Lisa Wainwright
Lisa Wainwright (née en septembre 1960) est une historienne de l'art américaine, à la School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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Parcours universitaire
Elle a obtenu une licence avec mention honorifique en histoire de l'art à l'université Vanderbilt, en 1982. Elle a étudié au Goethe-Institut de Blaubeuren, en Allemagne, durant l'été 1982.
Elle a ensuite rejoint l'université de l'Illinois, pour obtenir une maîtrise en histoire de l'art des XIXe et XXe siècles en 1986. Puis elle a obtenu un doctorat en 1993.
Au sein de l'école de l'Art Institute of Chicago, elle a été doyenne de la faculté et vice-présidente des affaires académiques[1], ainsi qu'officière du titre IX pour la faculté[2].
Les recherches historiques de Wainwright se concentrent sur Robert Rauschenberg. Sa thèse, Reading Junk: Thematic Imagery in the Art of Robert Rauschenberg from 1954 to 1964, est citée dans le Rauschenberg Research Project, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art[3] et dans le livre The Great Migrator: Robert Rauschenberg and the Global Rise of American Art, par Hiroko Ikegami, MIT Press, 2010[4]. Elle déclare que son étude de Rauschenberg a influencé son travail à SAIC. « Rauschenberg m'a aidé à devenir une meilleure doyenne », explique-t-elle. « Il a abordé tous les supports, de la sculpture et de la peinture à la gravure et à la technologie artistique. Son approche transdisciplinaire de l'art a eu une telle influence sur la façon dont j'éduque la prochaine génération d'artistes ici[5]. »
Wainwright a été invité à discuter de la vie et de l'héritage de Rauschenberg sur Bad At Sports, EPISODE 144.
Actuellement, elle travaille comme responsable du titre IX pour l'École de l'Art Institute of Chicago à destination du corps professoral[2].
- Artist Profile: Alison Ruttan (en), Art Ltd. Magazine, May 2015[6].
- The Enduring Appeal of Ed Paschke, Art Ltd. Magazine, September 2014[7].
- Dialogue: Michelle Grabner, Art Ltd. Magazine, Spring 2014[8].
- Theaster Gates: Exercises in the Creation of Value, Art Ltd. Magazine, Winter 2013[9].
- Phyllis Bramson (en), WCA Awards catalog essay, Fall 2013.
- Dimensional Lines: Art and Fashion Catalog, Introduction, Evanston Art Center, Fall 2011.
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online, revisions to twenty-nine essays published in 2003, 2011.
- Painting Paintings, catalogue essay for David Klamen (en) exhibition, Richard Gray Gallery, New York, 2009[10].
- Post-Modern-Vice, catalogue essay for Sarah Krepp exhibition, Roy Boyd Gallery, Chicago, 2009[11].
- Rabid Methods, catalogue essay for Barbara Kendrick exhibition, I space Gallery, University of Illinois, 2009.
- Practicing Rauschenberg, Experience Into Art, essay, University of California Press, 2009.
- Susanna Coffey's War Pictures, Susanna Coffey Since 2001, Exhibition Catalogue, Essay, New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting & Sculpture, 2008[12].
- The New Gotham: Decadent Art in Chicago, exhibition catalogue essay, School of the, Art Institute of Chicago, 2008[13].
- Figurative Fuges: The Artistry of David Tepilca, Intimate Decades, catalogue essay, Diane Tanios Gallery, Chicago, 2008[14].
- Cosmic Hostess, catalogue essay for Gescheidle Gallery, 2006.
- Things of Nature and the Nature of Things: John Wilde, Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, 2006[15].
- About the Female Gaze, Rosalind Al-Aswad: Portraits of an Examined Life, Catalogue Essay, Gallery 2, Chicago, 2005[16].
- Valerie Beller, catalogue essay for Jean Albano Gallery, 2005.
- Raymond Pettibon's High/Low High Jinx, A History of the Renaissance Society: 1990-2000, The Renaissance Society, Hyde Park, Illinois, 2005[17].
- Lorraine Peltz, Dream/Girl, catalogue essay for Gescheidle Gallery, 2004.
- Diana's Cowboys, catalogue essay for Diana Guerrera-Macià, 2004[18].
- The Art of Stephen Lapthisophon, catalogue essay, Gallery 400, University of Illinois, 2002[19].
- Encyclopædia Britannica, twenty-nine essays including Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Bill Viola, Damien Hirst, Edward Ruscha, David Salle, Dan Flavin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Gerhard Richter, Jeff Koons, Julian Schnabel, James Rosenquist, Yves Klein, and others, 2003.
- The Shuey Collection, Catalogue Entries, Cranbrook Museum of Art, Cranbrook, Michigan, 2001.
- Jose Cobo: de dos en dos, Catalog Essay, Palacete del Embarcadero, Cantabria, Spain, 2001.
- Rauschenberg's Odalisqa, El Cultural, Madrid, 2001.
- Excellent Hostess, Gallery Catalog for I-Space, Chicago, 2000.
- Postcard from Amsterdam, New Art Examiner, February, 2000.
- Barbara Kendrick's Flights of Fancy, Espace Huit Novembre, Paris, Exhibition Catalogue, Fall, 1988.
- David Michael Porritt, Exhibition Essay, I-Space, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, 1998.
- Kate Schutta: Collage Collections, Exhibition Catalogue, 1998.
- Rauschenberg's American Voodoo, New Art Examiner, 1998.
- Anne Wilson's Taxonomy of Memories, Fiberarts, September/October, 1997.
- "Pink", Catalogue Essay, Jean Albano Gallery, Chicago (April 21-March 26, 1997).
- "The Quiet Dramas of Lorraine Peltz," Le Petit Canard, no. 5 (Septembre-Octobre-Novembre 1996).
- "From Norman Bates to Annette Messager: Taxidermy for a Reason", New Art Examiner, (May 1996).
- Review of "Liberty", Art Papers, (January/February 1996).
- "Robert Rauschenberg's Fabrics: Constructing Domestic Space", Not at Home: The Suppression of Domesticity in Modern Art and Architecture, Christopher Reed, ed., London: Thames and Hudson, (1996).
- "Chinese Sketching on an American Plane: The Art of Sy Jiang", exhibition catalogue, Wang Chi Mei Gallery, Taiwan, Spring 1995.
- "Book Review: Investigating Sex, Surrealist Discussions 1928-1932", New Art Examiner (November 1994).
- "Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, Put Our Magic to the Test", New Art Examiner (May 1994).
- "Conceal/Reveal", exhibition catalogue, School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 1993.
- "William Wegman's Recent Paintings and Drawings", exhibition catalogue, School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 1992.
- "A Telling Surface: Gestural Abstraction in the Nineties", exhibition catalogue, Sazama Gallery, January 1991.
- "Chicago: Beyond Imagism", Art International 11 (Summer 1990), 73-75.
- "Eastern Kentucky Folk Art: A Contribution to the History of Spiritual Expression", exhibition catalogue, Gallery Nine, University of Illinois 1988
Conférences publiques, présentations, performances
- Spring 2014 Lecture/Tour, Wainwright and Myers on Isa Genzken, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois [20]
- Winter 2013 Finding Common Ground: Academics, Artists, and Museums, College Art Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois [21]
- Fall 2013 Exceptional Students, Exceptional Formats, Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design Conferencem, Baltimore, Maryland
- Spring 2013 Didact with Lou Mallozzi, MCA Chicago [22]
- Summer 2012 Commencement Address, The Catherine Cook School, Chicago.
- Summer 2012 Pecha Kucha Presentation, Volume 22, Chicago.
- Spring 2012 Sorting Through Rubble: Collage for the Subject of War, College Art Association Conference, Los Angeles.
- Spring 2012 Sorting Through Rubble: Collage for the Subject of War, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
- Spring 2011 Andy Warhol, Decadence, and Contemporary Art, The Arts Club of Chicago.
- Winter 2011 Who, Where, What, and When is Contemporary Art, Kalamazoo Arts League, Kalamazoo Institute of Art.
- Winter 2009 Decadent Ornament, College Art Association Conference, Los Angeles.
- Spring 2008 Lisa Wainwright on Robert Rauschenberg,, Contemporary Art Talk, Épisode #144.
- Spring 2008 Panel Discussant, New Insights Exhibition, Artropolis, Chicago.
- Winter 2008 Rauschenberg and After, session chair, College Art Association Conference, Dallas.
- Fall 2007 Multiple Networking: World Forum for Higher Professional Art Education, Taipei National University of the Arts, Leadership Conference, Taiwan.
- Spring 2007 Pink Decay: The Femme Fatale in Contemporary Art, Converse College, South Carolina.
- Spring 2007 On Decadence in Contemporary Art, The Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles.
- Winter 2007 Framing the Issues: A New Institutionalism: Where Artists and Curators Meet, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
- Winter 2007 Femme Fatales: Then and Now, Modern and Contemporary Art and the Idea of Decadence Conference, The Municipal House and FAMU, Prague, Czechoslovkia.
- Winter 2006 Liberated Pink, Converse College, Spartenberg, South Carolina[23].
- Fall 2005 Julio Gonzalez: Beauty and the Avant-Garde, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago.
- Fall 2005 A Century of Counter-Culture, Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University.
- Spring 2005 Ed Paschke and Toulouse Lautrec: Picturing the Demi-Monde, The Art Institute of Chicago[24].
- Spring 2004 Mardsden Hartley's Number Five, The Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Summer 2003 The Twentieth-Century Paradigm Shift: from Abstract Expressionism to Pop, The Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Spring 2003 Found on the Floor, College Art Association Conference, New York, New York.
- Summer 2002 The Art of Enigma and John Graham, The Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Spring 2002 Commencement Address, School of Art and Design, University of Illinois
- Spring 2002 Rauschenberg and Johns: Southerners Shift the New York Canon, The Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Spring 2002 Questioning Nature in the Postmodern World, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Fall 2001 Appraising Junk: On the History of the Found Object in Art, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
- Spring 2001 From Steel to Flesh, Indiana University, Northwest.
- Spring 2001 Session Chair, Appraising Junk: Organizing Principles, College Art Association Conference, Chicago.
- Spring 2000 Gallery Talk, Age of Influence: Reflections of American Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
- Fall 1998 The Art of Raymond Pettibon, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago[25].
- Spring 1998 Robert Rauschenberg's Impressionist Subjects, Potpourri Lecture Series, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Spring 1998 Liberated Pink: A Feminine Signifier Updated for the Nineties, College Art Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Winter 1997 Renoir's Heirs: Impressions of Modernity at SAIC, President's Annual Dinner, School of the Art Institute of Chicago[26].
- Winter 1997 A Look at Contemporary Art, Lecture Series for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
- Fall 1997 Robert Rauschenberg: The Subjects of Monet in 1960s New York, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Spring 1997 Exhibiting 1968: Art as an Agent of Cultural Memory, Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University.
- Fall 1996 A Look at Contemporary Art, Lecture Series for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
- Summer 1996 Cameo Series: Richard Miller's Woman with a White Shall. Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Summer 1995 The Myths of Modernism: History and Critique, Lecture Series for the Women's Athletic Club, Chicago.
- Summer 1995 Life Into Art: A History of the Found Object, Guest Lecturer for Museum Education Department, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Summer 1995 Cameo Series: Walt Kuhn's Clown with Drum", Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago
- Spring 1995 Scaling Modernism, Performative Art History Event, Mies van der Rohe stairs, Chicago Arts Club.
- Spring 1995 Hoovers, Shoes and Tires: A Brief History of the Found Object in 20th Century Art, Invited Lecturer, Converse College, South Carolina.
- Spring 1995 Franz Kline: A Retrospective, Four Lectures for the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.
- May 1994 Commencement Address, School of Art and Design Graduation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Fall 1994 Life into Art: Found Objects as a Twentieth-Century Medium, Lecture Series, The Art Institute of Chicago.
- Spring 1994 Where the Boys Are: Homosexual Text in the Art of Robert Rauschenberg, College Art Association Conference, Chicago.
- Spring 1994 Cameo Series: Thomas Cole's Landscape with Figures: A Scene from The Last of the Mohicans, Guest Lecturer, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Fall 1993 An Explanation of Fluxus (Without The Mess), Guest Lecturer, Society for Contemporary Art, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Spring 1993 American Art in Transition: 1955 – 1962, Four Lectures, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.
- Spring 1993 The Jason Rubell Collection, Lecture Series, Dupage County Art Museum, Dupage College.
- Spring 1993 Fin de Siecle Glamour, Guest Lecturer, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Spring 1993 Cameo Series: Patrick Henry Bruce's Peinture, Guest Lecturer, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Spring 1993 Robert Rauschenberg's Fabrics: Reclaiming Domestic Space, College Art Association Conference, Seattle, Washington.
- Fall 1992 Cameo Series: James McNeill Whistler's A Red Note, Guest Lecturer, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Spring 1992 The Post-War Era and Robert Rauschenberg, Four Lectures, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
- Fall 1991 Cameo Series: George Tooker's Highway, Guest Lecturer, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago.
- Fall 1991 The Spiritual in Art: 1900 – 1950, Guest Lecturer, Museum Education Department, Art Institute of Chicago.
- Spring 1991 Robert Rauschenberg's Monogram: Just Who Is That Goat?, The Midwest Art History Society Annual Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas.
- Spring 1991 The Visibility of Contemporary Abstract Painting in Chicago, Panel Discussion Moderator, The Sazama Gallery, Chicago.
- Spring 1991 Resurrecting the Christian Rauschenberg, The 1990-91 Chicago Art History Colloquia.
- Fall 1988 Joseph Beuys: German Nationalism and the Arts, Guest Lecturer, course on Post-War Art, University of Illinois.
- Spring 1988 In Praise of Women Artists, Panel Discussant, Video Series For Art's Sake, Parkland College Art Gallery.
- Spring 1987 Alexander Calder's Mobiles, Visions in Mark Rothko's Paintings, and Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns: New American Realists, Three Lectures for a course on Post-War Art, University of Illinois.
- April 1985 Gustave Klimt's Murals for the University of Vienna, Graduate Student Symposium, The Art Institute of Chicago.
- (en) « Lisa Wainwright », sur School of the Art Institute of Chicago (consulté le ).
- (en) « Title IX Coordinator », sur School of the Art Institute of Chicago (consulté le ).
- « Research Project, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art » [archive du ] (consulté le )
- « The Great Migrator », (consulté le )
- « Visual Art: Poetry of the Visual Kind », (consulté le )
- « art ltd. magazine », sur (consulté le )
- « art ltd. magazine », sur (consulté le )
- « art ltd. magazine », sur (consulté le )
- « art ltd. magazine », sur (consulté le )
- « Richard Gray Gallery - David Klamen » [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
- « Lisa Wainwright », sur SARAH KREPP (consulté le )
- « NYSS - Essay » [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
- Jeremy Biles, « Review of "Ahh…Decadence!," The Sullivan Galleries at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, August 23 – September 27, 2008 », sur (consulté le )
- « Intimate Decade », sur Blurb (consulté le )
- « Museum Shop - Chazen Museum of Art », sur The Chazen Museum of Art (consulté le )
- « In Memory of Rosalind D. Al-Aswad », sur (consulté le )
- « Art Ads and Chelsea Girls », sur Gallery 44 (consulté le )
- Diana Guerrero-Maciá, « Diana Guerrero-Maciá, Artist - statement », sur (consulté le )
- « Exhibitions - Gallery 400 », sur (consulté le )
- Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, « MCA Talk Wainwright and Myers on Isa Genzken - MCA Chicago » [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
- « Finding Common Ground: Academics, Artists, and Museums », sur (consulté le )
- Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, « In-Gallery Performance: Lou Mallozzi抯 Didact with Lisa Wainwright: - MCA Chicago » [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
- Winter 2006 Liberated Pink, Converse College, Spartenberg, South Carolina
- (en-US) « Sitemap », sur art ltd. magazine (consulté le )
- The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, « The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago Contemporary Art Museum: Raymond Pettibon, », sur (consulté le )
- « A brush with Renoir // Art Institute students make impression » [archive du ], sur (consulté le )
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Lisa Wainwright » (voir la liste des auteurs).