Denis Boyles
Denis Boyles est un écrivain américain. Il est l'auteur de nombreux essais et contribue au magazine National Review.
Denis Boyles

Naissance | |
Nationalité | |
Formation |
Université Johns-Hopkins Garden Grove High School (en) |
Activités |
- Design Poetics (1975)
- The Modern Man's Guide to Life (1986)
- African Lives (1989)
- Man Eaters Motel and Other Stops on the Railway to Nowhere (1991)
- The Modern Man's Guide to Modern Women (1993)
- A Man's Life: The Complete Instructions (1996)
- The Lost Lore of a Man's Life : Lots of Cool Stuff Guys Used to Know but Forgot About the Great Outdoors (1997)
- Vile France: Fear, Duplicity, Cowardice and Cheese (2005)
- Superior, Nebraska : The Common-Sense Value of America's Heartland (2008)
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