William Roy Branch
William Roy Branch est un herpétologiste britannique né le à Londres et mort le . Il vivait en Afrique du Sud.
William Roy Branch

Naissance | |
Décès |
(Ă 72 ans) Port Elizabeth |
Nationalité | |
Formation | |
Activité |
A travaillé pour |
Bayworld Centre for Research and Education (d) ( - |
Abréviation en zoologie |
Branch |
Diplômé de l'université de Southampton. Il est Curator of Herpetology au musée de Port Elizabeth. C'est un spécialiste de l'herpétofaune afrotropicale.
Taxons nommés en son honneur
- Acanthocercus branchi Wagner, Greenbaum & Bauer, 2012
- Breviceps branchi Channing, 2012
Quelques taxons décrits
- Afrogecko Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997
- Atheris mabuensis Branch & Bayliss, 2009
- Bitis rubida Branch, 1997
- Bradypodion atromontanum Branch, Tolley & Tilbury, 2006
- Congolacerta Greenbaum, Villanueva, Kusamba, Aristote & Branch, 2011
- Congolacerta asukului Greenbaum, Villanueva, Kusamba, Aristote & Branch, 2011
- Cordylus beraduccii Broadley & Branch, 2002
- Cordylus meculae Branch, Rödel & Marais, 2005
- Cryptactites Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997
- Dixonius Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997
- Epacrophis Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009
- Epictinae Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branchs, 2009
- Gerrhopilus Vidal, Wynn, Donnellan & Hedges, 2010
- Goggia Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997
- Goggia braacki (Good, Bauer & Branch, 1996)
- Goggia gemmula (Bauer, Branch & Good, 1996)
- Goggia hewitti (Branch, Bauer & Good, 1995)
- Goggia hexapora (Branch, Bauer & Good, 1995)
- Haemodracon Bauer, Good & Branch, 1997
- Homopus solus Branch, 2007
- Hyperolius chelaensis Conradie, Branch, Measey & Tolley, 2012
- Inyoka Kelly, Branch, Broadley, Barker & Villet, 2011
- Karusasaurus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch & Le Fras Nortier Mouton, 2011
- Kinyongia Tilbury, Tolley & Branch, 2006
- Mitophis Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009
- Myriopholis Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009
- Nadzikambia baylissi Branch & Tolley, 2010
- Nadzikambia Tilbury, Tolley & Branch, 2006
- Namazonurus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch & Le Fras Nortier Mouton, 2011
- Namibiana Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009
- Ninurta Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch & Le Fras Nortier Mouton, 2011
- Ouroborus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch & Le Fras Nortier Mouton, 2011
- Pachydactylus carinatus Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus etultra Branch, Bauer, Jackman & Heinicke, 2011
- Pachydactylus goodi Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus griffini Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus haackei Branch, Bauer & Good, 1996
- Pachydactylus kladaroderma Branch, Bauer & Good, 1996
- Pachydactylus mclachlani Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus monicae Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus otaviensis Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus parascutatus Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2002
- Pachydactylus reconditus Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pachydactylus visseri Bauer, Lamb & Branch, 2006
- Pedioplanis haackei Conradie, Measey, Branch & Tolley, 2012
- Pedioplanis huntleyi Conradie, Measey, Branch & Tolley, 2012
- Platysaurus broadleyi Branch & Whiting, 1997
- Smaug Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch & Le Fras Nortier Mouton, 2011
- Vandijkophrynus robinsoni (Branch & Braack, 1996)
- Vhembelacerta Edwards, Branch, Herrel, Vanhooydonck, Measey & Tolley, 2013
- Xenotyphlopidae Vidal, Vences, Branch & Hedges, 2010
Liens externes
- Ressources relatives Ă la recherche :
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- (en) ResearchGate
- (en) ZooBank
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