


  • Cythereis angulata
  • Cythereis fidicula
  • Cythereis finmarchica
  • Cythereis glauca
  • Cythereis navicula
  • Cythereis ornatissima
  • Cythereis phalaropi
  • Cythereis procteri
  • Cythereis tuberculata
espèces fossiles
  • †Cythereis biplicata Jones, 1850
  • †Cythereis alaris Ulrich & Bassler, 1904
  • †Cythereis cornuta Roemer, 1838


    • (en) Jones T.R., 1849. A Monograph of the Entomostraca of the Cretaceous Formation of England. Annual Volumes (Monographs) of the Palaeontographical Society 3(1): 1–40, 7 plates (lire en ligne).
    • (en) Sylvester-Bradley P.C., 1948. The Ostracode Genus Cythereis. Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 22, No. 6 (Nov., 1948), pp. 792-797 (7 pages) (JSTOR:1299620).

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