
Rolf Furuli

Rolf Johan Furuli (né le ) est professeur émérite de langues sémitiques à l'université d'Oslo; il a pris sa retraite en 2011[1] - [2]. Furuli a enseigné l'akkadien, l'araméen, l'guèze, l'hébreu, le phénicien, le syriaque et l'ougaritique à l'université d'Oslo et à l'Institut norvégien de paléographie et de philologie historique[3].

Rolf Furuli
Nom de naissance
Rolf Johan Furuli
Autres informations
A travaillé pour
Ĺ’uvres principales
Re: When the patient refuses blood transfusion (d)


Furuli devient magister artium en 1995 et doctor artium en 2005. En 2005, Furuli défend sa thèse de doctorat suggérant une nouvelle compréhension du système verbal de l'hébreu classique.

Dans une revue de la thèse, le professeur Elisabeth R. Hayes du Wolfson College, Oxford, écrit : « Bien que tous ne soient pas d'accord avec les conclusions de Furuli concernant le statut du wayyiqtol en tant que forme imperfective, sa thèse bien argumentée contribue à faire avancer la méthodologie dans l'étude de l'hébreu »[4]. David Kummerow pense que « la valeur de la recherche de Furuli ne se trouve pas dans sa "nouvelle compréhension" mais plutôt dans le catalogage utile et étendu des fonctions non prototypiques et dépendantes de la construction des conjugaisons verbales » de l'hébreu biblique[5].

En 2020, Furuli publie un livre intitulé My Beloved Religion – and the Governing Body dans lequel il soutient les doctrines fondamentales et la chronologie biblique telles que défendues par les Témoins de Jéhovah dont il est membre, mais remet en question l'autorité des dirigeants de ce mouvement[6]. En conséquence, il est excommunié du mouvement par la hiérarchie de cette dernière pour apostasie[7].


  • 1995 – Imperfect consecutive and the Verbal system of Biblical Hebrew (thèse, magister artium, universitĂ© d'Oslo)
  • 1997 – The Problem of Induction and the Hebrew verb in Elie Wardini (ed.) Built on solid Rock. (ISBN 82-7099-283-6)
  • 1999 – The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation with a special look at the New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses (ISBN 0-9659814-4-4)
  • 2000 – Modern models and the study of dead languages Motskrift NTNU, Trondheim pp. 83–86
  • 2001 – The study of new religious movements with a stress on the mental health of Jehovah's Witnesses Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 2, pp. 123–128.
  • 2001 – Gilgamesh and Atrahasis two Babylonian Heroes
  • 2002 – Science and Bible translation—"Christianizing" and "mythologizing" of the Hebrew text of the Bible (ISBN 82-994633-1-9)
  • 2002 – The NWT's translation of the Hebrew verbal system with particular stress on waw consecutive (33 pages), in Tony Byatt and Hal Fleming's (eds) Your Word is Truth—The Fiftieth Anniversary of the New World Translation (ISBN 0-9506212-6-9)
  • 2003 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews (ISBN 82-994633-3-5)
  • 2003 – The book of Enoch – translated from Ge'ez to Norwegian. (ISBN 82-525-5177-7)
  • 2004 – The Dead Sea Scrolls (ISBN 82-525-5199-8)
  • 2005 – The verbal System of Classical Hebrew An Attempt to Distinguish Between Semantic and Pragmatic Factors in L. Ezard and J. Retsø (eds.) Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon I pp. 205–31. (ISBN 3-447-05268-6)
  • 2006 – A New Understanding of the Verbal System of Classical Hebrew—An attempt to distinguish between pragmatic and semantic factors (ISBN 82-994633-4-3)
  • 2006 – Sumerian Writings (ISBN 82-525-6213-2)
  • 2007 – The Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Cuneiform Tablet VAT 4956 in Forschung-Bibel-Artefakte. pp. XIV-XVIII (ISBN 978-3-9811529-2-0)
  • 2007 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 2: Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Chronology (ISBN 978-82-994633-6-2)
  • 2008 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, revised edition (ISBN 82-994633-5-1)
  • 2008 – Kebra Nagast (ISBN 978-82-525-6704-5)
  • 2008 – Baal the King of the Gods in Ugarit (ISBN 978-82-525-6590-4)
  • 2009 – How do Jehovah's Witnesses think? A Witness describes the faith, in H.K. Ringnes and H.K. Sødal, eds Jehovahs Witnesses An interdisciplinary Study (ISBN 978-82-15-01453-1)
  • 2011 – The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation With a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Second edition, Stavern, Norway: Awatu Publishers. (ISBN 978-82-92978-02-3)
  • 2012 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 1: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, Second edition (ISBN 978-82-92978-03-0)
  • 2012 – Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian Chronology Compared with the Chronology of the Bible, Volume 2: Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Chronology, Second edition (ISBN 978-82-92978-04-7)
  • 2017 – When Was the Book of Daniel Written? A Philological, Linguistic, and Historical approach
  • 2018 – The Tetragram—Its history, Its use in the new Testament, and its pronunciation, Part One (ISBN 978-82-92978-09-2)
  • 2018 – Are Jehovah's Witnesses False Prophets?: A Thorough Investigation with Rebuttal, William Kelly and Rolf Furuli (ISBN 978-15-48806-50-7)
  • 2019 – Can We Trust the Bible? With Focus on the Creation Account, the Worldwide Flood, and the Prophecies
  • 2020 – The fallacy of prophetic perfect—With translation of verses from the Prophets (ISBN 978-82-92978-10-8)
  • 2020 – My Beloved Religion—and the Governing Body (ISBN 978-82-92978-12-2)

Notes et références

  1. Hal Flemings, Examining Criticisms of the Bible, (ISBN 978-1-4343-2803-8, lire en ligne)
  2. Mark A. House, « Review of Rolf J. Furuli, The Role of Theology and Bias in Bible Translation With a Special Look at the New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses », Christian Publishing House (consulté le )
  3. « Rolf Furuli », sur ResearchGate (consulté le )
  4. Elizabeth R. Hayes, « A New Understanding of the Verbal System of Classical Hebrew: An Attempt to Distinguish between Semantic and Pragmatic Factors (review) », Hebrew Studies, National Association of Professors of Hebrew (NAPH), vol. 48,‎ (ISSN 2158-1681, DOI 10.1353/hbr.2007.0013)
  5. Bernhard Lang, International Review of Biblical Studies, Volume 54 (2007-2008), BRILL, coll. « International Review of Biblical Studies », (ISBN 9789047426011, lire en ligne)
  6. « My Beloved Religion – and the Governing Body », sur goodreads
  7. « My only option was to publish the book », sur VĂĄrt Land,  : « Je viens juste d'ĂŞtre excommuniĂ© des TĂ©moins de JĂ©hovah parce que j'ai publiĂ© un livre critiquant le Collège Central. NĂ©anmoins, je ressentais la publication de ce livre comme une urgence. Et je suis parti avec une conscience nette »

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