Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi (GSV), né le , et mort le à Kanpur[1], est un journaliste indien, chef du Congrès national indien et un activiste indépendantiste.
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Naissance | |
Décès |
(Ă 40 ans) Kanpur |
Activité |
Parti politique |
- The Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial (GSVM) Medical College Kanpur is named in his remembrance.
- Ganesh Chowk, a square is named after him in the heart of the city of Gorakhpur
- Phool Bagh is also called as Ganesh Vidyarthi Udyan.
- The Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Inter College (GSVIC) GSV Inter College Kanpur is named in his remembrance.
- The Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi Inter College (GSV Inter College Hathgaon-Fatehpur)is named in his remembrance.
- Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi Smarak Inter College (GSVS Inter College Maharajganj, UP) is named after his remembrance.
- Jean-Marie Muller, « Gandhi l'insurgé », sur (consulté le ).
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