
Petrus de Goscalch

Petrus de Goscalch (fl. 1378-1394) est un compositeur du chœur papal d'Avignon dont une seule composition, En nul estat, a survécu dans le Codex Chantilly. Il est peut-être également l'auteur de la troisième partie du traité de Berkeley de 1375[1][2].

Notes et références

  1. Reinhard Strohm, Bonnie J. Blackburn Music as Concept and Practice in the Late Middle Ages 0198162057 2001 "The Berkeley Treatise is an anonymous five-part compilation of works on fundamentals and mode, discant, mensuration (this part a version of the Libellus cantus mensurabilis secundum Johannem de Muris), musica speculativa, and tuning... Its third part bears the date 1375 (and in a concordant manuscript an attribution to Goscalcus Francigena, possibly identical with the composer Goscalch known through one ballade in Chantilly, Musee Conde, MS 564). It is important for its exposition of the theory of hexachords built on notes other than C, F, and G..."
  2. Günther 2001.


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