
Compassion & Choices

Compassion & Choices est une organisation à but non lucratif aux États-Unis qui travaille à améliorer l'autonomie des patients et le choix individuel en fin de vie, y compris l'accès à l'aide médicale à mourir. Sa fonction principale est de défendre et d'assurer l'accès à l'aide à la mort[1].

Compassion & Choices
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Le lauréat du prix du grand jury du Sundance Film Festival 2011, How to Die in Oregon[2], a documenté le travail de Compassion & Choices of Oregon[3].

Voir aussi


  1. Ziegler et Bosshard, « Role of non-governmental organisations in physician assisted suicide », British Medical Journal, vol. 334, no 7588,‎ , p. 295–8 (PMID 17289733, PMCID 1796670, DOI 10.1136/
  2. Susan Donaldson James, « Philly Nurse Exonerated in Assisted Death of Her Terminally Ill Father », ABC News,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  3. Brook Barnes, « Unflinching End-of-Life Moments », New York Times,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )


  • George Howe Colt, The Enigma of Suicide, New York, Summit Books, (ISBN 0671509969)
  • Richard N CĂ´tĂ©, In search of gentle death : the fight for your right to die with dignity, Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Corinthian Books, (ISBN 978-1-929175-36-9)
  • Donald W. Cox, Hemlock's Cup: The Struggle for Death With Dignity, Prometheus Books, , First Ă©d. (ISBN 978-0879758080)
  • Ian Dowbiggin, A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement in America, Oxford England; New York, New York, Oxford University Press, (ISBN 9780198035152)
  • Peter G. Filene, In The Arms of Others: A Cultural History of the Right-to-Die in America, Chicago, Illinois, Ivan R. Dee, (ISBN 1-56663-188-2), p. 196
  • Henry R. Glick, The Right to Die: Policy Innovation and Its Consequences, New York, Columbia University Press, (ISBN 0-231-07638-X, lire en ligne)
  • Daniel Hillyard et John Dombrink, Dying Right: The Death With Dignity Movement, New York, NY, Routledge, (ISBN 978-0415927987)
  • Farewell to Hemlock: Killed by its name, an essay by Derek Humphry 21 February 2005
  • Derek Humphry, Good Life, Good Death - Memoir of a writer who became a euthanasia advocate, Junction City, Oregon, Norris Lane Press, (ISBN 9780976828334)
  • Constance E. Putnam, Hospice or Hemlock? Searching for Heroic Compassion, Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, (ISBN 0897899210, lire en ligne)
  • Sidney, MD Wanzer et Joseph, MD Glenmullen, To Die Well. Your Right to Comfort, Calm and Choices in the Last Days of Your Life, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lifelong Books/Da Capo Press, Merloyd Lawrence Books, (ISBN 978-0-7382-1083-4, lire en ligne)

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