Michel Parent
Michel Parent, nĂ© le [1], est un ingĂ©nieur français, conseiller scientifique Ă lâInstitut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, spĂ©cialiste dans le domaine des nouveaux modes de transport, notamment les cybercars, concept dont il est l'auteur.

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Ăcole nationale supĂ©rieure de l'aĂ©ronautique et de l'espace (en) |
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Michel Parent est diplĂŽmĂ© de SupâAĂ©ro en 1968, il obtient un master en recherche opĂ©rationnelle[2] suivi d'un doctorat (Ph.D.) en informatique obtenu Ă l'universitĂ© Case Western Reserve (Cleveland, USA). Il est membre du « Transportation Research Board » aux Ătats-Unis et expert auprĂšs de la Commission europĂ©enne.
Sa carriĂšre commence Ă lâInstitut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA) dans la recherche en modĂ©lisation puis en robotique. Il contribue Ă de nombreux projets dâautomatisation innovants et participe Ă plusieurs programmes de recherche en automatisation, Ă lâuniversitĂ© Stanford (un an) puis au MIT (deux ans). De retour Ă lâINRIA en 1991, il lance le programme PraxitĂšle, premier systĂšme de transport public basĂ© sur des vĂ©hicules Ă©lectriques en libre-service et qui a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© entre 1997 et 1999 Ă Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines[3]. En 2001, il coordonne le projet europĂ©en CyberCars et ses suites au sein de lâĂ©quipe IMARA quâil a dirigĂ© jusquâen [4].
Michel Parent est actuellement conseiller scientifique du programme « La route automatisĂ©e » Ă lâINRIA[5], programme visant Ă Ă©tudier les nouveaux modes de transports routiers et en particulier lâintroduction des aides Ă la conduite et de la conduite automatique[6].
Il est également président de AutoKAB (Automation Kits for Autos and Buses)[7] et auteur du site www.cybercars.fr.
Il est lâauteur de plusieurs livres et brevets en robotique et en transport, ainsi que de nombreuses communications et publications scientifiques.
- Michel Parent, « 2112, Paris à grande vitesse », dans Le monde au XXIIe siÚcle : Utopies pour aprÚs-demain, PUF, coll. « La vie des idées », , 120 p. (ISBN 9782130631408, lire en ligne)
- (en) Ljubo Vlacic et Michel Parent, Intelligent Vehicle Technologies, SAE,
- Michel Parent, « Intelligent Vehicles », dans Bruno Siciliano et Oussama Khatib, Handbook on Robotics, Springer,
- Liste des articles sur Scholar
Arnaldi Bruno, Cozot Rémi, Donikian Stéphane, Parent Michel. « Simulation Models for French Praxitele Project ». Transportation Research Record, n° 1521, pp.118-125. 1996.
Parent, M. A Dual Mode Personal Rapid Transport System. Motoring Directions, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 1997, pp. 7-11.
Massot Marie-HĂ©lĂšne, Allouche Jean-François, BenĂ©jam Evelyne, Parent Michel. âPraxitĂšle : Preliminary Results from the Saint-Quentin Experimentâ. Transportation Research Record 1666. Paper n° 99-1457, pp.125-132. January 1999
Blosseville Jean-Marc, Parent Michel. "The French Program La Route Automatisée". IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Newsletter. Vol.2, n° 3. September 2000.
Zvirin Yoram, Parent Michel. âEnergy and Environmental Aspects of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Towards the 21st Centuryâ. JSER. Vol.22, n°1. pp.42-45. Japon. 2001.
Blosseville J-M., Parent M. "The French Program La Route Automatisée". IEEE Intelligent Systems Journal. P.10-13. May/June 2000.
Baloh Michael, Parent Michel. âLow-Level Control of a Self-Balancing Vehicle for an Autonomous Urban Transportation Networkâ. Machine Intelligence & Robotic Control. Vol.5, N° 3, pp.71-85. 2003.
Andras Csepinszky, Gabriele Giustiniani, Michel Parent, Adriano Alessandrini. « Safe Integration of Fully Automated Road Transport System in Urban Environment : the Basis for the Missing Legal Framework». Transportation Research Board Journal, 2015.
Parent Michel, Texier Pierre-Yves. "De la Voiture Publique au PRT. Le Programme DEDALE". Journée sur le Transport Urbain Public Individuel. Arcueil. Déc. 1992.
Parent Michel et Allal Chafik. "Gestion Décentralisée d'une Flotte de Petits Véhicules Urbains". Colloque INFAUTOM '93. Toulouse. Février 1993.
Parent Michel, Texier Pierre-Yves. "A Public Transport System Based on Light Electric Cars". Fourth International Conference on Automated People Movers. Irving, USA. March 1993.
Parent Michel, Dumontet François, Texier Pierre-Yves, Leurent Fabien. "Design and Implementatio of a Public Transportation System Based on Self-Service Electric Cars". IFAC â94. Tianjin, Chine. 1994.
Parent Michel and Daviet Pascal. "Automatic Driving for Small Public Urban Vehicles". Intelligent Vehicles '93. Tokyo. July 1993.
Parent Michel, Texier Pierre-Yves, Leurent Fabien. "Self-Service Electric Cars : A New Public Transport ?". OECD Seminar. Omiya, Japan. June 1994.
Parent Michel, Daviet Pascal, Denis Jean-Christophe, M'Saada Tarek. "Automatic Driving in Stop and Go Traffic". IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Conference, Paris Oct. 1994.
Augello Daniel, BenĂ©jam Evelyne, NerriĂšre Jean-Pierre, Parent Michel. â Complementary Between Public Transport and a Car Sharing Service â. First World Congress on Application of Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicule Highway System. Paris, Nov.-Dec. 1994.
Parent Michel, Daviet Pascal, Denis Jean-Christophe, MâSaada Tarek. â Automatic Stop and Go Driving in Heavy Traffic â. ITS America, Washington. March 1995.
Daviet Pascal, Parent Michel. âPlatooning for Small Public Urban Vehicles â. Fourth International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, ISERâ95. Stanford, California, June 30-July 2, 1995.
Parent Michel, Fauconnier Sylvain. "Design of an Electric Vehicle Specific for Urban Transport". Congress EVT'95. Paris, Nov.1995.
Parent Michel, Daviet Pascal. « Automated urbain vehicles : towards a dual mode PRT (Personnal Rapid Transit) ». IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 22-28, 1996.
Abdou Sofiane, Parent Michel, Espiau Bernard. â Mission Programming : Application to the Distribution of Empty Vehicles in the PRAXITELE Project â. Proceeding of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation. Malem, Krete, Greece. June 10-13, 1996.
Daviet Pascal, Parent Michel. â Platooning Technique for Empty Vehicules Distribution in the PRAXITELE Project â. Proceeding of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation. Malem, Krete, Greece. June 10-13, 1996.
Dumontet François, Allal Chafik, Parent Michel. â Queuing and Optimization Models for Public Cars Transportation Systems and Applications for the PRAXITELE Project â. CESAâ96 IMACS Multiconference, Symposium on Discrete Events and Manufacturing Systems. Lille, France. July 9-12, 1996.
Parent Michel. « Development of the Electric Vehicle Market in France : Products and Strategies ». CongrÚs EVS96, New York. Sept.96.
Parent Michel, David Yves. « Automated Urban Vehicles : Towards a Dual Mode PRT (Personnal Rapid Transit) ». International Conference on PRT and Other Emerging Transportation Systems. Minneapolis, USA. November 18-20, 1996.
Parent Michel, Fauconnier Sylvain, Lisowski Leszek. « PRAXI : A Small Electric Vehicle Specific for Urban Transport ». EVS-13. Osaka, Japon. 1996.
Blosseville J-M., Dumontet F., Massot MH., Parent M., Polacchini A. « Performance Evaluation of a Station Car System ». TRB Meeting, Washington, USA. 12-16 January, 1997.
Bensoussan S., Parent M. « Computer-aided teleoperation of an urban vehicle ». ICARâ97. Monterey, California, USA. July 7-9, 1997.
Lisowski L., Fauconnier S., Parent M. « Specifications of a Small Electric Vehicle. Modular and Distributed Hardware Approach ». IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robots and Systems, Grenoble, September 8-12, 1997.
Parent M. « Public Electric Vehicles for Urban Transport ». City Trans Asiaâ97 Conference, Singapore, China. 25-27 September 1997.
Parent Michel, Daviet Pascal, Lisowski Leszek, Fauconnier Sylvain. « Automated Public Urban Vehicles : For a Sustainable City ». IROSâ97 Grenoble, September 7-1997.
Blosseville J-M., Broqua F., Dumontet F., Massot M-H., Parent M., Polacchini. « Prior Technical and Economical Evaluation of the Station Car System « PraxitĂšle » ». CongrĂšs ITSâ97. Berlin, Allemagne. 21-24 Octobre 1997.
Parent Michel. « Automated Public Vehicles : A First Step Towards the Automated Highway ». 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. Berlin, 21-24 Octobre 1997.
Parent Michel. « Development of the Electric Vehicle Market in France : Products and Strategies ». EVS-14 Symposium. Orlando, USA. Dec.1997.
Donikian Stéphane, Espié Stéphane, Parent Michel, Rousseau Gilles. « Simulation Studies on the Impact of ACC ». Submitted to ERTICO ITS Congress Association, Belgique. February 1998.
Blosseville Jean-Marc, Parent Michel. « Semi-Automated Urban Vehicles : The Transportation System of the Future ? » WCTR Conference. Hollande. 1998.
Parent Michel, Blosseville Jean-Marc. « Automated Vehicles in Cities : A First Step Towards the Automated Highway ». SAE. Future Transportation Technology Conference and Exposition. Costa Mesa, USA. August 11-13, 1998.
Charron M., Viel D., Laurgeau C., Texier P-Y., Parent M. « Scenarios for the « Route Automatisée », the French AHS Approach ». ITS World Congress. Seoul-Korea. Octobre 1998.
Parent Michel, Bleijs Cyriacus. « The CyCab : an Electric Vehicle Specifically Designed for Car-Free Cities ». EVSâ15. Bruxelles. Octobre 1998.
Gualino David, Parent Michel, Uchanski Michael. « Autonomous Lateral Control of a Vehicle Using a Linear CCD Camera ». IEEE Conference on Intelligent Vehicles. Stuttgart. 1998.
Donikian StĂ©phane, Parent Michel, Maurel David. âInfluence of ACC in Stop & Go Mode Traffic Flowâ. SAE Conference on Future Transportation Technologies. Costa Mesa, USA. August 1999.
Laugier C., Parent M. âAutomated Vehicles for Future Urban Transport Systemsâ. International Conference on Field and Service Robotics. Pp.191-196. Pittsburgh, USA. August 1999.
Laugier C., Parent M. âTowards Motion Autonomy for Future Vehiclesâ. International Symposium on Robotics Research. Invited Paper. Snowbird, USA. October 1999.
Laugier C., Paromtchik I.E., Parent M. âDeveloping Autonomous Maneuvering Capabilities for Future Carsâ. International Conference on Intelligent Transportation systems. Pp.68-73. Tokyo, Japon. October 1999.
Lu J., Sekhavat S., Laugier C. âFuzzy Variable-Structure Control for Nonholonomic Vehicle Path Trackingâ. International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Pp.465-470. Tokyo, Japon. October 1999.
Laugier C., Parent M. âTowards a New Urban Transport Sustem Involving Automated Vehiclesâ. Actes de la ConfĂ©rence sur les VĂ©hicules Electriques. pp.146-150. Invited Paper. Grenoble, Novembre 1999.
Duron Cyril, Parent Michel, Proth Jean-Marie. "Analysis of the Balancing Process in a Pool of Self-Service Cars". Rapport de Recherche n° 3949. Mai 2000.
Chalmé Sébastien, Visser Willemien, Denis Michel. "Cognitive Aspects of Urban Route Planning". International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. Berne, Switzerland. 4-7 September 2000.
Langheim J., Divko R., Tango F., Artis JP, Wahl M., Ambellouis S., Lavergne Ch., Spigai M., Lages U., Dittmer M., Ludwig S., Reiland W., Parent M., Fraichard Th., Marchand E., Tarel J.-Ph., Aubert D., Mangeas M., Blosseville J-M., Buchanan A., Thompson M., Trace A., Shooter C., Steux B., Coulombeau P., Laurgeau C. "Sensing of Car Environnment at Low Speed Driving". Conférence ITS. Turin, 6-9 Novembre 2000.
Parent Michel, Crisostomo Manuel. « Collision Avoidance for Automated Urban Vehicles ». IVâ2002. Tokyo. May 2001.
Pradalier CĂ©dric, Sekhavat Sepanta. âLocalization Space : A Framework For Localization and Planning, For Systems Using A Sensor/Landmarks Moduleâ. IEEE Int. Conf. On Robotics and Automation. Washington. May 13-15, 2001.
Clerget V., Hafez N., Parent M. Zvirin Y. "Low Cost, Trackless PRT". Automated People Movers Conference. San Francisco. July 2001.
Hafez Névine, Parent Michel, Proth Jean-Marie. « Managing a Pool of Self Service Cars ». IEEE Conf. on ITS. Oakland, USA. August 2001.
KaĂŻs MikaĂ«l, Hafez NĂ©vine, Parent Michel. âAn Intelligent Vehicle Architecture for Automated Transportation in Citiesâ. ECCâ01. Porto. Sept.2001.
Tirmant HĂ©lĂšne, Vermeiren Laurent, Guerra Thierry-Marie, Parent Michel. « Stabilization of a Two-Wheeled Vehicleâ. IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Conference. Versailles. 18-20 June 2002.
Tirmant HĂ©lĂšne, Baloh Michael, Vermeiren Laurent, Guerra Thierry-Marie, Parent Michel. « B2, An Alternative Two Wheeled Vehicle for an Automated Urban Transportation System ». IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium. IVâ2002. Versailles. France. 18-20 Juin 2002.
McDonald Mike, Henry Alain, EspiĂ© StĂ©phane, Parent Michel, Vaa Torgeir. « Stardust â A Research on Deployment of Urban Sustainable Transport Systems ». ITS World Congress. Chicago. Oct.2002.
Parent Michel, Gallais Georges. âIntelligent Transportation in Cities with CTSâ. ITS World Congress. Chicago. Oct.2002.
Ollivier Edern, Parent Michel. âOdometric Navigation with Matching of Landscape Featuresâ. ICARCV. Singapore. Dec.2002.
Parent Michel. âIntelligent Transportation Services and Wireless Internetâ. International Seminar on Wireless Internet Society. Ajou University, Korea. April 2003.
Parent Michel, Gallais Georges. « CyberCars : Review of First Projects ». Ninth International Conference on Automated People Movers. Singapore. Sept.2003.
Awasthi Anjali, Parent Michel, Proth Jean-Marie. « Computing Travel Time on a Single Lane Using System Analysis ». ITSC. Shanghai. Oct.2003.
Yang M., and Parent M. âCybercars: An Alternative Public Transportation for City of Tomorrowâ, Proceeding of Sustainable Multi-Modal Transportation for Chinese Cites, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2003.
Awasthi Anjali, Parent Michel, Proth Jean-Marie. « Simulation System For Estimating Travel Time In A Network ». SMCâ2003. Washington. Oct.2003.
Baloh Michael, Parent Michel. « Modeling and Model Verification of an Intelligent Self-Balancing Two-Wheeled Vehicle for an Autonomous Urban Transportation System ». CIRAS 2003, Singapore. Dec.2003.
Parent Michel. âCybercars : a Solution for Urban Transport ?â. CODATU Conference. Bucharest. April 22-24, 2004.
Parent M., and Yang M. Road Map Towards Full Driving Automation, Proceeding of the Eighth International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, Beijing, China, May 2004, pp. 663-668
Parent Michel. « From Drivers Assistance to Full Automation for Improved Efficiency and Better Safety ». IEEE-VTC Conference. Milan., May 17-19, 2004.
Parent Michel. « Road Map Towards Fully Automated Driving ». ITS-Europe Conference. Budapest, May 24-26, 2004.
Yang M., and Parent M. Cybernetic Technologies For Cars In Chinese Cities, Proceedings of CityTrans China 2004, Nov. 17-18, 2004, Shanghai, China.
Pauplin Olivier, Louchet Jean, Lutton Evelyne, Parent Michel. « Obstacle Detection by Evolutionary Algorithm : the Fly Algorithm ». ICARA. Palmerston North, New Zeland. December 13-15, 2004.
Myers Toby, Vlacic Ljubo, NoĂ«l Tony, Parent Michel. âAutonomous Driving in a Time-Varying Environmentâ. IEEE-ARSO 2005. Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts. Nagoya, 12-15 June 2005.
Rodrigo Benenson; StĂ©phane Petti; Thierry Fraichard; Michel Parent. âTowards urban driverless vehiclesâ. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, INDERSCIENCE, 2008, Special Issue on Advances in Autonomous Vehicle Technologies for Urban Environment, 1/2 (6), pp. 4 â 23
Jianping Xie; Fawzi Nashashibi; Michel Parent; Olivier Garcia-Favrot. âA Real-Time Robust SLAM for Large-Scale Outdoor Environmentsâ. 17th ITS world congress (ITSWCâ2010), Oct 2010, Busan, Korea.
Adriano Alessandrini; Michel Parent; Carlos Holguin. âAdvanced Transport Systems Showcased in La Rochelleâ. IEEE. 14th International Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oct 2011, Washington DC, United States.
Michel Parent; Carlos Holguin. âDriverless vehicles: what impact on urban transport?â European Transport Conference. Barcelona. 5â7 October 2016.RĂ©fĂ©rences
- Parent, Michel (1945-.... ; ingénieur), « BnF Catalogue général », sur catalogue.bnf.fr, 60216-frfre (consulté le )
- Springer Handbook of Robotics page 1549
- Marie-HĂ©lĂšne Massot, Jean-François Allouche, Evelyne BĂ©nĂ©jam et Michel Parent, « PraxitĂšle: Preliminary Results from the Saint-Quentin Station-Car Experiment », Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no 1666,â , p. 125-132 (ISSN 0361-1981, lire en ligne, consultĂ© le )
- Notice Inria
- CĂ©cile Plet, « Michel Parent : âLes voitures entiĂšrement automatiques ? Vous en verrez dans 5 ans.â », sur Internetactu, (consultĂ© le )
- LaRA - La Route Automatisée
- Participant Ă Futur-en-Seine