Université en Irlande (pays)
Liste des universités d'Irlande.
RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland).
Reconnues comme telles par la Loi universitaire de 1997 :
Collèges d'éducation
- St Angela's College of Education, Sligo
- St Catherine's College of Education for Home Economics
- Church of Ireland College of Education
- Froebel College of Education
- The Marino Institute of Education
- Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
- Mater Dei Institute of Education
- St Patrick's College of Education
- College of Commerce Cork
- St. Johns College Cork
- Central Technical InstituteWaterford
Collèges Indépendants
- All Hallows College
- Collège américain de Dublin
- Collège chirurgical royal d'Irlande
- Collège médical royal d'Irlande
- Collège National d'Art et de Design
- École de commerce de Dublin
- École de théâtre Abbey
- Burren College of Art
- Development Studies Centre
- Griffith College
- Honorable Society of King's Inns
- HSI College
- Irish School of Ecumenics
- Killybegs Tourism School
- St Michael's House
- Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy
- National College of Ireland
- St Nicholas Montessori
- St Patrick's College, Maynooth
- Portobello College Dublin
- Shannon College of Hotel Management
- Tipperary Institute
Instituts de technologie
- Institut d'art, design et technologie de DĂşn Laoghaire
- Institut de technologie d'Athlone
- Institut de technologie (Blanchardstown)
- Institut de technologie (Carlow)
- Institut de technologie de Cork
- Institut de technologie de Dublin
- Institut de technologie de Dundalk
- Institut de technologie de Galway-Mayo
- Institut de technologie de Letterkenny
- Institut de technologie de Limerick
- Institut de technologie (Sligo)
- Institut de technologie (Tallaght)
- Institut de technologie (Tralee)
- Institut de technologie de Waterford
Voir aussi
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