Dương Bích Liên
Dương Bích Liên, né le à Hanoï (Union indochinoise) et mort le dans la même ville, est un peintre vietnamien[1] - [2]. Il est mort d'un excès de consommation d'alcool[3] - [4] - [5]. Il reçoit le prix Hô Chi Minh à titre posthume en 2000.
Dương Bích Liên

Naissance | |
Décès |
(à 64 ans) Hanoï |
Nationalité | |
Activité |
Distinction |
Plusieurs de ses œuvres sont exposées au musée des beaux-arts du Viêt Nam à Hanoï.
Notes et références
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Dương Bích Liên » (voir la liste des auteurs).
- (en) Hue-Tam Ho Tai, The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam, , p. 126 :
« Like Bui Xuan Phai's streets and Duong Bich Lien's romantic realist scenes, this and other of Nguyen Sang's portraits, with their singular talent for capturing emotions, have been a source of inspiration for the younger generation of painters [...]. »
- (en) Nora A. Taylor, Painters in Hanoi: An Ethnography of Vietnamese Art, , p. 75 :
« Bui Xuan Phai, Nguyen Sang, Nguyen Tu Nghiem, and Duong Bich Lien were not the most subversive of painters; others, such as Nguyen Sy Ngoc, and the poet Tran Dan, were put into much more strenuous positions vis-avis the political [...]. »
- (en) Nông Văn Dân, Churchill, Eden and Indo-China, 1951-1955, , p. 202 :
« Despite or because of the known case of Duong Bich Lien, a somewhat established salary man painter from one of the Tonkinese provinces, who starved himself to death in less than three weeks in Hanoi in late 1988, single-mindedly as well [...]. »
. - (en) Cultural representation in transition, new Vietnamese painting, The Siam Society, (ASIN B003L0S558) :
« Duong Bich Lien was among those sent to the countryside to depict the new socialist work teams, but he produced only a somber landscape entitled "An Afternoon at the Border" It was in this atmosphere that a "new" School of Fine Arts was [...] Nghiem accepted the invitation, but Duong Bich Lien declined, further contributing to his isolation and relative obscurity compared to Phai, Sang, and Nghiem Lien drank himself to death in 1988 the same year in which Phai and Sang died. »
- (en) Catherine Noppe et Jean-François Hubert, Art of Vietnam, :
« [...] Tran Dinh Tho, V6 Lang and Duong Bich Lien, artists who made a lasting impression on twentieth century Vietnamese art. [...] Illness compounded by overdrinking, his response to a world that plotted against him, led to his death in Hanoi in [...]. »
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