
Thelyphonus leucurus


Cette espèce se rencontre aux Salomon et en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée[1].


L'holotype mesure gĂ©nĂ©ralement 27 mm[2].

Publication originale

  • Pocock, 1898 : Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders collected by Dr Willey in New Britain, the Solomon Islands, Loyalty Islands, etc. Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897. London, vol. 1 p. 95-120 (texte intĂ©gral).

Liens externes

Notes et références

  1. Whip scorpions of the World
  2. Pocock, 1898 : Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders collected by Dr Willey in New Britain, the Solomon Islands, Loyalty Islands, etc. Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897. London, vol. 1 p. 95-120 (texte intégral).
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