Roy Wallace McDiarmid
Roy Wallace McDiarmid est un herpétologiste américain né le à Santa Monica en Californie aux États-Unis.
Roy Wallace McDiarmid

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Abréviation en zoologie |
McDiarmid |
Taxons nommés en son honneur
- Eleutherodactylus rayo (Savage & DeWeese 1979). "The name is an allusion to Roy W. McDiarmid, who first collected the species, as recognition for his work on the Costa Rican herpeto-fauna." El Rayo est un surnam pour Roy McDiarmid.
- Allobates mcdiarmidi (Reynolds & Foster, 1992)
- Oxyascaris mcdiarmidi (Bursey & Goldberg 2007)
- Pristimantis royi (Morales, 2007)
- Cochranella mcdiarmidi (Cisneros-Heredia, Venegas, Rada, and Schulte, 2008)
- Rulyrana mcdiarmidi (Cisneros-Heredia, Venegas, Rada & Schulte, 2008)
- Drymaeus rex (Breure 2009). ""Roy" is the old French word for king, but also the Anglicized spelling of a nickname from Scottish Gaelic ruadh (red, referring to the reddish apex in some specimens. The name also refers to the majestical appearance of this species when collected alive."
- Anadia mcdiarmidi Kok & Rivas, 2011
- Chiasmocleis royi Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta & Wheeler, 2014
Taxons décrits
- Anolis neblininus (Myers, Williams & McDiarmid, 1993)
- Arthrosaura synaptolepis Donnelly, McDiarmid & Myers, 1992
- Bachia pyburni Kizirian & McDiarmid, 1998
- Centrolene azulae (Flores & McDiarmid, 1989)
- Centrolene hesperium (Cadle and McDiarmid, 1990)
- Chiasmocleis supercilialbus Morales & McDiarmid, 2009
- Chimerella mariaelenae (Cisneros-Heredia & McDiarmid, 2006)
- Cochranella euhystrix (Cadle and McDiarmid, 1990)
- Mitophis asbolepis (Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson, 1985)
- Mitophis calypso (Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson, 1985)
- Mitophis leptipileptus (Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson, 1985)
- Myersiohyla chamaeleo Faivovich, McDiarmid & Myers, 2013
- Myersiohyla neblinaria Faivovich, McDiarmid & Myers, 2013
- Nymphargus Cisneros-Heredia & McDiarmid, 2007
- Nymphargus laurae Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2007
- Plectrohyla calthula (Ustach, Mendelson, McDiarmid, and Campbell, 2000)
- Pristimantis muchimuk Barrio-AmorĂłs, Mesa, Brewer-Carias & McDiarmid, 2010
- Rhaebo ecuadorensis Mueses-Cisneros, Cisneros-Heredia & McDiarmid, 2012
- Rhinella tacana (Padial, Reichle, McDiarmid & De la Riva, 2006)
- Yunganastes fraudator (Lynch & McDiarmid, 1987)
- Yunganastes mercedesae (Lynch & McDiarmid, 1987)
- (en) C.V.
- Breure, Abraham S. H. 2009. New Orthalicidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from Venezuelan Guayana: unravelling secrets from the Lost World. Zootaxa 2065: 25-50.
- Bursey, Charles, & Stephen R. Golberg. 2007. A new species of Oxyascaris (Nematoda, Cosmocercidae) in the Costa Rice brook frog, Duellmanohyla uranochroa (Anura, Hylidae). Act Parasitologica 52(1): 58-61.
- Cisneros-Heredia, Diego F., Pablo J. Venegas, Marco rada, & Rainer Schulte. A new species of glassfrog (Anura: Centrolenidae) from the foothill Andean forests of Ecuador and Peru. Herpetologica 64(3): 341-353.
- Savage, J., & James E. DeWeese. 1979. A new species of Leptodactylid frog, genus Eleutherodactylus, from the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 78(2): 107-115.
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