
Ibn Abi al Hadid

‘Izz al-Dīn ‘Abu Hamīd ‘Abd al-Hamīd bin Hībat-Allah ibn Abi al-Hadīd al Mutazilī al-Mada'ini[1] - [2] - [3] (arabe: عزالدين عبدالحميد بن هيبة الله بن أبي الحديد المعتزلي) (mort en 1258 EE; 656 H) est un érudit Mutazile[4] - [5] - [6] suivant l'école de jurisprudence islamique shaféite[7]. Il étudia sous l'enseignement de Abu'l-Khayr Musaddiq ibn Shabib al-Wasiti (mort en 605 H.)

Ibn Abi al Hadid
(H) / 1258 EC
Jurisprudence shaféite / théologie Mutazilite
Principaux intérêts
Œuvres principales
Sharḥ Nahj al-Balāgha
Influencé par
Abu'l-Khayr Musaddiq ibn Shabib al-Wasiti


Il est surtout connu pour son commentaire de Nahj al-Balagha qu'il nomma Sharh Nahj al-Balagha

Notes et références

  1. E.J. Brill's first encyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936, Volume 2 by Martijn Theodoor Houtsma, 1987, p736
  2. 'Ibn Khallikan's biographical dictionary by Ibn Khallikān, 1868, p543
  3. Authority and political culture in Shi'ism by Saïd Amir Arjomand, 1988, p233
  4. The life of Caliph Ali by Abul Hasan Alī Nadvī, Academy of Islamic Research & Publications, 1991, p88, "..The great Mutazilli scholar Ibn Abi al-Hadid, author of Sharh Nahjul Balagha..."
  5. The Islamic review: Volume 49, Khwajah Kamal al-Din, 1961, p29, "we will do well to quote the views of Ibn abi'l-Hadid who was a moderate Shi'ah..."
  6. Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic review, Volumes 2-3, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 1995, p55, "Ibn Abi al-Hadid (d. 1257), the well- known Mu'tazili ..."
  7. "wafat al ayan".. By Ibn Khalikkan , on the entry of ibn Abil Hadid, (arabe : وفيات الأعيان وأنباء أبناء الزمان: واشتغل بفقه الإمام الشافعي)"
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