Paul Tasong
The elite of Lebialem Division, South West Region is one of the master planners of the ambitious development blueprint under implementation – the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper.
As Minister Delegate, Paul Tasong is no doubt putting his irresistible planning, monitoring and control skills for a better fruition of the country’s development plan, a scheme drafted when he was serving as Secretary General in the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development. His presence where he is today is a great bolster to the strategy and rekindles hope of Cameroon attaining a middle-income status, call it ‘Emergence’ by 2035. A vision deeply fixed on the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper Mr Tasong knows so well.
Pairing him with the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey, himself a technocrat and veritable workaholic, makes the team a crack one.
With his economic and managerial skills gained over the years coupled with his unalloyed love for country, Minister Paul Tasong constitutes one of the pillars on whom Cameroon’s long-term sustainable development lies. His academic path alongside his experience make him an indispensable asset in Cameroon’s sustainable development; a vision the Head of State holds in very high esteem. Mr Tasong’s appointment, to say the least, surprised a few, looking at what the economic colossus had, until March 2, 2018, done for the country and sub region.
The skilled Economist was till December 2017 the Economic Commissioner for the Central African Economic and Monetary Commission, CEMAC. After graduating from the then University of Yaounde with a Degree in Public Law and Political Science, he gained admission into the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM, graduated with a Diploma in Taxation. Mr Tasong later on pursued a Masters Degree in Public Administration and Management in the Belgian University of Antwerp RUCA. From Belgium, he moved to the United States, where he read Executive Education and Public Financial Management at the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government.
The eloquent and perfectly bilingual Paul Tasong had served as Director of Public Investments in the then Ministry of Finance and the Economy and one time Regional Delegate of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, South West. In his days of yore in the civil service, Mr Tasong served as Assistant Legal Research Officer in the Department of Taxes, Yaounde, Value-Added Tax Auditor in the Centre Provincial Tax Centre, Yaounde, and Chief of Centre for Taxes, Tiko, Fako Division, South West Region. He is indeed an indefatigable technocrat at the service of Cameroon’s Emergence vision.
An icing on the cake is obviously his wealth of experience gained as Economic Commissioner for the Central African Economic and Monetary Commission, CEMAC. He used his term of office there to advocate concreate sub regional integration, outlining each time an opportunity came up what can be done for the CEMAC sub region to move from the doldrums.
With his sense of dynamism, flexibility and openness to innovative strategies susceptible to fostering growth and development within and without, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development is today part of a winning team on whom Cameroonians are hoping to journey into emergence. Minister Paul Tasong is the former National Coordinator for The Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South West Regions, PPRD-NW/SW.
His experience and level-headedness is a plus to Cameroon’s emergence dream.

Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy | |
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Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy | |
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Naissance | M'mockmbie (d) |
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Activité |
Paul Tasong Njukang, né le 20 mars 1963, est un économiste et homme politique camerounais. Il est Ministre délégué auprès du Ministre de l'économie depuis le 2 mars 2018.
Enfance, éducation et débuts
Paul Tasong est né le 20 mars 1963 à M'mockmbie dans le département du Lebialem dans la Région du Sud-Ouest. Il fait ses études supérieures à l'Université de Yaoundé où il obtient une licence en droit public et sciences politiques[1]. Il est également diplômé de l'école nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM)[2].
Le 02 mars 2018, Paul Tasong est nommé ministre délégué dans le quatrième gouvernement Philemong Yang[3]. Il est nommé dans le but d'apaiser les tensions liées à la crise anglophone au Cameroun[4]. Il est reconduit le 4 janvier 2019 dans le gouvernement Joseph Dion Ngute. Sur une interpellation de Elizabeth Regina Mundi, il répond sur la position du gouvernement sur la Zone industrielle de Bamenda-Nkwen[5].
Paul Tasong est membre du Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais. Il est depuis 2016, chef de la Délégation permanente départementale du Comité Central du RDPC dans le département de Lebialem[2].
Notes et références
- « Paul Tasong: A Seasoned Economist At MINEPAT », sur (consulté le )
- « Le Ministre Délégué - MINEPAT Cameroun », (consulté le )
- « Réaménagement du gouvernement », sur, (consulté le )
- « Paul Tasong, l’homme qui conduira la reconstruction des régions anglophones », sur EcoMatin, (consulté le )
- « Zone économique à Bamenda : le projet existe toujours », sur (consulté le )