Kinuko Y. Craft
Kinuko Y. Craft née en 1940, américaine d'origine japonaise, artiste peintre et illustrateur du fantasy Art.
Kinuko Y. Craft

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Nom dans la langue maternelle |
ã‚ヌコヤマベ・クラフト |
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Elle immigre aux États-Unis en 1964 du Japon.
- Time (cover), Deng Xiaoping 1983
- Newsweek Magazines
- Pegasus, (Portal Publication)
- Angel with Lyre, (Schurman Fine Paper)
- Seigfried, (Wagner's Ring cycle), (The Dallas Opera)
- Die Walküre, (Wagner's Ring cycle), (The Dallas Opera)
- Das Rheingold, (Wagner's Ring cycle), (The Dallas Opera)
- Les Fantômes d'Ombria (Ombria In Shadow), aquarelle, (Berkley Books)
- Eleanor of Aquitaine, huile/aquarelle, (St. Martin Press)
- Fox Mask, huile, (Tor Books)
- Cymbeline, huile, (Simon & Shuster)
- The Scent of Magic, mixed, (Avon Books)
- The Silver Metal Lover, (Bantam Books)
- The Alphabet of Thorn (Penguin groupe)
Illustrations de couverture
- Patricia A. McKillip (cover)
- -"In The Forests of the Serre"
- -"Harrowing The Dragon"
- -"Ombria in Shadow"
- Sheri S. Tepper
- Katherine Kurtz-"King Kelson's Brid"
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Guy Gavriel Kay
- Tanith Lee -"Biting The Sun"
- Andre Norton -"Wind in the Stone"
- Stephen King -"Different Seasons"
Voir aussi
- Spectrum the best in contemporary Fantastic Art, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
Articles connexes
Liens externes
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