John Thomas Flynn
John Thomas Flynn (né le et mort le ) était un journaliste américain. Bien que partisan de Franklin D. Roosevelt, il émit de vives critiques contre le New Deal.
John Thomas Flynn

John Thomas Flynn
Naissance | |
Décès |
(Ă 81 ans) |
Nationalité | |
Formation |
Georgetown University Law Center (en) |
Activités |
Il fut un anticommuniste fervent. Il fut une influence de Myron Coureval Fagan.
- God's Gold; the Story of Rockefeller and His Times (1932)
- Country Squire in the White House (1940)
- Men of Wealth; the Story of Twelve Significant Fortunes from the Renaissance to the Present Day (1941)
- The Truth About Pearl Harbor and the Final Secret of Pearl Harbor (1944)
- Meet Your Congress (1944)
- As We Go Marching (1944)
- The Epic of Freedom (1947)
- The Roosevelt Myth (1948/rev 1956)
- The Road Ahead; America's Creeping Revolution (1949)
- Communists and the New Deal: Part II (1952)
- While You Slept: Our Tragedy in Asia and Who Made It (1953)
- America's Unknown War: The War We Have Not Begun to Fight (1953)
- McCarthy: His War on American Reds, and the Story of Those Who Oppose Him (1954)
- Betrayal at Yalta (1955)
- The Decline of the American Republic and How to Rebuild It (1955)
- Militarism: The New Slavery for America (1955)
- Fifty Million Americans in Search of a Party (1955)
- The Lattimore Story (1953)
- Forgotten Lessons: Selected Essays of John T. Flynn (1996); posthumous essay collection
- Investment Trusts Gone Wrong! (Wall Street and the Security Markets)
- The Thought Police; an Episode in Radical Bigotry
Liens externes
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