
21st Century

21st Century est le 9e album du groupe Blue System sorti le .

21st Century

Albums de Blue System


1. 6 Years 6 Nights
2. That's Love


  1. Welcome To The 21st Century - 1:02
  2. 6 Years 6 Nights - 3:45
  3. Venice In The Rain - 4:32
  4. If I Will Rule The World - 3:41
  5. Sacrifice - 4:49
  6. When Bogart Talks To You - 3:44
  7. That's Love - 3:32
  8. Lady Unforgettable - 4:16
  9. This Old Town - 3:26
  10. 21st Century - 3:09
  11. Sister Cool - 3:21
  12. See You In The 22nd Century - 1:05

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