

Kuthar était un État princier des Indes, dirigé par des souverains qui portaient le titre de "rana" et qui a subsisté jusqu'en 1948, date à laquelle il fut intégré à l'État d'Himachal-Pradesh. Kuthar fut occupé par le Népal de 1803 à 1815.

Entrance of palace of Kuthar Princely State,Himachal Prades,India

Liste des ranas de Kuthar

  • 1791-1803 Gopal-Singh (+1824)
  • 1815-1824 Gopal-Singh (rĂ©tabli)
  • 1824-1858 Bhup-Singh (+1858)
  • 1858-1895 Jay-Chand (1845-1895)
  • 1896-1930 Jagjit-Chand (1886-1930)
  • 1930-1948 Krishna-Singh (1905-1956)
  • A view 0f palace
    A view 0f palace
  • Wall painting ,Kuthar palace
    Wall painting ,Kuthar palace
  • Architect of and art work of palace of Kuthar
    Architect of and art work of palace of Kuthar
  • Architect of and art work of palace of Kuthar
    Architect of and art work of palace of Kuthar
  • Art work on enterence of palace of Kuthar
    Art work on enterence of palace of Kuthar
  • Art work on outer walls of palace of Kuthar
    Art work on outer walls of palace of Kuthar
  • Interior wall paintings on palace of Kuthar
    Interior wall paintings on palace of Kuthar
  • Interior art work on roof of Kuthar palace
    Interior art work on roof of Kuthar palace
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