
Norman Angell

Ralph Norman Angell-Lane, né à Holbeach dans le comté du Lincolnshire en Angleterre le et mort à Croydon dans le Grand Londres le , est un écrivain et homme politique anglais, lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix en 1933.

Norman Angell
Norman Angell
Membre du 35e Parlement du Royaume-Uni
35e Parlement du Royaume-Uni (d)
Bradford North (en)
Autres informations
Parti politique

Son essai La Grande Illusion, publiĂ© en 1910, rencontre un succès international. Selon lui, croire Ă  une guerre entre grandes puissances est une « grande illusion Â». Angell remanie cette analyse, dĂ©mentie par les faits en 1914-1918, dans une version de son livre parue en 1933, oĂą il pense que dĂ©clarer la guerre Ă  un autre pays est contre-productif sur le plan Ă©conomique.

Il a été fait chevalier le [1].


  • Patriotism under Three Flags: A Plea for Rationalism in Politics (1903)
  • Europe's Optical Illusion (1909, 126-page pamphlet, given "fuller and more detailed treatment" in The Great Illusion)
  • The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power to National Advantage (335 pages in 1910, followed by numerous "revised and enlarged" editions)
  • America and the New World State (in U.S., 1912)
  • The Foundations of International Policy (1912)
  • War and the Workers (1913)
  • Peace Treaties and the Balkan War (1913)
  • Prussianism and its Destruction (1914)
  • America and the New World-State. A Plea for American Leadership in International Organization (1915)
  • Problems of the War and Peace: A Handbook for Students (1915)
  • The World's Highway (1916)
  • The Dangers of Half Preparedness (1916, in U.S.)
  • War Aims: The Need for a Parliament of the Allies (1917)
  • Why Freedom Matters (1917)
  • The Political Conditions of Allied Success: A Protective Union of the Democracies (1918, in U.S.)
  • The Treaties and the Economic Chaos (1919)
  • The British Revolution and the American Democracy (1919)
  • The Fruits of Victory (1921)
  • The Press and the Organization of Society (1922)
  • If Britain is to Live (1923)
  • Foreign Policy and Human Nature (1925)
  • Must Britain Travel the Moscow Road? (1926)
  • The Public Mind: Its Disorders: Its Exploitation (1927)
  • The Money Game: Card Games Illustrating Currency (1928)
  • The Story of Money (1929)
  • Can Governments Cure Unemployment? (1931, with Harold Wright)
  • From Chaos to Control (1932)
  • The Unseen Assassins (1932)
  • The Great Illusion—1933 (1933)
  • The Menace to Our National Defence (1934)
  • Preface to Peace: A Guide for the Plain Man (1935)
  • The Mystery of Money: An Explanation for Beginners (1936)
  • This Have and Have Not Business: Political Fantasy and Economic Fact (1936)
  • Raw Materials, Population Pressure and War (1936, in U.S.)
  • The Defence of the Empire (1937)
  • Peace with the Dictators? (1938)
  • Must it be War? (1938)
  • The Great Illusion—Now (1939)
  • For What do We Fight? (1939)
  • You and the Refugee (1939)
  • Why Freedom Matters (1940)
  • America's Dilemma (1941, in U.S.)
  • Let the People Know (1943, in U.S.)
  • The Steep Places (1947)
  • After All: The Autobiography of Norman Angell (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1951; rpt. New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1952). [Out of print.]
  • Le "Week-end" (F delta res 716 (01) (30)), Mouvements pacifistes. Brochures, Fonds Prudhommeaux, Jules : Pacifisme. [Brochure numĂ©risĂ©e et accessible dans la bibliothèque numĂ©rique l'Argonnaute, La contemporaine. Bibliothèque, archives, musĂ©e des mondes contemporains

Notes et références

Voir aussi


  • (en) J. D. B. Miller, Norman Angell and the Futility of War, Macmillan, 1986.

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