
Wayne Madsen

Wayne Madsen (né le ) est un journaliste et essayiste américain.

Wayne Madsen
une illustration sous licence libre serait bienvenue
Journaliste, analyste militaire


En tant que journaliste, il a publié des articles dans CorpWatch, CounterPunch, CovertAction Quarterly, In These Times, Multinational Monitor, The American Conservative, The Progressive et The Village Voice. Il a publié des éditoriaux dans Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Columbus Dispatch, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Miami Herald et le Sacramento Bee[1] - [2].


En anglais
  • The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Front Companies, Proprietaries & Contractors, 2016, Ă©, (ISBN 978-1365111969)
  • ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror, 2016, Progressive Press, (ISBN 978-1615771523)
  • Unmasking ISIS: The Shocking Truth, avec Washington's blog, 2016, Progressive Press, (ISBN 978-1615771646)
  • Soros: Quantum of Chaos,, 2015, (ISBN 978-1329706712)
  • The Manufacturing of a President (Lulu 2012) (ISBN 9781300011385)
  • Jaded Tasks – Brass Plates, Black Ops & Big Oil: The Blood Politics of Bush & Co. (TrineDay, 2006) (ISBN 0-9752906-9-X)
  • Madsen et John Stanton, America's Nightmare : The Presidency of George Bush II, Tempe, AZ, Dandelion Enterprises, , 173 p. (ISBN 978-1-893302-29-7, OCLC 55941597), p. 173
  • Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy, Saudi Arabia and the Failed Search for bin Laden co-authored with Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie (Nation Books, 2002) (ISBN 1-56025-414-9)
  • Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993–1999 (African Studies) (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999) (ISBN 0-7734-8002-1)
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection and the Endangerment of Civil Liberties - An Assessment of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP), Electronic Privacy Information Center, 1998, (ISBN 978-1893044012)
  • Handbook of Personal Data Protection (New York: Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 1992) (reference book on international data protection law) (ISBN 1-56159-046-0)
En allemand

Notes et références

  1. Wayne Madsen : page ix de "Jaded Tasks"
  2. Dr. Fevzi Bilgin, « Conference on Deep State, Ergenekon, and Turkey's Constitutional Referendum »,, (consulté le )

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