
Sève Feu de Joie

Created by LĂ©opold Brugerolle at the beginning of the 20th century, this liqueur is produced near Cognac. Made with cognac "eau de vie", bitter almonds and stones offering a mahogany robe with golden tints. It is traditionally enjoyed as an after dinner dink, pure or with ice, but will also be a popular ingredient in cocktails.

Sève Feu de Joie

Today the product is distributed by Compagnie De Guyenne[1], a spirits distributor based in Cognac, France. Founded in 1969 by Michel Coste and now operate in more than 80 countries. They are best known for their flagship cognac brand : Meukow Cognac[2].

Notes et références

  1. « Meukow Cognac » History », sur (consulté le )
  2. « Meukow Cognac », sur (consulté le )

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