
Areca Backup

Areca Backup est un logiciel portable de sauvegarde pour les systèmes d'exploitation GNU/Linux et Windows distribué sous licence GPL v2.0.

Il permet d'effectuer des sauvegardes complètes, incrémentale et différentielle et il permet aussi de sauvegarder ses données sur le réseau via FTP.

Les sauvegardes à delta sont supportées. (à vérifier)

Il est possible de compresser et de chiffrer les sauvegardes.

Areca est aussi capable de déclencher des actions supplémentaires, comme le stockage d'un rapport de sauvegarde sur votre disque dur, l'envoyer par e-mail, lancer des scripts avant ou après votre sauvegarde.


Caractéristiques de Areca Backup

  • Compression en Zip & format Zip64
  • Chiffrage des archives avec les algorithmes de chiffrement AES128 et AES256
  • Stockage sur disque dur local, un lecteur réseau, une clé USB, serveur FTP, FTPS et SFTP (implicite et explicite avec SSL/TLS)
  • Filtrage des fichiers (par extension, sous-répertoire, expression régulière, taille, date, statut, avec et/ou/sans opérateurs logiques
  • Supporte les sauvegardes : Complète, Incrémentielle et Différentielle
  • Supporte les sauvegardes delta (stocker que des parties modifiées de vos fichiers)
  • Fusion d'archives : Vous pouvez fusionner des archives contigus dans une archive unique pour économiser l'espace disque.
  • Areca vous permet de récupérer vos archives (ou des fichiers individuels) à une date spécifique.
  • Mécanisme transactionnel : Tous les processus critiques (telles que les sauvegardes ou fusions) sont transactionnel. Cela garantit l'intégrité de vos sauvegardes.
  • Rapports de sauvegarde : Areca génère des rapports de sauvegarde qui peuvent être stockés sur votre disque ou envoyés par e-mail.
  • Gestion des script : Areca peut lancer des scripts shell après la sauvegarde.
  • Les autorisations de fichiers, de liens symboliques et les pipes peuvent être stockés et récupérés. (Linux uniquement)

Interface utilisateur graphique

  • Explorateur du contenu des archives. (la fonction "recherche de fichiers dans les archives" est inclus)
  • Description des archives : Un manifeste est associé à chaque archive, qui contient diverses informations telles que le titre, la date, la description et les données techniques supplémentaires.
  • Version des fichiers suivis : Areca garde la trace de l'histoire de vos fichiers (création / modification / suppression). Chaque version peut être consultée et récupérée sélectivement.
  • Simulation de sauvegarde (vérifier si une sauvegarde est nécessaire)
  • Historique des actions de l'utilisateur: Areca conserve un historique de toutes les actions effectuées par l'utilisateur (les suppressions d'archives, les fusions, les sauvegardes, les restaurations).

Interface de ligne de commande

Historique des versions

VersionsModifications apportées (en)
7.5 Fixed the issue that prevented archives from being created when there were only deleted files (no new files);Fixed a minor issue when reconnecting to a FTP server
7.4.9 Fixed compression issue that could occur with filenames containing line breaks
7.4.8 Fixed encryption issued which could occur with recent versions of JREs
7.4.7 Fixed a performance regression introduced in v7.4
7.4.6 Fixes a concurrency issue that could occur when creating temporary files

Minor improvements

7.4.5 Fixes the SFTP kerberos dialog box issue with Java7

Fixes SWT issues on 64 bit JREs

7.4.4 Fixes a compatibility issue with Java-8

Chineese translation update

7.4.3 Fixes a bug that could occur on Posix systems when the file's owner group was empty

New '%BACKUP_TYPE%' dynamic tag for post-processors (full/incremental/differential)

Ability to limit Areca's throughput when writing files

If 32 and 64 bits Java environments are installed on the system, Areca will use the 64 bit by default (windows only)

Areca can now use up to 1GB RAM

7.4.2 Fixes a bug in Delta storage that could generate 'out of memory' errors when reading large files
7.4.1 Minor memory optimizations
7.4Fixed issues that could occur on temporary files in multi-users environment; Areca now attempts to locate your archives when importing backup configurations; Minor memory optimizations when handling large directories; Max memory that can be used by Areca has been increased from 256MB to 512MB.
7.3.9Better error management when reading metadata; Cleaner configuration import window; Fixed a bug that occurred when using the '-date' switch in the command line tool
7.3.8Additional integrity checks after archive merges; Fixed memory management issue when recovering; Prevent from modifying backup scheme (full, differential, incremental) when resuming an interrupted backup.
7.3.7CS, ES and HU translation updates.
7.3.6Added certificate authentication for SFTP connectivity; Passwords are now encrypted in configuration files.
7.3.5Fixed a but that prevented from creating backup shortcuts in some configurations.
7.3.4Improved error messages when dangling symbolic links are encountered.
7.3.3Improved error messages in case of invalid encryption configuration; Delta storage bugfix; Fixed memory issues that could occur when too many errors were encountered while checking archives.
7.3.2Fixed a bug that could prevent backups to be resumed in case of error.
7.3.1Fixed a bug that could prevent the workspace from loading when drives are disconnected.
7.3Performance improvement on delta storage mode.
7.2.18Fixed freeze issues when trying to connect to unresponsive FTP/SFTP servers; Up-to-date Chinese and Japanese translations.
7.2.17Minor GUI bugfixes.
7.2.16Fixed SMTPs compatibility issue : Areca can now send the 'STARTTLS' command when establishing the connection; Fixed a bug on transaction points; Fixed a bug that could occur when handling files starting with a whitespace; Improved file modification detection : Areca can now inspect the files' content instead of relying on their attributes; Minor wizard improvements.
7.2.15Minor technical bugfixes.
7.2.14Fixed a compatibility issue with IBM JVMs (Base64 encoding); Better error management when handling compressed archives; Areca now uses by default the local temporary directory as working directory when checking archives; Better plugins integration
7.2.13Fixed a bug that could occur when handling target sources spread across multiple drives; better integration of plugins.
7.2.12Fixed a bug introduced in v7.2.11 that could occur with image backups when no file needs to be stored. - Pre processors are now run whether a backup is required or not (ie even if no file has to be stored).
7.2.11Backup is now launched without simulation; Improved texteditor options; Minor GUI bugfixes. - Pre processors are now run whether a backup is required or not (ie even if no file has to be stored).
7.2.10Pre/Postprocessors can now be run when archives are merged or checked; Minor bugfixes and improvements.
7.2.9Added filename encoding verifications when recovering or merging archives; Minor GUI improvements.
7.2.8Added a 'check archive' option after merge; CBC mode added to encryption parameters; Stored file list can be included in backup reports.
7.2.7Minor backup shortcut codepage bug fix; Classpath bug fix.
7.2.6New email preprocessor; Translation fix on German language pack; File filtering bugfix; Errorcode management bugfix (Windows); Minor GUI enhancements - This version changes the way memory settings can be overriden. Please refer to the online help for more informations.
7.2.5Minor improvements & bugfixes.
7.2.4Recovery optimization when handling large volume of data; Improved recovery options; Two merge bug fixes - CAUTION : This new version of Areca fixes two bugs in the 'merge' function. It is recommended to check archives created by merging with previous (7.2.x) versions of Areca.
7.2.3Minor bugfixes
7.2.2Statistics can now be added to backup reports; Recovery performance improvements when handling large number of files; Minor GUI enhancements and bugfixes.
7.2.1Transaction parameters have been added to the target configuration window.
7.2Added support for intermediate transaction points; Added SFTP storage; Added control on encrypted filenames wrapping; Enhanced control on FTP passive mode.
7.1.10Fixed a bug on search window.
7.1.9Fixed a bug that could occur when checking recovered files; Default zip compression level set to 4.
7.1.8Added control encoding option to FTP window; Fixed a problem that prevented last modification time to be recovered on read-only files (windows specific); Faster and storage efficient 'archive check' feature; Faster delta storage mode; Added control on zip compression level; Minor other bugfixes & enhancements.
7.1.7Minor GUI enhancements & bugfixes.
7.1.6Big files (over 2 GB) metadata are now properly handled; More control has been added to file path naming conventions on Windows; A bug that could occur when recovering single files in 'delta' mode has been fixed; Configuration storage has been refactored and simplified; 'Check' and 'Merge' features have been improved; Better 'Configuration import' window; 'Search' feature enhancements; Minor user interface enhancements. - CAUTION : This version includes major modifications of Areca's backup configuration format.
7.1.5More secured configuration backup (Areca makes sure that the XML backup file is correctly written on the backup location); Command-line output in console has been reactivated; Bugfix when forcing 'full backup' mode on delta targets; Areca can now handle <null> extended attribute values; Progress bars enhancements; Post-processors enhancements.
7.1.4Drag and Drop in sources configuration window; Bugfix when recovering a specific version of a file (the latest version was always recovered); Minor enhancements.
7.1.3Regular expression filter bug fix; Minor XML configuration bug fix; Recovery bug fix.
7.1.2New regular expression filters options; Backup report enhancements; Post processors enhancements; Minor bugfixes.
7.1.1Ability to view files contained in your archives using the default applications configured on your system; Post-backup actions enhancements; Minor other enhancements.
7.1Minor error messages enhancements; Named pipes are now properly handled by Areca; Better "Check Archive" feature.
7.0.9Synchronous backup mode available from command-line interface; The 256 characters limit on file path is disabled if the Java version is over 1.6; Enhanced FTP connexions management.
7.0.8Logical view bug fix; Image backups bug fix.
7.0.7Regex file filter bug fix; Added 'encrypt file names' to the 'missing encryption data' window; File handle cleanup.
7.0.6Delta backup bug fix.
7.0.5ACL serialization bug fix in Java 1.5; Minor recovery bug fix.
7.0ACL and extended attributes support for Linux; New 'archive check' feature; Heavy memory management refactoring. - CAUTION : this version is NOT backward compatible with previous versions of Areca.
6.1Backup pause implementation; Plugin API enhancement; Configurable compression level; Encryption refactoring - CAUTION : This refactoring is NOT backward-compatible. This means that this new version will NOT be able to read archives encrypted with previous versions of Areca.
6.0.7log bug fix.
6.0.6Various bug fixes.
6.0.5Log bug fix.
6.0.4Archive trace backward-compatibility bug fix.
6.0.3Zip Bugfix.
6.0.2Bugfixes; Archive trace storage refactoring; translation updates.
6.0.1Minor bugfixes; Minor encryption and log enhancements.
6.0Delta storage implementation; Chinese (traditional), Swedish and Danish translations; Minor bugfixes and enhancements.
5.5.7Minor bugfixes; Japanese, Chinese and Spanish translations.
5.5.6Filename size checks were added; Minor enhancements.
5.5.5Encryption bug fix; Zip64 bug fix; Minor enhancements.
5.5.4Recovery bug fix.
5.5.3Full and differential backups support.
5.5.2Compression enhancements; Hungarian translation; Minor bugfixes.
5.5.1Recovery optimization; Backup strategy wizard.
5.5Merge processor enhancements; New delete processor; Encryption enhancements; Bug Fixes.
5.4Pre-processors; Filter enhancements; Minor bug fixes.
5.3.5Mail send processor enhancement; Minor bug fixes.
5.3.4External decompression tool; GUI enhancements; Java properties override feature.
5.3.3FTP data cache; Some bug fixes.
5.3.2External decryption tool; New archive merge option.
5.3.1Faster file copy; Zip options enhancements; Filters enhancements; Multiple source directories support.
5.3Dutch and Italian translation; Zip split support; Symbolic links support.
5.2.1Permission management bug fix; Post-processors enhancements; Locked file filter enhancements; FTP enhancements.
5.2Zip64 bug fix; Russian translation; Mail reports enhancements; Shell script dynamic parameters.
5.1Better multithreading management; User interface enhancements (Archive's files edition feature & improved target deletion).
5.0.2Bug fix : directories starting with '#' were not processed properly.
5.0.1UTF-8 is used for all metadata files; Backup shortcut implementation; Search-Window enhancements.
5.0Graphical user interface refactoring (SWT is used instead of Swing).
4.5.2Some bug fixes; Target duplication feature.
4.5.1FTPs (implicit/explicit SSL/TLS) support.
4.5Zip64 compression; FTP support; Improved archives controls; XML configuration backup; Log window.
4.2.3Some more bug fixes.
4.2.2Various bug fixes.
4.2.1Memory optimizations and improved controls on zip32 archive size.
4.2File attributes recovery (date & permissions); Authenticated SMTP support; Encrypted targets bug fix.
4.1.7Merge bug fix.
4.1.6Memory optimizations; Recovery enhancement (File last modification date is now preserved).
4.1.5Stronger encryption; Some bug fixes (shell post-processors).
4.1Search feature; Toolbar; Minor enhancements & Bug fixes.
4.0.5Mail encoding bug fix; Workspace backup feature.
4.0Post-processors and user preferences; Various optimizations.
3.5.1Minor ZIP bug fix (This bug occurred on empty archives).
3.5New file filters; Major archive medium refactoring.
3.4Empty directory tracking; Archive mediums refactoring; File size & date filters.
3.3.1Internationalization bug fix.
3.3Internationalization (by Stephane Brunel), UTF8 support and various improvements.
3.2.7Backup simulation bug fix.
3.2.6Command line interface improvements - Backup pre-check improvements.
3.2.5Command line interface bug fix.
3.2.4Added AES encryption algorithm; Minor GUI enhancements.
3.2.3Minor bug fix.
3.2.2Added a check module for new releases.
3.2.1Target history enhancement.
3.2Implemented process cancellation; added target Indicators.
3.1.5Added Java version check on startup and minor GUI enhancements.
3.1.4Support for deep directories encryption on Windows (Windows limits paths length to 256 characters).
3.1.3Added references to the project's home page.
3.1.2Minor GUI correction (the 'Help' window didn't open correctly under Windows 2000.)
3.1.1Incremental storage mediums now check that the data have really changed before backup.
3.1Archive encryption implementation.
3.0Backup simulation and single file recovery implementation.
2.7Archive merge enhancement; Archive deletion implementation.
2.6Archive detail window.
2.5Commit / Rollback implementation for backups and merges.
2.4Regex filters implementation.
2.3.1Backup monitoring enhancement.
2.3Backup / Merge / Recover pre-check improvements.
2.2.1Log history management.
2.2Manifest implementation.
2.1.2Context menus implementation.
2.1.1History improvement.
2.1Minor GUI enhancements. ('about' and 'help' dialogs)
2.0Group / Target edition windows.
1.2.2Minor GUI enhancements.
1.2.1History implementation.
1.2New storage mediums; XML processing improvement.
1.1GUI implementation
1.0Backup engine implementation.

Notes et références


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