

Callistocythere est un genre de crustacés de la classe des ostracodes, de la sous-classe des Podocopa, de l'ordre des Podocopida, du sous-ordre des Cypridocopina et de la famille des Leptocytheridae.

Liste des espèces

Selon World Register of Marine Species (8 aout 2019)[2]:

  • Callistocythere abjecta Schornikov, 1966
  • Callistocythere adriatica Masoli, 1968
  • Callistocythere akabashia Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere alata Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere arcana Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese, 1976
  • Callistocythere arcuata Bonaduce, Masoli, Minichelli & Pugliese, 1980
  • Callistocythere asiatica Zhao, 1984
  • Callistocythere badia (Norman, 1862)
  • Callistocythere bonaducei Barbeito-Gonzalez, 1971
  • Callistocythere chihyunga Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere costata (Hartmann, 1956)
  • Callistocythere cranekeyensis (Puri, 1960) Baker & Hulings, 1966
  • Callistocythere craterigera (Rome, 1942) Rome, 1965
  • Callistocythere crispata (Brady, 1868)
  • Callistocythere crucifera (Hartmann, 1954)
  • Callistocythere dedeckkeri Yassini & Jones, 1995
  • Callistocythere dinglei Whatley & Keeler, 1989
  • Callistocythere discrepans (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere dispersocostata Hartmann, 1962
  • Callistocythere dorsotuberculata Hartmann, 1979
  • Callistocythere elegans (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere elena Barbeito-Gonzalez, 1971
  • Callistocythere eugenia Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere eulitoralis Hartmann, 1974
  • Callistocythere fischeri Hartmann, 1961
  • Callistocythere flavidofusca (Ruggieri, 1950) Kurc, 1961
  • Callistocythere folliculosa Bonaduce, Ciampo & Masoli, 1976
  • Callistocythere fossulata Coimbra, Sanguinetti & Bittencourt-Calagno, 1995
  • Callistocythere foveata (Hartmann, 1953)
  • Callistocythere gilva Bonaduce, Ciampo & Masoli, 1976
  • Callistocythere hayamensis Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere hosonosuensis Okubo, 1979
  • Callistocythere innominata (Brady, 1898)
  • Callistocythere insolita McKenzie, 1967
  • Callistocythere insularis Meireles, Keyser & Ávila, 2014
  • Callistocythere intermedia Ha & Tsukagoshi, 2015
  • Callistocythere iodosicostata Ruan in Ruan & Hao (Yi-Chun), 1988
  • Callistocythere ishizakii Ikeya & Zhou, 1992
  • Callistocythere janiceburrowsae Yassini & Jones, 1987
  • Callistocythere japonica Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere keiji (Hartmann, 1978) Mckenzie & Pickett, 1984
  • Callistocythere laevis Okubo, 1979
  • Callistocythere laminata Coimbra, Sanguinetti & Bittencourt-Calagno, 1995
  • Callistocythere lobiancoi (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere moseleyi (Brady, 1880)
  • Callistocythere multicellulosa Coimbra, Sanguinetti & Bittencourt-Calagno, 1995
  • Callistocythere multirugosa Chen in Hou, Chen, Yang, Ho, Zhou & Tian, 1982
  • Callistocythere murrayana (Brady, 1880)
  • Callistocythere neoplana Swanson, 1979
  • Callistocythere nodosicostata Ruan, 1988 in Ruan & Hao, 1988
  • Callistocythere nucleoperiscum Whatley, Moguilevsky, Toy, Chadwick & Ramos, 1998
  • Callistocythere numaensis Frydl, 1982
  • Callistocythere obtusa Swanson, 1979
  • Callistocythere ornata (Hartmann, 1956)
  • Callistocythere pallida (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere postinodosa Hao (Yi-Chun) in Ruan & Hao (Yi-Chun), 1988
  • Callistocythere protracta Ruggieri & D'Arpa, 1993
  • Callistocythere reticulata Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere rioplatensis Whatley, Moguilevsky, Chadwick, Toy & Ramos, 1998
  • Callistocythere rugosa Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere ryukyuensis Ha & Tsukagoshi, 2015
  • Callistocythere setouchiensis Okubo, 1979
  • Callistocythere shuliana Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere sigmocostelata Coimbra, Sanguinetti & Bittencourt-Calagno, 1995
  • Callistocythere sinensis Zhao (Yi-Chun) (Quan-Hong), 1984
  • Callistocythere subjaponica Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere taeniata (Rome, 1942) Rome, 1965
  • Callistocythere tateyamaensis Frydl, 1982
  • Callistocythere tateyamensis Frydl, 1982
  • Callistocythere tientaolis Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere tihaoa Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Callistocythere tosaensis (Ishizaki, 1968)
  • Callistocythere tribulosa Hao (Yi-Chun) in Ruan & Hao (Yi-Chun), 1988
  • Callistocythere undata Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere undulatifacialis Hanai, 1957
  • Callistocythere ventricostata Hao (Yi-Chun) in Ruan & Hao (Yi-Chun), 1988
  • Callistocythere ventrolata Yassini & Jones, 1995
  • Callistocythere vexata Bonaduce, Ciampo & Masoli, 1976
  • Callistocythere windangensis Yassini & Jones, 1987
  • Callistocythere yanghui Hu & Tao, 2008
Noms tempraires
  • Callistocythere reticulata Hulings, 1966 (homonyne de Callistocythere reticulata Hanai, 1957)
  • Callistocythere rastrifera (Ruggieri, 1953) Colalongo, 1966 répresenté comme Callistocythere (Rastrocythere) rastrifera (Ruggieri, 1953) Ruggieri, 1992
Noms en homonymie
  • Sous-genre Callistocythere (Callistocythere) Ruggieri, 1953
    • Callistocythere (Callistocythere) littoralis (Mueller, 1894) Hanai, 1957, un synonyme de Sagmatocythere littoralis (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere arenicola (Hartmann, 1964) Lerner-Seggev, 1972, un synonyme de Chartocythere arenicola (Hartmann, 1964)
  • Callistocythere cancellata (Brady, 1868), un synonyme de Hemicytheridea cancellata (Brady, 1868)
  • Callistocythere crenata (Brady, 1890), un synonyme de Hemicytheridea crenata (Brady, 1890)
  • Callistocythere demissa (Brady, 1868) Eagar, 1971, un synonyme de Keijia demissa (Brady, 1868) (new combination)
  • Callistocythere diffusa (Mueller, 1894), un synonyme de Leptocythere (Callistocythere) diffusa (Mueller, 1894) Schornikov, 1966
  • Callistocythere hartmanni McKenzie, 1967, un synonyme de Leptocythere hartmanni (Mckenzie, 1967)
  • Callistocythere inconspicua (Brady, 1880), un synonyme de Kotoracythere inconspicua (Brady, 1880) Whatley, 1987
  • Callistocythere littoralis (Mueller, 1894), un synonyme de Sagmatocythere littoralis (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere mediterranea (Mueller, 1894), un synonyme de Sagmatocythere mediterranea (Mueller, 1894)
  • Callistocythere puri McKenzie, 1967 (faute d'orthographe)


  1. (en) Ruggieri G., 1953. Iconografia degli Ostracodi marini del Pliocene e del Pleistocene italiani. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali.
  2. World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 8 aout 2019
  • (en) Ha, T.M. & Tsukagoshi, A. 2015. First records of interstitial leptocytherids (Crustacea, Ostracoda): two new species and a redescription of Callistocythere ventricostata Ruan & Hao, 1988 collected from the Okinawa Islands, southern Japan. Zootaxa 4006(1): 83–102. DOI 10.11646/zootaxa.4006.1.4.

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