Wayne D. Overholser
Wayne D. Overholser, né le à Pomeroy dans l’État de Washington et mort le à Boulder dans le Colorado, est un écrivain américain, auteur de roman western. Il signe plusieurs de ses romans des pseudonymes John S. Daniels, Lee Leighton, Wayne Roberts, Dan J. Steven, Joseph Wayne et Emmett J. Powell.
Alias |
John S. Daniels, Lee Leighton, Wayne Roberts, Dan J. Stevens, Joseph Wayne, Emmett J. Powell |
Naissance |
Pomeroy, État de Washington, ![]() |
Décès |
Boulder, Colorado, ![]() |
Activité principale | |
Distinctions |
Spur Award (en) 1953 et 1954 |
Langue d’écriture | Anglais américain |
Genres |
Il est enseignant de 1926 à 1945. Il amorce sa carrière en littérature en publiant, à partir de 1936, quelques centaines de nouvelles appartenant à la littérature policière, mais surtout au genre du western dans des pulps dédiés à ce genre : The Lone Ranger Magazine, Western Aces, Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine. À partir de 1945, il quitte l'enseignement et se consacre entièrement à l'écriture.
Spécialisé dans le roman western, il obtient deux Spur Award (en). Le premier, en 1953, pour The Lawman, signé du pseudonyme Lee Leighton, et le second, en 1954, pour The Violent Kid, signé Wayne D. Overholser[1].
Romans signés Wayne D. Overholser
- Buckaroo's Code; 1947
- West of the Rimrock, 1949
- Draw or Drag, 1950
- Oregon Trunk, 1950
- Steel to the South, 1953
- Fabulous Gunman, 1954
- The Violent Land, 1954 Spur Award (en) 1954
- The Lone Deputy, 1960
- The Killer Marshal, 1961
- Standoff at the River, 1961
- War in Sandoval County, 1961
- The Bitter Night, 1962
- The Judas Gun, 1962
- The Trial of Billy Peale, 1963
- A Gun for Johnny Deere, 1964
- To the Far Mountains, 1964
- Day of Judgement, 1965 (autre titre Colorado Incident)
- The Outlaws, 1966
- Ride Into Danger, 1967
- Summer of the Sioux, 1967
- North to Deadwood, 1968
- Buckskin Man, 1969
- The Noose, 1972
- The Long Trail North, 1973
- La corde est au bout, SĂ©rie noire no 1610, 1973
- Brand 99, 1974
- The Petticoat Brigade, 1974 (publication en volume d'un feuilleton paru en 1948)
- Diablo Ghost, 1978
- The Trouble Kid, 1978
- La Poursuite inutile, Le Masque western no 223, 1979
- The Cattle Queen Feud, 1979
- Nightmare in Broken Bow, 1979
- Revenge at Crow City, 1980 (autre titre Revenge in Crow City)
- Sun on the Wall, 1981
- Mason County War, 1981
- Dangerous Patrol, 1982
- The Long Wind, 1986
- Bunch Grass, 1986
- Gunplay Valley: The Sweet And Bitter Land, 1987
- Return of the Kid, 1987
- By Gun and Spur, 1987
- Red Snow, 1988
- The Dry Gulcher, 1988
- Gunlock, 1988
- Red Is the Valley, 1988
- Land of Promises, 1989
- Proud Journey, 1989
- Valley of Guns, 1991
- Cast a Long Shadow, 1991
- Desperate Man 1992
- Hearn's Valley, 1992
- Tough Hand 1992
- The Hunted, 1994
- The Patriarch of Gunsight Flat, 1996
- They Hanged Wild Bill Murphy, 1996
- Nugget City, 1997
- The Violent Men, 1997
- Riders of the Sundowns, 1999
- The Day the Killers Came, 2002
- The Bad Man, 2003
- Wild Horse River, 2003
- The Law at Miles City, 2005
- Bitter Wind, 2005
- Pass Creek Valley, 2009 (publication en volume du court roman No Law in Pass Creek Valley paru dans un magazine en 1950)
- Law at Angel's Landing, 2010
- The Man from Yesterday, 2010 (publication en volume d'un feuilleton paru en 1956)
- Shadow on the Land, 2013
- Death of a Cattle King, 2011
- Ten Mile Valley, 2012
- The Waiting Gun, 2013
- Swampland Empire, 2013 (publication en volume d'un feuilleton paru en 1950)
- Guns In Sage Valley, 2014
Roman signé Joseph Wayne
- The Snake Stomper 1951
Romans signés Lee Leighton
- Lawman, 1953 Spur Award (en) 1953
- Beyond the Pass, 1956
- Fight for the Valley, 1960
- Big Ugly, 1966
- Hanging at Pulpit Rock, 1967
- Bitter Journey, 1969
- La MĂ©tisse blanche, Le Masque western no 61, 1972
- You'll never hang me, 1971
- Cassidy, 1980
- Tomahawk, 1980
Romans signés John S. Daniels
- Gunflame, 1953
- The Nester, 1954
- War Party, 1966
- The Three Sons of Adam Jones, 1969
- Les Trois Fils d'Adam Jones, SĂ©rie noire no 1659, 1974
Roman signé Lewis B. Patten
- The Meeker Massacre, 1969
Recueils de nouvelles
- The Best Western Stories of Wayne D. Overholser, 1984 (anthologie posthume aussi paru sous les titres Tales of the West ou The Best Western Stories)
- Chumley's Gold, 2000 (anthologie posthume)
- Ride the Red Trail, 2001 (anthologie posthume)
- Gateway House, 2001 (anthologie posthume)
- Rainbow Rider, 2001 (anthologie posthume)
- Wheels Roll West, 2002 (anthologie posthume)
- Twin Rocks, 2005 (anthologie posthume)
- Sunset Trail, 2007 (anthologie posthume)
- The Durango Stage, 2008 (anthologie posthume)
- Beyond the Law, 2011 (anthologie posthume)
- Fighting Man, 2012 (anthologie posthume)
- Wanted Man, 1936
- Blind Poet, 1937
- The Yucca Kid, 1937
- Job for a Gunman, 1938
- Double-Draw Magic, 1938
- Lawman’s Honor, 1938
- Showdown in Tonapos, 1938
- Pay-Dirt Gamble, 1938
- Coffin’s Bend, 1939
- A Killer Slays No More, 1939
- Kid Gunhawk, 1939
- Lawyer Two-Fist, 1939
- Chivalry on the Owlhoot, 1939
- Preacher Sam Hits Guntown, 1939
- Blood Gold, 1939
- Death Rides Double, 1939
- Star-Toter’s Tally, 1939
- Return of Silver Smith, 1939
- Sidewinder’s Smoke Screen, 1940
- Star Toter’s Son, 1940
- Nest Egg for a Killer, 1940
- The Gun Wolf of Redillo, 1940
- Master of the Draw, 1940
- Gunsmoke Interest, 1940
- Powdersmoke Purge, 1940
- Boothill Is for Peacemakers, 1940
- Whit Castle’s Town, 1940
- Gun Cure for Typhoid, 1940
- Harvest of Hate, 1940
- Hogleg Payoff, 1940
- Right Turn for Boothill, 1940
- Boothill Trap, 1940
- Powdersmoke Reckoning, 1940
- Poker Only, 1940
- Six-Gun Alibi, 1940
- The Devil Holds the Ace, 1940
- Last of the Fighting Bradleys, 1940
- Gunsmoke Purge in Big Pine, 1941
- No Range for Geese!, 1941
- Gunsmoke Pledge, 1941
- A Gambler Loved a Lady, 1941
- Let ’Em Eat Lead!, 1941
- Don’t Run, Runt!, 1941
- Loan Shark Showdown, 1941
- Justice for Sidewinders, 1941
- Powdersmoke Legacy, 1941
- Showdown at Split Rock, 1941
- Powdersmoke Pay-Dirt, 1941
- Trouble on Round Top, 1941
- Treachery on the Horseshoe Bar, 1941
- The Hero of Halfway Town, 1941
- Kid Who Started the Courthouse War, 1941
- Lead Harvest, 1941
- When Brothers Are Men, 1941
- $10,000 Worth of Bull, 1942
- Bullets or Blackstone, 1942
- Dead Ghosts of Furnace Valley, 1942
- Range Baron’s Reckoning, 1942
- Medico Miracle, 1942
- Copperhead Justice, 1942
- Gun Cleanup in Clarno, 1942
- Two Gun Crusader, 1942
- Dim-Trail Destiny, 1942
- Land Without Mercy, 1942
- Trouble Bound, 1942
- Sheriff Savvy, 1942
- Every Trail Has a Rider, 1942
- Last Cowman of Lost Squaw Valley, 1942
- A Chat with the Range Boss, 1942
- Gun-Lucky Kid, 1942
- Renegade Roost, 1942
- Ten Steps from Tophet, 1942
- Tricky Trigger, 1942
- Senor Loco, 1942
- Sodbuster’s Choice, 1942
- Powdersmoke Price for Peace, 1942
- Pardner, Don’t Go Crooked, 1943
- Mincemeat Musketeers, 1943
- Hot Lead and Hot Wires, 1943
- Three Cowboys and a Corpse, 1943
- Pasear to Death, 1943
- Traitors Brand, 1943
- Drygulchers Die in the Dust, 1943
- Graybeard’s Ghost, 1943
- Rebels of the Stage Trails, 1943
- Murder Trap Boomerang, 1943
- Jackpot of Death, 1943
- Tall Timber Burns Fast, 1943
- That Brainless Badge-Toter, 1943
- Voodoo in Vacaville, 1943
- Gun-Handy Banker, 1943
- Six-Gun Skeleton, 1943
- Trouble-Hunting Trouble Shooter, 1943
- High Card Wins the Range, 1943
- Three Who Loved, 1943
- Dead Man’s Legacy, 1943
- Blood, Leather, and Bullets!, 1943
- Manhunt in Hell’s Back Yard, 1943
- Pistol Pilgrim of Ripsaw Creek, 1943
- Colt-Law Roundup, 1944
- Bushwhack-Call for the Rimrock Kid, 1944
- Smoky Glory, 1944
- Kill Once, Kill Twice!, 1944
- The Last Damn’ Bullet!, 1944
- The Valley of Frightened Men, 1944
- Free Range on Boot Hill Only, 1944
- Range Hogs Can Die, 1944
- The Devil Deals in Lead, 1944
- Sell Out—or Shoot Out!, 1944
- Badman Masquerader, 1944
- Coffin of Fate, 1944
- Lawman, Guard Your Back!, 1944
- Shoot the Man Down!, 1944
- Bullets Bring Barbed Wire Down, 1945
- Parson of Purgatory, 1945
- Satan Takes a Gun-Pardner, 1945
- Last of the Fighting Venners, 1945
- Greenhorn’s Gun-Guardians, 1945
- Gun Magic, 1945
- Ghost of Glory, 1945
- Land Rush in Hell!, 1945
- Blood on the Land, 1945
- Frogback’s One-Man Army, 1945
- Satan Buys a War, 1945
- Buckshot Feud-Buster, 1945
- Mr. Colt Goes to Court, 1945
- .45 Floods Break a Dinero Dam, 1945
- Gun-Cure for Lava City, 1945
- Hurney Goes Law Abiding, 1945
- When the Chips Are Down, 1945
- Buckaroo’s Code, 1945
- A Ghost Is Buried, 1945
- Draw Your Number for Boothill!, 1945
- Pay-Day at Murder Creek, 1945
- Redden Rides the Death-Watch, 1945
- The Gunsmoke Way, 1945
- Sign on the Bullet Line, 1946
- There’s Hell in Custer Country!, 1946
- Tollgate to a Boot Hill Claim, 1946
- All Guts—No Brains!, 1946
- Holster Headlines, 1946
- Powdersmoke Wisdom, 1946
- Trouble Exposure, 1946
- Gun-Song of the Melody Kid, 1946
- Lawmen Are Made, Not Born, 1946
- Outlaw Masquerade, 1946
- The Beard on Eli’s Face, 1946
- Gun-Devil of Paradise, 1946
- Bad Trouble at Traitor Station!, 1946
- .45 Jamboree in Jubilee Basin, 1946
- “Senator Sixgun’s” Bullet Election, 1946
- Strangers Die Young, 1946
- Deputy Wanted—Dead or Alive!, 1946
- Ghost of the Glory Gold, 1946
- Grangers, Get Your Guns!, 1946
- Jury for Juniper, 1946
- Sunset for Red Hell Dawson, 1946
- Trail’s End, 1946
- No Bounty on Polecats, 1946
- Rolling the Devil’s Freight, 1946
- Death-Watch on the Hat, 1946
- Gun-Mission to Orengo, 1946
- Satan’s Backtrail, 1946
- Mask of Satan, 1946
- The Gun Ghost, 1946
- Gun-Prodigal’s Bullet Feast, 1946
- Lay Your Lines to Hell!, 1946
- Water-Barrel Trap, 1946
- Bounty Hunter’s Harvest, 1947
- The Riders of Carne Cove, 1947
- Old Lawdogs Never Die, 1947
- Town-Burners’ Barbecue, 1947
- Three Hold a Dollar, 1947
- Grandstand Pistol Play, 1947
- Gun-Master of Massacre Train!, 1947
- Keep ’Em Rolling West, 1947
- Killer on the Keys, 1947
- Gun Cure, 1947
- Gun-Guardians of the Devil’s Ditch, 1947
- Traitors’ Blood Is Red, 1947
- Mountain Girl, 1947
- Sister’s Got a Feller, 1947
- Move On, Sawbones, 1947
- Pack Your Law on the Hip!, 1947
- The Price of Pride, 1947
- Shadow of a Lobo, 1947
- Fiddlefoot Star-Packer, 1947
- Gunman’s Sleep, 1947
- Buckskin Man, 1947
- Reunion at Dead Man’s Ranch, 1947
- Sheepers Ain’t Folks!, 1947
- Glory-Hound’s Blunder, 1947
- Four Guns in Purgatory, 1947
- Jubilee Valley’s Quick Death Combine, 1947
- Scalp-Orphan of Sunset Trail, 1947
- “Six-Gun Fiesta”, 1947
- They Hanged Wild Bill Murphy, 1947
- Ready-Made Husband, 1947
- Book-L’arnin’ and the Equalizer, 1947
- Star-Toter’s Last Stand, 1947
- Stopover in Mineral City, 1947
- The Devil Walks in Carney Town, 1947
- Hot Lead Homecoming, 1947
- Make Way for a Buckaroo, 1947
- Range-Lord of the Land-Lost, 1947
- When a Ranger Rides, 1947
- The Long Haul, 1948
- The Manbreaker, 1948
- Six Bullets from Boothill, 1948
- Thunder of Guns, 1948
- Syndicate Man, 1948
- Debt Canceled, 1948
- The Distant Guns, 1948
- From Hell to Leadville, 1948
- Nester’s Nemesis, 1948
- Golden Heels, 1948
- The Breaking of Sam McKay, 1948
- Ride Back to Hell!, 1948
- By Name of Joder, 1948
- The Tinsel and the Glory, 1948
- Gold Spur’s Last Strike, 1948
- A Gun for Lucky Dan, 1948
- The Trouble Prod, 1948
- Fugitive from the Boothill Brigade, 1948
- Judge Guppy’s Colt Law, 1948
- The Petticoat Brigade, 1948
- Vigilante Vengeance, 1948
- The Fence, 1948
- The Buckskin Prairie-Buster, 1948
- Hot Lead for the Hellbox, 1948
- Prison Bait, 1948
- Fighting Ed Garvey, 1948
- Law-Dog’s Payday, 1948
- Blood Call, 1948
- Boothill Send-Off, 1948
- Gunhand Wanted—Bring Own Coffin!, 1948
- Beware the Committee of Death!, 1948
- Gun-Rep on His Backtrail, 1948
- For Love of the Union, 1948
- Hemp-Collar Hero, 1948
- Raw-Red Law of the Rebel Legion, 1948
- Sam Colt’s ABC’s, 1948
- High Desert, 1948
- Six-Shooter Shadows, 1948
- Wild Son, 1949
- The Home Corral, 1949
- The Man Ten Feet Tall, 1949
- Rip Van Winkle of Sawbone Gulch, 1949
- Tenderfoot Gal, 1949
- Call Him Killer!, 1949
- A Man’s Job, 1949
- Steel to the South, 1949
- Boss Gunman, 1949
- Strangers, Keep Riding!, 1949
- Outlaw Saint, 1949
- Hate in His Holster, 1949
- It’s Hell to Be a Hero!, 1949
- Conniving Eli, 1949
- Gun Job at Deadman’s Spring, 1949
- Six-Gun Sentence, 1949
- The Hero, 1949
- Born Stubborn, 1949
- Hell Wouldn’t Take Him!, 1949
- Gun-Dog’s Chance, 1949
- The Gunsmoke Gambler, 1949
- Sixshooters Wait at Santa Fe!, 1949
- Roost on the Purgatory, 1950
- The Trail Led East, 1950
- The Leather-Slapper, 1950
- The Steadfast, 1950
- The Gunman and the Lady, 1950
- The Gunman and the Girl, 1950
- The Golden Witch, 1950
- Land Rush, 1950
- Gun-Bride of Sage Valley, 1950
- The Patriarch of Gunsight Flat, 1950
- Shootin’ for a Fall, 1950
- Stage to Glory, 1950
- Bullets Can’t Break Her!, 1950
- The Tongue-Tied Cowboy, 1950
- Gun in His Hand, 1950
- Blood Feud Valley (ss) 1950
- Satan’s Segundo (na) 1950
- When Trail Wolves Call Wipe-Out!, 1950
- Sun in the Sky, 1951
- Hair-Trigger Headlines, 1951
- Home to Rafter C, 1951
- Wheels Roll West, 1951
- Flight from Fury, 1951
- Mission to Sontag, 1951
- When Feed Money Buys Bullets, 1951
- To Please a Girl, 1951
- The Girl on Cougar Creek, 1951
- Fabulous Gunman, 1951
- Affair at Forty Gun, 1951
- Devil and Old Man Gillis, 1951
- Six-Gun Range, 1951
- Good-Bye to Paradise, 1951
- Brand of the Sinners, 1951
- The Land of Gomorrah, 1951
- The Fifth Cartridge, 1951
- Bullets from the Night, 1952
- Boomer Gals—Keep Moving!, 1952
- The Long Riders, 1952
- High Valley, 1952
- Trail to Sundown, 1952
- Gun Flame, 1952
- Outlaw with a Star, 1952
- Red Letter Day, 1952
- A Fighting Man Rides Home, 1952
- Gun-Champion for a Bad Girl, 1952
- Vigilante Valley, 1952
- Fight for the Fish Hook, 1952
- Hide-Out on the Poudre, 1952
- Brody Rustles a Bride, 1952
- High-Grade, 1952
- Fighting Man, 1952
- Rancho of Fear, 1952
- The Black Jappards, 1953
- Gateway House, 1953
- Sudden Verdict, 1953
- The Nester, 1953
- The Unbranded, 1953
- Outlaw’s Wife, 1953
- Ac-High Hombre, 1953
- Matt Seery’s Town, 1953
- Bunchgrass, 1953
- Gunman Escort, 1953
- Bushwhacker’s Bride, 1954
- Ride the Red Trail!, 1954
- The Desperate Men, 1957
- Ring-Tailed Catamount, 1957
- The Law-Abiding Outlaw, 1959
- Mean Men Are Big, 1960
Nouvelles signées Emmett J. Powell
- Fireworks from Texas, 1941
- The Gunslick Medico, 1941
- Hoosegow Grubstake, 1947
- Joker Barney Dugan, 1948
- The Insignificant Mr. Dimple, 1948
- Rats Want It All, 1948
- Bullet Trail, 1949
- 1959 : Cast a Long Shadow réalisé par Thomas Carr
- 1959 : The Devil's Spawn, épisode de la série télévisée Bronco
- Claude Mesplède, Les Années Série noire vol.4 (1972-1982) Encrage « Travaux » no 25, 1995.
- Claude Mesplède et Jean-Jacques Schleret, SN Voyage au bout de la Noire, Futuropolis, 1982, p. 103 et p. 289.
Notes et références
Liens externes
- (en) Biographier et bibliographie
- (en) Wayne D. Overholser sur l’Internet Movie Database