
Coming Home (album de Faye Wong)

Coming Home, sorti le , est le quatri猫me album de Faye Wong. Ce quatri猫me album est sorti chez le label Cinepoly.

Coming Home
Album de Faye Wong
Enregistr茅 Hong Kong
Genre C-pop
Label Cinepoly

Albums de Faye Wong


  1. Romantic Storm (娴极棰ㄦ毚)
  2. Miss You Night and Day
  3. Fragile Woman (瀹规槗鍙楀偡鐨勫コ浜?
  4. Blind Date (涓嶇浉璀樼殑绱勬渻)
  5. Put the Key In the MailBox (鎶婇懓鍖欐姇閫蹭俊绠?
  6. These鈥hose鈥?(閫欎簺鈥﹂偅浜涒?)
  7. Happy Tears (闁嬪績鐪兼窔)
  8. Rekindle (閲嶇噧)
  9. Round and Round (鍏滃厹杞?
  10. Kisses In the Wind
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