Lâa encerclĂ© (majuscule : â¶, minuscule : â) est un symbole et une lettre de lâalphabet latin utilisĂ©e dans lâĂ©criture du koalib.

Formes du a encerclé en koalib.
- (en) Deborah Anderson, Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler et Roozbeh Pournader, Recommendations to UTC on Script Proposals (no L2/13-028), (lire en ligne)
- (en) Deborah Anderson, Lisa Moore, Ken Whistler, Roozbeh Pournader, Liang Hai, Steven Loomis, Karan MiĆra, Manish Goregaokar, Patrick Chew, Ben Yang, Marek Jeziorek, Craig Cummings, Craig Cornelius, Richard Cook et Norbert Lindenberg, Recommendations to UTC #158 January 2019 on Script Proposals (no L2/19-047), (lire en ligne)
- (en) Doug Ewell, The case against encoding the Koalib @-letters (no L2/04-365), (lire en ligne)
- (en) Eduardo MarĂn Silva, Proposal to encode the LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AT for Koalib orthography and gender inclusive language in Portuguese and Spanish, (lire en ligne)
- (en) Karl Pentzlin, Proposal to encode a symbol "Capitalized Commercial At" in the UCS (no L2/12-116), (lire en ligne)
- (en) Lorna A. Priest, Proposal to encode Chinantec tone marks and orthographic 'at' characters (no L2/04-349), (lire en ligne)
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