I. William Zartman
Ira William Zartman est Professeur émérite à la Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) de l'Université Johns-Hopkins[1]. Il a dirigé auparavant l'école de gestion des conflits et des programmes d'études africaines et continue d'enseigner les questions africaines. Il est détenteur de la chaire Jacob Blaustein Organisations internationales et résolution des conflits[2]. M. Zartman parle couramment français.
I. William Zartman

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A travaillé pour |
- The Slippery Slope to Genocide: Reducing Identity Conflicts and Preventing Mass Murder avec Mark Anstey et Paul Meerts, Oxford Scholarship Online, (2012)
- Lions: Missed Opportunities to Prevent Deadly Conflict and State Collapse, Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
- With Terrorists, éditeur, Brill Academic Pub (2005)
- Versus Justice: Negotiating Forward - And Backward - Looking Outcomes," coédité avec Victor A. Kremenyuk, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2005)
- Rethinking the economics of war: the intersection of need, creed and greed, coéditeur avec Cynthia Arnson, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, (2005)
- Getting It Done: Post-Agreement Negotiation and International Regimes, coéditeur avec Bertram I. Spector, United States Institute of Peace Press (2003)
- A Strategic Vision for Africa: The Kampala Movement, coéditeur avec Francis M. Deng, The Brookings Institute, (2002)
- Negotiation: Avoiding Conflict Escalation, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, Inc. (2001)
- Preventive Negotiation: Avoiding Conflict Escalation,Rowman & Littlefield, (2001)
- Power and Negotiation, coéditeur avec Jeffrey Z. Rubin, the University of Michigan Press, (2000)
- in the Tunnel: Monetary Negotiations in the European Union in "International Economic Negotiation, avec Lynn Wagner; édité par Victor Kremenyuk and Gunnar Sjostedt (2000)
- International Multilateral Negotiations; Approaches to the Management of Complexity, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco (1999)
- International Negotiation: Actors, Structure/Process, Values, coéditeur avec Peter Berton et Hiroshi Kimurade, Palgrave Macmillan (1999)
- The Politics of Trade Negotiations Between Africa and the European Economic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong, Princeton University Press (1999)
- Cures for Modern Conflicts: African Conflict 'Medicine', Lynne Rienner Publishers (1999)
- as Conflict Management: Politics and Violence in West Africa, coédité avec Donald Rothchild et Tessy D. Bakary, Brookings Institution Press (1997)
- Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, coédité avec J. Lewis Rasmussen et Eileen Babbitt, United States Institute of Peace Press (1997)
- Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa," coéditeur avec Francis Mading Deng et Donald Rothchild, Brookings Institution Press (1996)
- Elusive Peace, negotiating an end to civil wars, The Brookings Institution (1995)
- Collapsed States, Lynne Rienner Publisher, (1995)
- Security: Reducing Third World Wars,coéditeur avec Victor A. Kremenyuk, Syracuse University Press (1995)
- Polity and society in contemporary North Africa, coéditeur avec William Mark Habeeb, Westview Press (1993)
- Europe and Africa: The New Phase, Lynne Rienner Publishers (1992)
- Political Islam avec Charles E. Butterworth, Sage Publications, London (1992)
- Conflict Resolution in Africa," coéditeur avec Francis Mading Deng, Brookings Institution Press (1991)
- Resolving regional conflicts: international perspectives, éditeur, Sage Publications (1991)
- Tunisia: The Political Economy of Reform, Lynne Rienner Publishers (1991)
- La résolution des conflits en Afrique, L'Harmattan, (1990)
- Beyond Coercion: The Durability of the Arab State, coéditeur avec George Mason et A.I. Dawisha, Routledge Kegan & Paul (1988)
- The Algerian Gas Negotiations, coéditeur avec Antonella Bassani, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University (1988)
- The Politics of Arab Integration, coéditeur avec Ghassan Salamah et Ghassan Salame, Routledge Kegan & Paul (1988)
- The Political Economy of Morocco, Praeger Publishers (1987)
- The Political economy of Cameroon, coéditeur avec Michael G. Schatzberg, Praeger Publishing (1986)
- Positive Sum: Improving North-South Negotiations," Transaction Publishers (1986)
- Ripe for Resolution: Conflict and Intervention in Africa," Oxford University Press (1985)
- The Oau After Twenty Years, coéditeur avec Yassin El-Ayouty, Praeger Publishers (1984)
- The Political economy of Ivory Coast," coéditeur avec Christopher L. Delgado, Praeger Publishers (1984)
- The Political economy of Nigeria, Praeger Publishing (1983)
- The Practical Negotiator", coéditeur avec Maureen R. Berman, Yale University Press (1983)
- Political Elites in Arab North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt," Longman (1982)
- Elites in the Middle East, Praeger Publishing (1980)
- The Negotiation Process: Theories and Applications, Sage Publications (1978)
- The 50% solution : how to bargain successfully with hijackers, strikers, bosses, oil magnates, Arabs, Russians, and other worthy opponents in this modern world," Anchor Press (1976)
- Man, state, and society in the contemporary Maghrib," Praeger Publishers (1973)
- The Politics of Trade Negotiations Between Africa and the European Economic Community: the Weak Confront the Strong," Princeton University Press (1971)
- Czechoslovakia Intervention and Impact," New York University Press (1970)
- International relations in the new Africa, Prentiss Hall (1966)
- Morocco: problems of new power," Atherton Press (1964)
- Government and politics in Northern Africa," Praeger Publishing (1963)
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- « sais-jhu.edu/faculty/directory… »(Archive.org • Wikiwix • Archive.is • Google • Que faire ?).
- (en) « Named Deanships, Directorships, and Professorships - Endowed professorships have a personal and lasting impact. », sur Named Deanships, Directorships, and Professorships (consulté le ).
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