Jack Halpern
Jack Halpern, né en Allemagne en , est un lexicographe spécialisé dans les kanjis, basé au Japon. Il est connu pour être le principal auteur du Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (en) et l’inventeur du système de classification de kanjis SKIP.
Jack Halpern

Naissance | |
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Activités |
Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary (d), classification SKIP des kanjis |
- Halpern, Jack (1978). 不思議な日本語、不思議な日本人 Fushigi na Nihongo, Fushigi na Nihonjin ‘The Inscrutable Japanese and Their Inscrutable Language’. Tokyo: Seiya Shoten.
- Halpern, Jack (1982). "Linguistic Analysis of the Function of Kanji in Modern Japanese". 27th International Conference of Orientalists in Tokyo.
- Halpern, Jack (1985). "Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Character Dictionary". Calico Journal.
- Halpern, Jack (1987). 漢字の再発見 Kanji no Saihakken ‘Rediscovering Chinese Characters’. Tokyo: Shodensha.
- Halpern, Jack (1990). 新漢英辞典 New Japanese-English Character Dictionary (Sixth Printing). Tokyo: Kenkyusha.
- Halpern, Jack (1990). "New Japanese-English Character Dictionary: A Semantic Approach to Kanji Lexicography". Euralex '90 Proceedings. Benalmádena (Málaga): Bibliograf: 157–166.
- Halpern, Jack; Nomura, Masaaki; Fukuda, Atsushi (1994). "Building a Comprehensive Chinese Character Database". Euralex '94 Proceedings. International Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam.
- Halpern, Jack (1998). "Building a Comprehensive Database for the Compilation of Integrated Kanji Dictionaries and Tools". 43rd International Conference of Orientalists in Tokyo.
- Halpern, Jack; Kerman, Jouni (1999). "The Pitfalls and Complexities of Chinese to Chinese Conversion". Fourteenth International unicode Conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Halpern, Jack (1998). "Building a Comprehensive Database for the Compilation of Integrated Kanji Dictionaries and Tools". 43rd International Conference of Orientalists in Tokyo.
- Halpern, Jack (2000). "The Challenges of Intelligent Japanese Searching". Tokyo.
- Halpern, Jack (December 2002). The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary. Tokyo: Kodansha International.
- Halpern, Jack (2002). "Lexicon-based Orthographic Disambiguation in CJK Intelligent Information Retrieval". COLING 2022.
- Halpern, Jack (2006). "The Contribution of Lexical Resources to Natural Language Processing of CJK Languages". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4274: 768–780.
- Halpern, Jack (2007). "The Challenges and Pitfalls of Arabic Romanization and Arabization". The Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages.
- Halpern, Jack (2009). "Lexicon-Driven Approach to the Recognition of Arabic Named Entities". 2nd International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools.
- Halpern, Jack (2011). "Pedagogical Lexicography Applied to Chinese and Japanese Learner's Dictionaries". ASIALEX 2011.
Notes et références
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Jack Halpern (linguist) » (voir la liste des auteurs).
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