Geoff Nicholson
Geoff Nicholson est un écrivain britannique né le à Sheffield.
Geoff Nicholson

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- Street Sleeper, 1987
- Comment j'ai raté mes vacances (What We Did On Our Holidays), 1990, éditions Robert Laffont
- The Errol Flynn Novel, 1993
- Everything and More, 1994
- Bleeding London, 1997
- Bedlam Burning, 2000
- The Hollywood Dodo, 2004
- Le fétichiste, 2011, éditions Robert Laffont
- Big Noises, 1991
- Sex Collectors, 2006
- The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, Philosophy, and Literature of Pedestrianism, 2008
Liens externes
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