David Torn
David Torn est un guitariste et compositeur né le à Amityville.

Davis Torn en concert, Londres, 2008
Il est connu en particulier en tant que membre de l'Everyman Band, pour sa participation au groupe de Jan Garbarek, ainsi que pour ses compositions de musique de film.
Discographie partielle
- Everyman Band — Everyman Band (1982)
- Everyman Band — Without Warning (1985)
- Best Laid Plans (1985) — with Geoffrey Gordon
- Cloud About Mercury (1987) — heavily featuring Bill Bruford, Tony Levin, Mark Isham
- Jan Garbarek and Eberhard Weber — It's OK to Listen to the Gray Voice (1985)
- Door X (1990)
- Karn, Bozzio, Torn — Polytown (1994)
- Earthbeat (1995) — with Bebo Baldan
- Tripping Over God (1995)
- What Means Solid, Traveller? (1996)
- Bruford Levin Upper Extremities (1998)
- Vernon Reid, Elliott Sharp, David Torn — GTR OBLQ (1998)
- splattercell: Textures for Electronica and Film Music (2000)
- B.L.U.E. Nights (2000)
- splattercell: OAH (2001)
- splattercell: AH (2001)
- tonal textures
- pandora's toolbox
- The Order — soundtrack (2003)
- Friday Night Lights — soundtrack (2004)
- Prezens (2007)
- Lars and the Real Girl — soundtrack (2007)
- Chute EP (2010)
- Bunraku — soundtrack (2010)
- Only Sky (ECM, 2015)
Lien externe
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