Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
Le Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) est un institut de recherches en mathématiques créé en 1996 par des universités de l'Ouest canadien et du Nord-Ouest des États-Unis dans le but de promouvoir la recherche et l'excellence dans tous les domaines des sciences mathématiques.

Fondation |
Code |
UMI3069 |
Type | |
Domaine d'activité | |
Siège | |
Pays |
Directeurs |
Jayadev Athreya (d), Alejandro Adem |
Site web |
(en) |
Il fournit soutien et entraînement aux étudiants et aux chercheurs post-doctorat travaillant dans les institutions membres. Il soutient également les chercheurs en visite et héberge des événements allant de la conférence individuelles à des groupes de recherche collaboratifs pluri-annuels (collaborative research groups, CRGs)[1] dans les sciences mathématiques. En outre PIMS a un programme étendu de sensibilisation éducative dans le but de promouvoir les mathématiques à tous niveaux mais avec un accent particulier mis sur les niveaux primaire et secondaire (K–12).
PIMS a une structure composée de onze institutions, neuf membres à part entière et deux membres affiliés. Les bureaux centraux du PIMS sont situés sur le campus de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique.
Membres à part entière
Membres affiliés
Programme de recherche

Texte anglais à traduire :
Research at PIMS includes both hosting of events and support for personnel. Post-doctoral researchers, visitors and graduate students supported by PIMS are hosted at one of the sites for the duration of their stay. The event programs include individual lectures, seminar series and scientific meetings. An international scientific review panel[2] adjudicates event applications and decides on the scientific programs. Longer term projects are supported as Collaborative Research Groups[3] which will typically include a series of thematic activities such as summer schools and workshops, as well as postdoctoral fellow. PIMS receives funding from NSERC, provincial governments and in 2007 became a Unité Mixte Internationale of the French CNRS. PIMS also supports an International Graduate Training Centre (IGTC) which is focused on Mathematical Biology.
Éducation et sensibilisation

Texte anglais à traduire :
PIMS is involved in all levels of mathematical education from Elementary School onwards. In British Columbia, PIMS organizes the Elementary Math Contest (Elmacon)[4], an annual competition open to grades 5, 6 and 7. Math Mania[5] is directed at high school students and uses interactive games and demonstrations to introduce students to mathematical concepts. PIMS also runs teacher workshops in many rural areas and conferences for example the annual 'Changing the Culture' [6] conference which brings together teachers and educators to discuss issues and new developments relating mathematics education. Outreach to Aboriginal and First Nations students[7] is also a strong focus for the BC and Saskatchewan sites, with annual summer camps, programs and resources aimed at providing increased learning opportunities to for those students, for example the Aboriginal Perspectives website established in 2009.

Texte anglais à traduire :
In October 2011, PIMS launched a new multimedia site, This site includes lecture videos, slides and notes from significant PIMS lectures from the past decade, as well as recent events. The site was created to meet the increasing demand to see lecture content online. The site features notable speakers such as Edward Witten, Ram Murty, Dusa McDuff and George Papanicolaou[8], and is updated regularly.
Le Prix CRM-Fields-PIMS est remis annuellement par le Centre de recherches mathématiques, l'Institut Fields et le PIMS pour souligner des réalisations exceptionnelles en sciences mathématiques. Il est un des prix les plus prestigieux en mathématiques au Canada.
- Nassif Ghoussoub (1996-2003) ;
- Alejandro Adem (2008 - 2015) ;
- Martin Barlow (interim)
- PIMS focus periods
- PIMS Scientific Review Panel.
- PIMS Collaborative Research Groups.
- Elementary Math Contest Website.
- PIMS Math Mania.
- Changing the Culture.
- PIMS Aboriginal/First Nations outreach programs.
- George Papanicolaou's personal website.
Liens externes
- (en) Site officiel
- Ressources relatives à la recherche :