Elmer Berger
Elmer Berger né le et décédé le est un rabbin réformé antisioniste américain.
Elmer Berger

Naissance | |
Décès |
(à 88 ans) Sarasota |
Nationalité | |
Formation |
Université de Cincinnati Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (d) |
Activité |
A travaillé pour |
American Council for Judaism (en) |
Bibliographie (partielle)
- (en) Elmer Berger et Carl H Pforzheimer, The Jewish dilemma, New York, Devin-Adair Co., 257 p. (OCLC 1943198)
- (en) Elmer Berger (postface Paul Hutchinson), A partisan history of Judaism, New York, Devin-Adair Co., , 142 p. (OCLC 527875)
- (en) Elmer Berger, Lessing J Rosenwald et Clarence L Coleman, Who knows better must say so!, New York, American Council for Judaism, , 112 p. (OCLC 1300210)
- (en) Elmer Berger, Judaism or Jewish nationalism, the alternative to Zionism, New York, Bookman Associates, 207 p. (OCLC 408814)
- (en) Elmer Berger, Israel's threat to Judaism in Palestine : Zionism v. Judaism, Christianity, Islam., New York, American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism (OCLC 3983611)
- (en) Elmer Berger, Letters and non-letters : the White House, Zionism, and Israel, Beirut, The Institute for Palestine Studies, coll. « Silsilat al-dirāsāt (Muʼassasat al-Dirāsāt al-Filasṭīnīyah) » (no 31), (OCLC 737764).
- (en) Elmer Berger, Memoirs of an anti-Zionist Jew, Beirut, Institute for Palestine Studies, coll. « Silsilat al-dirāsāt (Muʼassasat al-Dirāsāt al-Filasṭīnīyah) » (no 48), , 159 p. (OCLC 4264998)
- (en) Deane A. Tack, Thorns of resistance, Grants Pass, Or, Destra Publishers, , 294 p. (ISBN 0-9635982-0-1 et 978-0-9635-9820-2, OCLC 31026023)
- (en) Elmer Berger, Peace for Palestine : first lost opportunity, Gainesville, Fla, University Press of Florida, , 287 p. (ISBN 0-8130-1207-4 et 9780813019062, OCLC 44954554)
- American Council for Judaism
- A Tribute to Rabbi Elmer Berger, a short biography
- A Jewish Thinker in the Tradition of Humanistic Universalism by Dr Naseer Aruri January/February 1997, pgs. 24, 84 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
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