | 6,95 | 2014 | Gloucester |
Ruisseau-Becaguimec (Becaguimec Stream) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-Bells (Bells Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Belone (Belone Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Berry (Berry Brook) | 1,20 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-Big-Cedar (Big Cedar Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Big-Rocky (Big Rocky Brook) | 2,34 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Ruisseau-Blind (Blind Brook) | 2014 | Kent | |
Ruisseau-Blind-Gully (Blind Gully Brook) | 2014 | Victoria | |
Ruisseau-Blueberry (Blueberry Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Boland (Boland Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Carr-Falls (Carr Falls Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Clarke (Clarke Brook) | 1,15 | 2008 | Carleton |
Ruisseau-Cowlily-Pond (Cowlily Pond Brook) | 2014 | Charlotte | |
Ruisseau-Connors (Connors Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Dead (Dead Creek) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Demerchant (Demerchant Brook) | 2014 | Victoria | |
Ruisseau-Dionne (Dionne Brook) | 3,34 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-du-Lac-Ayers (Ayers Lake Stream) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Eight-Mile (Eight Mile Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Falls (Falls Brook) | 2014 | Madawaska | |
Ruisseau-Five-Mile (Five Mile Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Goodfellow (Goodfellow Brook) | 1,12 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Ruisseau-Gordon-Meadow (Gordon Meadow Brook) | 2014 | Gloucester | |
Ruisseau-Goulette (Goulette Brook) | 2,63 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-Green (Green Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Greer (Greer Creek) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Grew (Grew Brook) | 2014 | Madawaska | |
Ruisseau-Hay (Hay Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Howard (Howard Brook) | 5,33 | 2008 | Carleton |
Ruisseau-Indian (Indian Brook) | 2014 | Victoria | |
Ruisseau-Jardine (Jardine Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Lake (Lake Stream) | 2014 | Kent | |
Ruisseau-Little-Cedar (Little Cedar Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Little-Forks (Little Forks Brook) | 2014 | Sunbury | |
Ruisseau-Lord-and-Foy (Lord and Foy Brook) | 2014 | Gloucester | |
Ruisseau-MacFarlane (MacFarlane Brook) | 1,20 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-Martial (Martial Brook) | 2014 | Madawaska | |
Ruisseau-McBean (McBean Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-McCarty (McBean Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-McCluskey (McCluskey Brook) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-McCoy (McCoy Brook) | 0,60 | 2008 | Madawaska |
Ruisseau-McDougalls (McDougalls Brook) | 1,25 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-McNeal (McNeal Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Mill (Mill Brook) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-Mill–Mactaquac (Mill Stream-Mactaquac) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Miller (Miller Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Monument (Monument Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-North-Pole (North Pole Stream) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Otter (Otter Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Oven-Rock (Oven Rock Brook) | 2014 | Victoria | |
Ruisseau-Patchell (Patchell Brook) | 1,22 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Ruisseau-Pisiguit (Pisiguit Brook) | 2014 | Gloucester | |
Ruisseau-Pocowogamis (Pocowogamis Stream) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Pokiok (Pokiok Stream) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Pollard (Pollard Brook) | 3,05 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-Quigley (Quigley Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Red-Pine (Red Pine Brook) | 2014 | Gloucester | |
Ruisseau-Red-Pine (Red Pine Brook) | 2014 | Gloucester | |
Ruisseau-Risteen (Risteen Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Saddleback (Saddleback Brook) | 2014 | Saint-Jean et Kings | |
Ruisseau-Shikatehawk (Shikatehawk Stream) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-Sills (Sills Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Smith (Smith Brook) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-Spud (Spud Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Stillwater (Stillwater Brook) | 2014 | Restigouche | |
Ruisseau-Stony (Stony Brook) | 2014 | Northumberland | |
Ruisseau-Tamarack (Tamarack Brook) | 2014 | York | |
Ruisseau-Trout (Trout Brook) | 2014 | Kent | |
Ruisseau-Upham (Upham Brook) | 2014 | Albert | |
Ruisseau-Upper-Thorn-Point (Upper Thorn Point Brook) | 3,29 | 2008 | Restigouche |
Ruisseau-Welch (Welch Brook) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Ruisseau-West-Branch-Coy (West Branch Coy Brook) | 2014 | Queens et Kent | |
Ruisseau-Wilson (Wilson Brook) | 0,77 | 2003 | Albert |
Shinnickburn | 1,70 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Stickney | 2014 | Carleton | |
Tabusintac | 1,08 | 2003 | Northumberland |
Terre-Boisée-Dungarvon-Whooper-Spring (Dungarvon Whooper Spring Woodlot) | 1,58 | 2008 | Northumberland |
Terres-humides-Estey (Estey Wetlands) | 2014 | York | |
Tourbières-de-Canaan (Canaan Bog) | 206,50 | 2003 | Westmorland, Kent et Queens |
Vallée-de-Meduxnekeag (Meduxnekeag Valley) | 2014 | Carleton | |
Woodman | 2014 | York |
Notes et références
- « Zones naturelles protégées », sur Ministère des Ressources naturelles (consulté le )
- Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, « Ch. P-19.01. Loi sur les zones naturelles protégées, art. 3 » (consulté le )
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